The suprising thing about this terrorist attack on Muslims is this is the first time it's happened

The KKK was a wing of the Democratic Party, not motivated by Christianity, but by Democratic politics.

The KKK was a rightwing conservative group. The southern Democrats were very rightwing. When the Dems embraced civil rights, the Republicans embraced the south and it's platform. It gave them control of all those states that had been Democrat.
And yet, the KKK has not been a problem in the South since the South went Republican, thus, killing your theory that there's a connection.
You have heard of the recent KKK activities?
I've been to a KKK rally - you?
all you hear is bile and violence, often against muslims here who have better education and earn more than me and I suspect you.
As LBJ said "tell the dumbest white guy he is smarter than the brightest black guy and you can pick his pocket forever"
and the old one when civil rights was passed "there goes the south for 100 years"
Why were you at a KKK rally, if you're not KKK yourself?
I wanted to see how stupid and biased and ignorant (all white, zero college) these guys were
So, you're an FBI informant?
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
Most of them already don't tolerate those who preach jihad. You going to clean up your Bible, too--lots and lots of funky stuff in there that most Christians ignore.
Christians haven't killed over religion since the end of the Thirty Years War, which, last time I checked, was hundreds of years ago.
Just because infowars doesn't report it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Ever heard of the Christian KKK?

Look, Christians aren't particularly violent these days - their religion has been domesticated. Like most Muslims - they don't pay attention to the funky stuff in their scripture.
All I know is everywhere they settle, they seek to implement and enforce Sharia Law. They think it's everyone else' responsibility to change to their barbaric inhumane mindset not the other way around. And they become extremely violent if the host country refuses. They deem themselves the chosen of Allah and therefore they are entitled to have their religious beliefs followed no matter what. There's no such thing as "When in Rome" to them. It's their way or you die. In London these days they're trying to make women cover up in hijabs.

Sharia Law - - Yahoo Image Search Results
Muslims, for example, do not learn the Ten Commandments, nor do they learn that they are supposed to love their neighbors as they love themselves, nor do they learn that we are to treat others as we'd like to be treated ourselves. Those are Christian concepts, and non-Christians do not share them. are one uneducated tard. .. :lol:

All of the concepts of the Ten Commandments are also in the Quran, except for the one about keeping the Sabbath day (saturday). Which even Christians don't do. .... :cool:
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
Most of them already don't tolerate those who preach jihad. You going to clean up your Bible, too--lots and lots of funky stuff in there that most Christians ignore.
Christians haven't killed over religion since the end of the Thirty Years War, which, last time I checked, was hundreds of years ago.
Just because infowars doesn't report it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Ever heard of the Christian KKK?

Look, Christians aren't particularly violent these days - their religion has been domesticated. Like most Muslims - they don't pay attention to the funky stuff in their scripture.
All I know is everywhere they settle, they seek to implement and enforce Sharia Law. They think it's everyone else' responsibility to change to their barbaric inhumane mindset not the other way around. And they become extremely violent if the host country refuses. They deem themselves the chosen of Allah and therefore they are entitled to have their religious beliefs followed no matter what. There's no such thing as "When in Rome" to them. It's their way or you die. In London these days they're trying to make women cover up in hijabs.

Sharia Law - - Yahoo Image Search Results

They haven't in the US.
Muslims, for example, do not learn the Ten Commandments, nor do they learn that they are supposed to love their neighbors as they love themselves, nor do they learn that we are to treat others as we'd like to be treated ourselves. Those are Christian concepts, and non-Christians do not share them. are one uneducated tard. .. :lol:

All of the concepts of the Ten Commandments are also in the Quran, except for the one about keeping the Sabbath day (saturday). Which even Christians don't do. .... :cool:
Except that Muslims are commanded by the Koran to kill infidels. The Bible doesn't have anything like that.
There comes a point when any population that has been under siege will begin to fight back.

And everybody won't approve. But people are running out of places to hide, and when that happens, they will push back.
Hope you don't mean the gun toting doublewide white boy seniors. Cant wait for them to get out of their bathchairs and protect me. Don the con and they are hinting about the dreaded 2nd amendment rights.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive automobiles. Sunni Man needs to tell us he denounces that law if he wants us to take him seriously as a Muslim who isn't a religious fanatic.
There comes a point when any population that has been under siege will begin to fight back.

And everybody won't approve. But people are running out of places to hide, and when that happens, they will push back.
Hope you don't mean the gun toting doublewide white boy seniors. Cant wait for them to get out of their bathchairs and protect me. Don the con and they are hinting about the dreaded 2nd amendment rights.
Why did you attend a KKK rally if you are not one of them?
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive automobiles. Sunni Man needs to tell us he denounces that law if he wants us to take him seriously as a Muslim who isn't a religious fanatic.

This is just plain stupid dude. There is nothing in Islam that says women can't drive. It's Saudi Arabia's culture.
My sister married a Muslim, and he beat her and threw a vase at her head, and she had to divorce him. He feels no remorse at the way he treated her.
Domestic violence is epidemic in American society.

It cuts across all races, social class, ethnicity, and religion. ... :cool:
But the Koran says a man is allowed to beat his wife with a rod. The Bible has no similar provision.
Muslims, for example, do not learn the Ten Commandments, nor do they learn that they are supposed to love their neighbors as they love themselves, nor do they learn that we are to treat others as we'd like to be treated ourselves. Those are Christian concepts, and non-Christians do not share them. are one uneducated tard. .. :lol:

All of the concepts of the Ten Commandments are also in the Quran, except for the one about keeping the Sabbath day (saturday). Which even Christians don't do. .... :cool:
Except that Muslims are commanded by the Koran to kill infidels. The Bible doesn't have anything like that.
Really? my filthy rich Muslim corporate friends never mention that.
I'm sure if I was a god nut I could find something.
doesnt the bible say we should kill gays somewhere?
Its amazing how you know that each individual muslim is propelled by a few crazy .
Koran phrases.
But you have encouraged me to google all the nutty violent phrases in the Bible
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive automobiles. Sunni Man needs to tell us he denounces that law if he wants us to take him seriously as a Muslim who isn't a religious fanatic.

This is just plain stupid dude. There is nothing in Islam that says women can't drive. It's Saudi Arabia's culture.
I want to see Sunni Man condemn this law, if he has the guts to do that.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive automobiles. Sunni Man needs to tell us he denounces that law if he wants us to take him seriously as a Muslim who isn't a religious fanatic.
No worries Blackrook.....problem solved. .. :thup:


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