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The Super-Rich And Everyone Else

For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more - Luke 12:48

It is very true, that economic inequality is growing at an alarming rate and that the super-rich or the top-1%, can do much more to spread the wealth, but is the middle class and the working poor doing enough to also spread the wealth?
There is always someone poorer or needier than the official poor or needy. It is always easy and convenient to point out what others should do or are not doing, but rarely do human beings examine themselves, what they are not doing or should be doing.
And in this case, it is comfortable for the middle class and working poor to attack or demonize the super-rich, but is the middle class and the working poor doing it's fair share?

He who is faithful in what is least, is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least, is unjust also in much - Luke 16:10

If the middle class and the working poor are not doing their fair share, with what they have, in spreading the wealth, why should anyone expect them to behave differently if they were at the top, and are their attacks on the super-rich credible or honest?

There are millions of middle class and working poor people, who can easily afford to spare a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, and yet so many homeless people and other poorer people, suffer unnecessary economic hardship?

(1) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more to one homeless person, once a week?

(2) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, to one poorer person, who rummages through filthy trash, searching for 5 cent soda cans and plastic bottles, once a week?

(3) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, dropped a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, in the tips cup, by the cash register, in the coffee shop, deli, pizzeria or eatery?

(4) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a dollar once a year to their local soup kitchen or food bank?

(5) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, gave a few dollars tip, once in a while, to the overworked and underpaid, home care workers/others, who do hard and unpleasant work, taking care of our sick and old loved ones?

(6) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, left a few dollars tip, on their bed, for the poorly paid, housekeepers/cleaners, each time they checked out of hotels, motels or inns?

(7) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, purposely patronized a full service gas stations and car wash places, just so they can modestly tip the poor attendants?

(8) What if ...................?

May God bless us all, as we reach out to others, with whatever we have.


If you are so damned worried about it, YOU do something. I wish people who decide they have to make an issue out of this do something about it themselves instead of trying to guilt trip everybody else into doing what they are called to do.

Do something about it yourself, set an example.
I post the following as a REMINDER to my chums who imagine that they are leftists or something.

The 1% are NOT the enemy. The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy

The leaders of OWS who turned the above into the mantra of OWS need to have their idiotic asses kicked for doing the SAME THIOUGHT CRIME to innocent wealthy people that the RIGHT WINGING MORONS do to poor people

Grow the fuck up, my leftist chums.

Who said the 1% are the enemy? Did you read the original post on this thread? There is nothing in the original post that says the 1% are the enemy. Both the 1% , middle class and working poor need one another as allies in creating a better and more humane society. Neither group can afford to do without the others.
Please read the original post in any thread, before raving and ranting!

The 25 million dying yearly from starvation and lack of medical things would feel a little differently than you do.
Fuck the poor. They never gave me anything, in fact no one ever gave me anything. I got it all myself. I was poor once and I got out of it without anyones help. They can too.


you didn't go to public school?

drive on public roads?

your parents never got social security or medicare/Medicaid?

okie dokie....

Only a liberal would be so logic impaired as to believe that nonsense. No one gave any of that to me. My parents paid taxes for it, and I'm paying taxes for that now. I mean, if I was to believe that nonsense then since the poor are also attending public schools, and driving on public roads then they should be successful like me.

Like I said, no one gave me anything and I made it all on my own.
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Most charities = huge paycheck for owner and his family and friends--15% to needy.
Billions have been stolen from donations from the last 3 disasters.
Jesus said---give it to your brother in need---not to charities.
Anywhere big $ is---big corruption is as well.

the top 80 richest have more than the bottom 3 1/2 billion--- this is heartdead sick.
No bigger dollars exist than the US government.

Heed your own words.
I post the following as a REMINDER to my chums who imagine that they are leftists or something.

The 1% are NOT the enemy. The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy

The leaders of OWS who turned the above into the mantra of OWS need to have their idiotic asses kicked for doing the SAME THIOUGHT CRIME to innocent wealthy people that the RIGHT WINGING MORONS do to poor people

Grow the fuck up, my leftist chums.

For a rich man to enter Gods kingdom would be like putting a camel through the eye of a needle.( God didn't even say this about murderers or paedophiles--just richmen.)

The Bible is one of the most misquoted and abused books throughout human history. Everyone assumes they know what it really says and what it does not say, even though everyone has never studied, analyzed and examined it carefully.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24

Jesus never said, that the rich people cannot enter heaven, He said, it was not easy, but not impossible, because of the distractions and seductiveness of wealth.

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, whom God called the Father of faith, was very rich, but his vast wealth never prevented him from serving God faithfully and eventually he went to heaven. Abraham had heaven on earth and went to heaven when he died?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus..... - Matthew 27:57-58

Some of the disciples of Jesus were rich people and one of them buried Jesus, and paid for the related expenses?
There are many examples in the Bible of rich people, who served God faithfully and made it to heaven.
For more, please see the link below:

I post the following as a REMINDER to my chums who imagine that they are leftists or something.

The 1% are NOT the enemy. The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy

The leaders of OWS who turned the above into the mantra of OWS need to have their idiotic asses kicked for doing the SAME THIOUGHT CRIME to innocent wealthy people that the RIGHT WINGING MORONS do to poor people

Grow the fuck up, my leftist chums.

For a rich man to enter Gods kingdom would be like putting a camel through the eye of a needle.( God didn't even say this about murderers or paedophiles--just richmen.)

The Bible is one of the most misquoted and abused books throughout human history. Everyone assumes they know what it really says and what it does not say, even though everyone has never studied, analyzed and examined it carefully.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24

Jesus never said, that the rich people cannot enter heaven, He said, it was not easy, but not impossible, because of the distractions and seductiveness of wealth.

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, whom God called the Father of faith, was very rich, but his vast wealth never prevented him from serving God faithfully and eventually he went to heaven. Abraham had heaven on earth and went to heaven when he died?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus..... - Matthew 27:57-58

Some of the disciples of Jesus were rich people and one of them buried Jesus, and paid for the related expenses?
There are many examples in the Bible of rich people, who served God faithfully and made it to heaven.
For more, please see the link below:


Jesus did teach the rich men the way into Gods kingdom---- sell all you have and give it to your poor brothers.
For a rich man to enter Gods kingdom would be like putting a camel through the eye of a needle.( God didn't even say this about murderers or paedophiles--just richmen.)

The Bible is one of the most misquoted and abused books throughout human history. Everyone assumes they know what it really says and what it does not say, even though everyone has never studied, analyzed and examined it carefully.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24

Jesus never said, that the rich people cannot enter heaven, He said, it was not easy, but not impossible, because of the distractions and seductiveness of wealth.

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, whom God called the Father of faith, was very rich, but his vast wealth never prevented him from serving God faithfully and eventually he went to heaven. Abraham had heaven on earth and went to heaven when he died?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus..... - Matthew 27:57-58

Some of the disciples of Jesus were rich people and one of them buried Jesus, and paid for the related expenses?
There are many examples in the Bible of rich people, who served God faithfully and made it to heaven.
For more, please see the link below:


Jesus did teach the rich men the way into Gods kingdom---- sell all you have and give it to your poor brothers.

Jesus said to him, 'If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, .... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the rich young man, to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told him to sell everything and give everything to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street, with his family and beg other people to give him something?
And Jesus never specified how much the man should sell and give to the poor? Can you imagine all the rich people selling everything they have, so they can give it all to the poor, shut down all the stores, businesses and industries, and stop providing goods and services?
If everyone gave away everything, who will provide goods and services, and who will hire who?

Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be put into your bosom - Luke 6:38

Jesus was teaching the rich young man a spiritual and natural law.

And Jesus replied, 'No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, fields (property) for Me (Jesus) and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

No one loses by sincerely following Jesus. If the rich young man had sold some of his property and given to the poor, he would have gained much more than he had before. Jesus wanted to teach him a Biblical principle.
Whether you recognize it or not, we have institutionalized "charity," and every taxpayer contributes to feeding and housing the poor, sheltering the homeless, paying the unemployed, and treating the injured and diseased. The super-rich (depending on how you define that) are generally paying a King's Ransom in federal, state, and local taxes every year, which - like it or not - pays for the bulk of the Social Safety Net. We've all seen the numbers, the top 10% pay more than half of all the personal income taxes that are paid to the various levels of government. High earners in New York, New Jersey, California, and some other states are paying more than half their gross incomes in taxes, much of which funds what would historically be considered "charity."

But charity starts at home. We are all obliged to help our immediate family members, relatives, friends, fellow-church members, and those in our immediate community through food banks, clothing drives, and whatnot.

The people who remain in a wretched state can fairly be said to have "fallen between the cracks" of the extremely-costly social safety net. Handing them cash is problematic. Often the people begging on the streets are scammers. Many homeless people are in that condition because of mental problems or substance abuse, and giving them cash solves nothing.

For someone who wants to go beyond what is compulsory, the best course is donating time, goods, and money to known, local churches and charitable institutions, where you can personally confirm that the donations are being given to those most in need and are not wasted.

Interesting points and I understand where you are coming from, but why should you worry or care, if someone is a scammer or a genuine person in dire need, when you are only giving them a nickel, a dime or a quarter?
And how can you tell who is a scammer or a person with legitimate needs? True, there are always opportunists in every group of people, but why should the rest suffer because of a few rotten apples among them, when it is only costing the giver a nickel or a dime?
Charities do a lot of good work, but no amount of charities will ever reach everyone in need and when they are in need and where they are in need?
What if you lost a nickel to a scammer? Would that adversely affect your life or anybody's life?

It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Lemme guess ...

right wing christian, right?

The Bible is one of the most misquoted and abused books throughout human history. Everyone assumes they know what it really says and what it does not say, even though everyone has never studied, analyzed and examined it carefully.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24

Jesus never said, that the rich people cannot enter heaven, He said, it was not easy, but not impossible, because of the distractions and seductiveness of wealth.

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, whom God called the Father of faith, was very rich, but his vast wealth never prevented him from serving God faithfully and eventually he went to heaven. Abraham had heaven on earth and went to heaven when he died?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus..... - Matthew 27:57-58

Some of the disciples of Jesus were rich people and one of them buried Jesus, and paid for the related expenses?
There are many examples in the Bible of rich people, who served God faithfully and made it to heaven.
For more, please see the link below:


Jesus did teach the rich men the way into Gods kingdom---- sell all you have and give it to your poor brothers.

Jesus said to him, 'If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, .... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the rich young man, to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told him to sell everything and give everything to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street, with his family and beg other people to give him something?
And Jesus never specified how much the man should sell and give to the poor? Can you imagine all the rich people selling everything they have, so they can give it all to the poor, shut down all the stores, businesses and industries, and stop providing goods and services?
If everyone gave away everything, who will provide goods and services, and who will hire who?

Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be put into your bosom - Luke 6:38

Jesus was teaching the rich young man a spiritual and natural law.

And Jesus replied, 'No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, fields (property) for Me (Jesus) and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

No one loses by sincerely following Jesus. If the rich young man had sold some of his property and given to the poor, he would have gained much more than he had before. Jesus wanted to teach him a Biblical principle.

Yes Jesus was showing him the kind of love it takes to be his follower.
Jesus did teach the rich men the way into Gods kingdom---- sell all you have and give it to your poor brothers.

Jesus said to him, 'If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, .... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the rich young man, to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told him to sell everything and give everything to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street, with his family and beg other people to give him something?
And Jesus never specified how much the man should sell and give to the poor? Can you imagine all the rich people selling everything they have, so they can give it all to the poor, shut down all the stores, businesses and industries, and stop providing goods and services?
If everyone gave away everything, who will provide goods and services, and who will hire who?

Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be put into your bosom - Luke 6:38

Jesus was teaching the rich young man a spiritual and natural law.

And Jesus replied, 'No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, fields (property) for Me (Jesus) and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

No one loses by sincerely following Jesus. If the rich young man had sold some of his property and given to the poor, he would have gained much more than he had before. Jesus wanted to teach him a Biblical principle.

Yes Jesus was showing him the kind of love it takes to be his follower.

Finally, after several exchanges, it appears we have arrived at an agreement. So, until next time, stay blessed.
Interesting points and I understand where you are coming from, but why should you worry or care, if someone is a scammer or a genuine person in dire need, when you are only giving them a nickel, a dime or a quarter?
And how can you tell who is a scammer or a person with legitimate needs? True, there are always opportunists in every group of people, but why should the rest suffer because of a few rotten apples among them, when it is only costing the giver a nickel or a dime?
Charities do a lot of good work, but no amount of charities will ever reach everyone in need and when they are in need and where they are in need?
What if you lost a nickel to a scammer? Would that adversely affect your life or anybody's life?

It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Lemme guess ...

right wing christian, right?


The truth does not have sides. The truth is not about democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, left or right.
No side has a monopoly on the truth. Sometimes the truth comes from the left and other times it comes from the right.
Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of who says it or who it favors or hurts.

What message are you trying to convey, with the movie clip and what is the relationship of your post to this thread?

looks like you're one of those people who has no sense of humor....

I am still clueless as to what your movie clip meant? Can you elaborate further or break it down for 'sense of humorless people' like me, so we can appreciate or share your sophisticated sense of humor?

Happy Lyrics
"Happy" was written by Arends, Carolyn Bernice.

Do I annoy you with my optimism?
Am I an insult to your realism?
I got hope and just a little bit of passion

And I know both those things have gone right out of fashion
So call me a rebel, you can call me a fool
I won't give up the fight, I just refuse

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

Does it offend you that I've made that decision?
Does it betray your sense of fatalism?
Please forgive me but I don't believe it's treason

For me to live my life like it's mine for a reason
So call me Pollyanna, you can call me a child
But I will not lie down, that's not my style

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

Do I annoy you with my stubborn insistence?
That love can save us and I've seen its existence
I got Jesus and a little bit of passion

And I know both those things have gone right out of fashion
So you can call me crazy 'cause here's what
I'm gonna do, I'm gonna dare to pray the same for you

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy
Yeah, I will dare to be happy

Read more: Carolyn Arends - Happy Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Carolyn Arends - Happy Lyrics | MetroLyrics
What message are you trying to convey, with the movie clip and what is the relationship of your post to this thread?

looks like you're one of those people who has no sense of humor....

I am still clueless as to what your movie clip meant? Can you elaborate further or break it down for 'sense of humorless people' like me, so we can appreciate or share your sophisticated sense of humor?

See my response above.
I post the following as a REMINDER to my chums who imagine that they are leftists or something.

The 1% are NOT the enemy. The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy.The 1% are NOT the enemy

The leaders of OWS who turned the above into the mantra of OWS need to have their idiotic asses kicked for doing the SAME THIOUGHT CRIME to innocent wealthy people that the RIGHT WINGING MORONS do to poor people

Grow the fuck up, my leftist chums.

Yes, we are!!!
What message are you trying to convey, with the movie clip and what is the relationship of your post to this thread?

looks like you're one of those people who has no sense of humor....

I am still clueless as to what your movie clip meant? Can you elaborate further or break it down for 'sense of humorless people' like me, so we can appreciate or share your sophisticated sense of humor?
nope, like all humor you either get it or you don't.

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