The suppressed news story that elected Biden

This is its promotional page. This is directly backed by the Saudi Government. Trump was very friendly to Saudi-Arabia. Trump suggests 'rogue killers' possibly involved with Khashoggi, says Saudi King denies involvement
And now he's doing business with them. Who's to say this isn't a reward for his friendliness?

How do you know this is true?

Just because you don't accept it doesn't mean it might not be true right. It's the same logic. I'm not trying to serve up a whataboutism. What I am trying to do is show how many assumptions you're making in the Biden case, by pointing out that you would NEVER apply this reasoning for Trump.

In my opinion this has an actual possible quid quo pro identified. If you're willing to make assumptions.

Feel free to site what quid quo pro (government action) you identify in the Biden case personally helpful to Hunters very much private Chinese business partner.
Google Image Result for
So far nobody has identified a single 'crime' committed by President Trump that any other citizen has ever been charged for.

You say that. But people have been charged before and convicted.

A Gangster Rapper is on trial in Georgia for RICO. The crime that Trump is accused of.

Shall we continue? Unauthorized possession of classified material?

Even FBI agents are charged when they break that law. Charged and convicted.

I k kw the propaganda says that nobody was ever charged or convicted of this stuff before. But why aren’t you going to Google to find the truth? Why accept it at face value? Independent thought requires information from many sources to determine the truth. It doesn’t mean just rejecting sources you don’t like and refusing to believe anything they say.
No, I disagree with you. Absent severe penalties for their outrageous criminal behavior the country is doomed. Historically we are at the point where all Republics fail. The only question is what comes after. If the leftists get their way we will be a police state.

That's what you are facing.

There is no negotiating with these leftists. They ARE fascists, that's their goal for this country. So, you either indict them, and try them in a court, and then incarcerate. Or you will be forced to fight for your life when they go full force.
Remember. Because we were not paying attention, the left has taken control of government, education, entertainment, big business, scientific institutions, the huge majority of the media, even many religious organizations. That means THEY control the message for the majority of Americans.
You say that. But people have been charged before and convicted.

A Gangster Rapper is on trial in Georgia for RICO. The crime that Trump is accused of.

Shall we continue? Unauthorized possession of classified material?

Even FBI agents are charged when they break that law. Charged and convicted.

I k kw the propaganda says that nobody was ever charged or convicted of this stuff before. But why aren’t you going to Google to find the truth? Why accept it at face value? Independent thought requires information from many sources to determine the truth. It doesn’t mean just rejecting sources you don’t like and refusing to believe anything they say.
I have googled it, looked up the law, and listened to many many legal experts. I stand by my post. Nobody was ever prosecuted via RICO or in any other way for what Trump has been prosecuted for even though countless politicians and others have committed the so-called crimes Trump allegedly committed.

His prosecutions in every single court case I am 100% certain Biden's DOJ is behind, aiding and abetting, and every single one of them is to take out a political opponent.

Every honorable American should object to that, condemn it, demand it stop.

Your choice whether you want to be honorable or continue to dutifully parrot the assigned talking points.
Remember. Because we were not paying attention, the left has taken control of government, education, entertainment, big business, scientific institutions, the huge majority of the media, even many religious organizations. That means THEY control the message for the majority of Americans.

I have googled it, looked up the law, and listened to many many legal experts. I stand by my post. Nobody was ever prosecuted via RICO or in any other way for what Trump has been prosecuted for even though countless politicians and others have committed the so-called crimes Trump allegedly committed.

His prosecutions in every single court case I am 100% certain Biden's DOJ is behind, aiding and abetting, and every single one of them is to take out a political opponent.

Every honorable American should object to that, condemn it, demand it stop.

Your choice whether you want to be honorable or continue to dutifully parrot the assigned talking points.

“Countless other politicians” have paid hush money to a porn star to try to change the outcome of an election?

Lets pretend for a moment you have a brain....

You should try to use it once in a while.
“Countless other politicians” have paid hush money to a porn star to try to change the outcome of an election?

Lets pretend for a moment you have a brain....

You should try to use it once in a while.
Let's pretend your IQ is above single digits. There was a slush fund in DC for Congresspeople to pay off sexual partners. Until it got shown to the public.
Remember. Because we were not paying attention, the left has taken control of government, education, entertainment, big business, scientific institutions, the huge majority of the media, even many religious organizations. That means THEY control the message for the majority of Americans.

I have googled it, looked up the law, and listened to many many legal experts. I stand by my post. Nobody was ever prosecuted via RICO or in any other way for what Trump has been prosecuted for even though countless politicians and others have committed the so-called crimes Trump allegedly committed.

His prosecutions in every single court case I am 100% certain Biden's DOJ is behind, aiding and abetting, and every single one of them is to take out a political opponent.

Every honorable American should object to that, condemn it, demand it stop.

Your choice whether you want to be honorable or continue to dutifully parrot the assigned talking points.

That is where you are mistaken. Nobody ever did what Trump has. Let’s start with fake electors. The Fanboys claim Nixon and Kennedy did it in 1960, in Hawaii. Nope. They both named their electors in case they won. They didn’t create documents purporting to be from the legislature naming the individuals.

Those are fake documents. The technical term is forgeries. Creating and possession of forged documents is a crime. It has been for centuries.

We created laws in the 1960’s in Georgia. Laws that were intended to put an end to what was called the Good Old Boys networks. Where friends of the Sheriff could do anything and avoid punishment.

In the 1980’s Conservatives in Georgia put those anti corruption laws under RICO copying the Reagan era attacks on Criminal Organizations.

Zell Miller pushed those laws hard. You may remember him. In 2004 he was a Democrat who spoke at the Republican Convention in support of W.

Nobody was prosecuted by those laws regarding elections because nobody did this before. Nobody ever created fake elector certificates and tried to pass them off as valid. Nobody ever called the Governor and Secretary of State and demanded that they find enough votes for him to win or else. If they called after the election it was to ask what happened to the political machine they had set up?

Plenty of people have gotten up and complained before cameras. Plenty of people have moaned in private. But nobody ever tried to pressure a Governor and SOS to change the outcome of an election. After the challenges and recounts, the results are final and they are what they are.

Even now, you don’t claim Trump didn’t do what he is charged with. You argue nobody else was prosecuted for it. The court cases challenging the results were a sham. They demanded the courts stop everything for a real investigation.

After the fact real investigations turned up diddly squat. Two years they investigated those women you guys love to claim took the election away. Two years. The FBI, GBI, and SOS investigated and found nothing.

Of course the excuse is that the investigators were all in on it too. At some point the Conspiracy you guys claim is going to be everyone in the world, including about ten percent of the people at Trump’s Rallies. That is to say everyone but you.

What I find hilarious is that you guys love to harp on how unpopular Biden is. The same poll that shows Biden unpopular shows Trump as about as unpopular. That part of the poll is inaccurate.

That isn’t dealing in facts or looking for truth. That is cherry picking information you like.

Even the polls that are cherry picked, none have Trump over 50% in the national, and almost all of the battleground states both of the piles of shit are below 50%.

Again. You aren’t claiming that Trump never did it. You are upset that nobody did it before.

Let me put it this way. Trump in reality, is worse than Obama and Biden out together is in your imagination.
Let's pretend your IQ is above single digits. There was a slush fund in DC for Congresspeople to pay off sexual partners. Until it got shown to the public.
And the fake crimes Trump got charged for was not that he paid the money to Cohen.
How is Donald TRump different.

Jared collected close to 3 Billion from various Gulf oil states... and there's a much better argument to be made that influence was peddled there, because he was working in the White House (even though he couldn't get a security clearance) at the time
Jared Kushner’s equity firm Affinity is actually investing in American and Israeli companies that want to expand internationally. His investors also invested in Microsoft, Uber, Nintendo, etc…, are you suggesting that we question Bill Gates or Kalanick or Furukawa?

When Burisma’s actions were being investigated, Joe stepped in and said if they didn’t fire Shokin, the US would withhold $1BB in aid, that’s nowhere close to being the same, but then again I don’t think like a liberal.
“Countless other politicians” have paid hush money to a porn star to try to change the outcome of an election?

Lets pretend for a moment you have a brain....

You should try to use it once in a while.
I'm done thinking that you have a brain. Countless politicians and corporations have used ndas. Congress has a slush fund used for issues such as sexual allegations. They are not illegal. You can keep pretending you have a brain or maybe visit The Great Oz and he'll give you one. LOL
Let's pretend your IQ is above single digits. There was a slush fund in DC for Congresspeople to pay off sexual partners. Until it got shown to the public.
The fund is for all suits brought by workers/associates against congress, which are mostly discrimination suits/complaints, and not sexual abuse complaints, though they do exist as well.
The Trump administration FBI task force, in a general warning ahead of the election, telling Facebook to look out for Russian disinformation, created an algorithm on Facebook to spot suspicious articles, which is what banned the Post article from Facebook for 5 to 7 days... and it wasn't completely banned, some people received it, but their algorithms did not spread it out to the masses is what Zuckerman is quoted as saying, in your article....

And doesn't your op say something different, and not true..... like the article was held back the whole month up to the election? When it was only 5 to 7 days?

Also, there are several articles discussing your contention that it kept people from reading the NY post article on Hunter, when the NYPost reports it was the most viewed article in the first 7 days of print, than any article in their history!!!

There is something called The Streisand Effect, that happens quite often in society....look it up for the full definition.... Basically in this case, because the article was banned, the hype of it being banned, promoted the banned article and readership of the article to higher levels, than if it had not been banned.

Immediately upon the FB ban, the word spread, and FB users simply went directly to the NYPOST site to read it.

Sooooo, in the end, your op is incorrect, on many levels.

And lastly, here we are 4 years plus in to the laptop exposure and congress critter investigations in to hunter and daddy o, aka The Big Guy, and you still have zip, zero, nada evidence of Joe Biden corruption, that y'all have been lying about, just to smear Biden for what Trump was actually impeached for.... So the lap top netted you Nothing but a failed October surprise event, that Rudy Giuliani created by giving the laptop to the NYPOST. A failed retribution attempt!
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Jared Kushner’s equity firm Affinity is actually investing in American and Israeli companies that want to expand internationally. His investors also invested in Microsoft, Uber, Nintendo, etc…, are you suggesting that we question Bill Gates or Kalanick or Furukawa?

Again, Jared's firm got 3 billion when he was making Middle East policy. And the Saudis were certainly getting their money's worth. They were able to kill that Journalist with no repercussions and get the US to support their blockade of Qatar.

When Burisma’s actions were being investigated, Joe stepped in and said if they didn’t fire Shokin, the US would withhold $1BB in aid, that’s nowhere close to being the same, but then again I don’t think like a liberal.

Shokin was fired because the IMF, EU, and even Republicans in Congress insisted he be fired after his two top deputies were caught with millions in uncut diamonds and foreign currency.

They were unwilling to send more money if what they were sending was getting stolen.

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