The suppressed news story that elected Biden

Wow... Okay so you think that these ninja democratic operatives who were cunning enough to pull off this heist in 9 states and remain completely undetected were not aware enough to give Joe Biden a working majority in the House at the same time--as well as the Senate? Not to mention the 9 state legislatures as well?
That we gained seats in the house is proof we should have gained the presidency. We had fraud in that part that so called elected Biden.
Biden sat at home on his ass watching TV knowing the fix was in.
Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has accelerated its investigation of the Biden family’s domestic and international business practices to determine whether the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors, President Biden is compromised, and our national security is threatened. Records obtained through the Committee’s subpoenas to date reveal that the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.


Just like Jared's dealing with the Saudi Autocrats is legal.

Now, if you don't like that, change the law that allows American companies to do business with foreign entities.
Help me out. We are again comparing apples and oranges. The Republican Candidate appears to have committed multiple crimes. The Republicans nominated the fellow despite this knowledge. By comparison they scream the Democrats Son is a crook.

Ok. Fine. We won’t nominate Hunter for any elected office.

So far nobody has identified a single 'crime' committed by President Trump that any other citizen has ever been charged for.
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is why we have politicians like Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, etc…

Joe you’re so predictable, keep making my point

How is Donald TRump different.

Jared collected close to 3 Billion from various Gulf oil states... and there's a much better argument to be made that influence was peddled there, because he was working in the White House (even though he couldn't get a security clearance) at the time
No, I disagree with you. Absent severe penalties for their outrageous criminal behavior the country is doomed. Historically we are at the point where all Republics fail. The only question is what comes after. If the leftists get their way we will be a police state.

That's what you are facing.

There is no negotiating with these leftists. They ARE fascists, that's their goal for this country. So, you either indict them, and try them in a court, and then incarcerate. Or you will be forced to fight for your life when they go full force.
I think you and her are on the same page with tiny modifications. We are doomed to become a police state so long as Democrats are elected. If we refuse to stop that plague, nobody will be around to stop them.

But a laptop containing strong evidence of probable bribes, influence peddling and other compromising information regarding the President's son and the Vice President of the United States could very much affect all citizens of the USA and should never have been suppressed to help that Vice President become President or prevent the incumbent from being elected. Most especially when a business partner of the son corroborated information that was on that laptop. Such suppression also is the hallmark of a totalitarian state.
Make no mistake about it -- We all know what scum elected dimocrap politicians are but few are willing to point to the obvious truth -- So are the people that vote them into Office.

In today's world of "News" 24-7-365, it is impossible for the people who vote for them to NOT know who and what they're voting for.

They know, they just don't care. They can rationalize their scumbaggery by telling themselves that their singe-interest -- Abortion, Transvestite rights, gay rights, blacks rights -- WHATEVER! They can tell themselves and even convince themselves that, that one single thing that affects them is more important than anything else. Including the Country.

But thinking people know the truth.... They're scumbags. Period. ALL of them. Every last one of them.

Alvin Bragg didn't ride into town on top of a Panzer. Neither did Fellatio Fani Willis. They got voted in. And the people that voted them into Office knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

It isn't Joe Biden, it isn't Willis or Bragg or the Kaliphornication D.A.'s -- It's the scumbags that vote them into Office.

Fucking period.

And until people realize it, we are doomed.
How is Donald TRump different.

Jared collected close to 3 Billion from various Gulf oil states... and there's a much better argument to be made that influence was peddled there, because he was working in the White House (even though he couldn't get a security clearance) at the time
He did not. Even reports that do not cite a person allege the report was 2 Billion.
Funny how Biden is real tight with the Saudis after saying he would go after them.

Kushner remarks below on this issue:

He said the sovereign wealth fund, which has significant stakes in companies such as Uber, Nintendo and Microsoft, is one of the most prestigious investors in the world.
He also defended Prince Mohammed when asked if he believed U.S. intelligence reports that the prince approved the 2018 killing of Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist. The prince has denied any involvement.
"Are we really still doing this?" Kushner at first said when he was asked if he believed the conclusions from U.S. intelligence.
Kushner said he had not seen the intelligence report released in 2021 that concluded the crown prince likely approved Khashoggi's killing inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

"I know the person who I dealt with. I think he's a visionary leader. I think what he's done in that region is transformational," Kushner said.
He stood by the Trump administration's policies and called it "one of the greatest compliments" that President Biden backed away from his initial stance to shun Saudis for human rights violations to instead work with the crown prince on issues like oil production and security in the region.
"I understand why people, you know, are upset about that," Kushner said of Khashoggi's killing. "I think that what happened there was absolutely horrific. But again, our job was to represent America, and to try to push forward things in America."
Kushner also said he's not interested in rejoining the White House if Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, saying he was focused on his investment business and his living with his family in Florida, out of the public eye.

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First published on February 14, 2024 / 6:19 AM EST
© 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

More from CBS News​

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Trump proposes at Nevada rally ending taxes on tips​

No, I disagree with you. Absent severe penalties for their outrageous criminal behavior the country is doomed. Historically we are at the point where all Republics fail. The only question is what comes after. If the leftists get their way we will be a police state.

That's what you are facing.

There is no negotiating with these leftists. They ARE fascists, that's their goal for this country. So, you either indict them, and try them in a court, and then incarcerate. Or you will be forced to fight for your life when they go full force.
There was a reason we bombed Dresden. And Tokyo.

Not to win a War so much as to let the people of those two shithead countries know -- Don't do it again. Don't even think about it.

It isn't Biden, it isn't Bragg or Willis or any of the elected dimocrap scum -- It's the people that back them, the people that vote for them. They KNOW who they're getting when they put those scumbags in Office.

As long as you have scumbags in the electorate, you'll have people like Joe Biden and Alvin Bragg and Fat Fani Willis and all the rest.

Think....... Third Punic War.

Just like Jared's dealing with the Saudi Autocrats is legal.

Now, if you don't like that, change the law that allows American companies to do business with foreign entities.
Jared did his deal after leaving office. Jared was not elected to any position. Bidens keep denying they did deals with China. Jared has honestly said he did with the Saudi firm.
Trump lost, but continue with the mental gymnastics explaining how he could have, should have won.
Trump lost, but continue with the mental gymnastics explaining how he could have, should have won.

HE was winning when the Election Night ended by millions of votes in those six states that they turned D with bogus votes in the night and into the next week. Up to two weeks of BS went on in states like NC. You know all of this. Obiden won the count, not the real vote. 147K main-in ballots in Fulton accepted w/o sig review. 300K missing scans in GA....on and on and on. SMOKE.

The suppressed news story that elected Biden​

What a coincidence that you should start this thread following Trump's conviction for what is tantamount to election interference by suppressing the story about his adulterous, sexual affair. I see you.
For 4 years we were pestered by Democrats who swore to god that Trump and Putin were pals. And even when the investigation proved that is wrong, the Democrats never quit making claims that are nuts.
Nice deflection with your "WTF does that matter" shield!
No, I disagree with you. Absent severe penalties for their outrageous criminal behavior the country is doomed. Historically we are at the point where all Republics fail. The only question is what comes after. If the leftists get their way we will be a police state.

That's what you are facing.

There is no negotiating with these leftists. They ARE fascists, that's their goal for this country. So, you either indict them, and try them in a court, and then incarcerate. Or you will be forced to fight for your life when they go full force.
Agreed they must be held accountable that includes the media, the uniparty
There were no emails on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop Hard Drive of Rudy's that incriminated Joe Biden. The story was not suppressed as the NY Post never took it down, and all the Rabid Right Parrot sites were able to linked to it.
Keep lying, maybe you'll convince yourself.
You misspelled “Puppet”

It was rigged and you know it was, unless you’re one of the blind sheep :dunno:

The laptop is real, the firing of Shokin is real, Hunter on the Board of Burisma is real, Biden influence peddling is real, Joe’s 50+ year career as a worthless politician is real, the list is never ending…
You misspelled “Puppet”
Candy needs to go back to elementary school and learn to spell LOL. She's pretty terrible. She could use a course in Civics as well and study up on the Soviet Union. Her ignorance is quite Unbecoming.
That appears to be impossible

You’re confusing apples and oranges with facts and fiction, President Trump actually accomplished something with his career and his Presidency, Joe, he’s a worthless piece of crap, career politicians are the problem

Again you’re confused, 91 indictments is clear evidence of weaponizing our justice system to silence your political opponents. Obviously you’re too blind to see this

Evidence clearly points out the whole family has benefited from criminal activities, but according to you that’s normal for a career politician

No. The problem is the Republicans have nominated the one person worse than Joe Biden. Polling showed it during the primaries. Pretty much every Republican except Trump beat Biden in a match up. Even ones nobody had heard about. So which do you go with? The one who at best managed a statistical tie. The one who is busy campaigning against himself.

I don’t like Biden. I didn’t vote for him in 2020. I did vote for Trump in 2016. I won’t vote for Trump again.

91 indictments. 91. The claims from the radical right are actually funny. Weaponized the justice system. The system is skewed to the advantage of the defense. I’ve covered successful defenses many times. I’m not going to waste my time again with someone who certainly won’t read or even consider the alternative.

Take the first indictment. Did Trump have the documents? Was he supposed to? So what was supposed to happen? The FBI requested the documents with a phone call, then a letter, and then a subpoena, and each time they were told the documents didn’t exist.

Trump could have turned them over at the phone call and nothing would have happened. He might have had to offer an apology when the letter showed up and he complied. Instead he hid them when the subpoena showed up and lied to the court. Now it has escalated and whose fault is it? The Government who wanted their secret files back? Or the jackass who wanted to keep them?

Every charge follows that pattern. Trump just not doing what he is supposed to. Just don’t break the laws. Simple. You would think.

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