The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury

She didn't lie. No one was named in the original complaint.

If no one was named in the original complaint, then she was not being charged with a specific crime, and then there is no basis for her suit that ran up the courts.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
This corrupt court has trashed Stare Decisis. It's an historical disgrace.
We are focused....all laws have reasonable limits.
My response was specific to the post not the OP.

In this case the standing was in the legislation that preemptively violated religious freedom. The harm was pre-attached as a condition of doing business. As for false identities or what not....if that's true then I'm sure she will be legally culpable.... Don't know.... Don't care. Your use of the corrupt is tainted to your own predilections. If the case was flawed how did the huge collective staffs of three dissenting judges not see it? You really think they don't know every detail? I'm sure they knew it all.


There are no legal or valid religions that require you to shun customers of other beliefs.
Any religion that would, is a clear and present danger to society as a whole, and should be severely punished.

But the fact the case was fake makes no difference at all to the SCOTUS.
They still have to response to the lower court rulings, or else the lower court rulings become law by precedent.
There are no legal or valid religions that require you to shun customers of other beliefs.
Any religion that would, is a clear and present danger to society as a whole, and should be severely punished.

But the fact the case was fake makes no difference at all to the SCOTUS.
They still have to response to the lower court rulings, or else the lower court rulings become law by precedent.
The Constitution must be a clear and present danger to society, huh...or perhaps just a danger to the commie agenda.
Who gives a flying fuck about "diversity"? I don't, and neither does any other REAL American of which you are not. You, and the rest of the Communist Left are nothing but dangerous pondscum.

Without diversity, you only have ignorance, superstitions, false presumptions, etc.
Lack of diversity is the historical cause of wars, crime, slavery, etc.
Remember, at one time it was Northern Europeans like Germanics, who were enslaved by the more swarthy Mediterranean types, like Egyptians, Romans, etc.

For example, since you avoid association with those of other political views, you don't know anything at all about them. You probably do not even realize that all dictators were capitalists, and pure capitalism always leads to dictatorships?
If no one was named in the original complaint, then she was not being charged with a specific crime, and then there is no basis for her suit that ran up the courts.
She wasn't charged with any crime. She brought the suit to prevent enforcement of a statute.
Without diversity, you only have ignorance, superstitions, false presumptions, etc.
Lack of diversity is the historical cause of wars, crime, slavery, etc.
Remember, at one time it was Northern Europeans like Germanics, who were enslaved by the more swarthy Mediterranean types, like Egyptians, Romans, etc.

For example, since you avoid association with those of other political views, you don't know anything at all about them. You probably do not even realize that all dictators were capitalists, and pure capitalism always leads to dictatorships?
Is diversity people who all think alike but look different or people who look different AND think differently?
Look at the title of the thread.....seriously? :rolleyes-41:
Could have moved it downstairs, but kept upstairs.

Not sure I see the point?
The title is saying the SCOTUS violated the law.
Which after over turning Roe Vs Wade, is very current and I think very accurate.
I think we are actually near a civil war turning point in the near future.
I believe the majority not only disagree with the current SCOTUS, but are almost up in arms over it.

There is going to be some sort of resolution to this crisis.
I have no idea what it will be, but most of the possibilities do not sound good.
But something for sure is bound to happen.
So this is not some theoretical conspiracy theory that won't effect anyone.
This is going to have major effects.
And Roe Vs Wade already has.
Without diversity, you only have ignorance, superstitions, false presumptions, etc.
Lack of diversity is the historical cause of wars, crime, slavery, etc.
Remember, at one time it was Northern Europeans like Germanics, who were enslaved by the more swarthy Mediterranean types, like Egyptians, Romans, etc.

For example, since you avoid association with those of other political views, you don't know anything at all about them. You probably do not even realize that all dictators were capitalists, and pure capitalism always leads to dictatorships?
Diversity kills countries, kills cohesiveness. the idea is assimilation. You want to come here? Leave your turd world values behind. And you, as a hard Leftist, think Communism's the best thing in the world? Just ask all the Soviet and Eastern Bloc defectors how wonderful it was.
Stupid and racist.

The 14th amendment requires Affirmative action because the ill gotten gains from slavery have created an economic 2 tiered society where the ex-slave owner descendants have a clear and present advantage over those ex-slave descendants who can not afford private schooling.
Having money makes it easy to then earn more, while being poor prevents earnings.
The 14th amendment requires Affirmative action because the ill gotten gains from slavery have created an economic 2 tiered society where the ex-slave owner descendants have a clear and present advantage over those ex-slave descendants who can not afford private schooling.
Having money makes it easy to then earn more, while being poor prevents earnings.
How long should AA be allowed? What about poor White people?
The Constitution must be a clear and present danger to society, huh...or perhaps just a danger to the commie agenda.

The Constitution is weak and missing parts due to the fact the states originally were originally royal charters based on wealth, privilege, and power.
The 14th amendment however, was an attempt to start addressing some of the missing freedom and rights defenses.
Discrimination clearly is not just evil, but very destructive to society.
She wasn't charged with any crime. She brought the suit to prevent enforcement of a statute.

Which is not legal.
She is presuming how and when a statute would be enforced.
Without an actual client being harmed by her discrimination, there is no way anything can be judged
Judgement is all about balancing between the rights of both sides.
You can't have a one side only and the other side being fake.
It can't be done.
The Constitution is weak and missing parts due to the fact the states originally were originally royal charters based on wealth, privilege, and power.
The 14th amendment however, was an attempt to start addressing some of the missing freedom and rights defenses.
Discrimination clearly is not just evil, but very destructive to society.
Agree, discrimination is evil and destructive. Yet, by favoring one person because of skin color, someone is being discriminated against.

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