The suprising thing about this terrorist attack on Muslims is this is the first time it's happened

Non-Muslims have been very restrained in NOT attacking Muslims, and this is the very first time a non-Muslim has retaliated against Muslims after literally THOUSANDS of Muslim attacks against non-Muslims in the West.

While we should condemn this attack, we all deserve credit for our incredible RESTRAINT.

Muslims in the West are safe, we are not attacking them, we are not persecuting them, we are not even making them feel uncomfortable for being Muslims.
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes: Map of Recent Incidents
If you DON'T live in a bunker, you have no need of me getting your proof. This is common knowledge; I don't know what your game is, but you can play it with someone else.
So common no one reports it I guess. Show us the reports of attacks murder and mayhem done to Muslims by Non Muslims.
The OP's premise was that Muslims do not even have to feel uncomfortable, that no one is targeting them for any type of "Islamaphobia."
I think the two young ladies who sparked the anti-Muslim rant on the Seattle bus before the guy killed two men trying to calm him down might feel differently about it.
That's one isolated incident, I do not see that as a basis for claiming there is widespread fear in the Muslim community that they are being targeted.
Go re-read your OP or reword it. You can't change your premise midstream.
Is an occasional woman in a hijab given a rude comment once in a while? Maybe, I don't know.

But there has been no widespread terror campaigns against the Muslims, they are safe on the streets, in their workplaces, and in their homes.

Given what the Muslims have done to the rest of us, we have showed extraordinary restraint.

That's because we are superior to the Muslims, superior in our morality, superior in our tolerance, and superior in our culture.

And because we are superior, our side will win in the end.

You're mistaken if you think it's just an occassional tug on a woman's hijab.
If Muslims really want to get along with the rest of us, they can take out all the parts of their religion where it teaches that it's okay to hate and kill anyone who isn't Muslim. Also, it would be nice if they took out the wife beating parts too.
If Muslims really want to get along with the rest of us, they can take out all the parts of their religion where it teaches that it's okay to hate and kill anyone who isn't Muslim.
When you start erasing the parts of the Bible (mainly O.T) where God said to wipe out entire people's, and even their animals.

Then we will talk about it. .... :cool:
I'm extremely happy to hear that's what's happening in your neck of the woods. You know better than to believe Muslims are not being harrassed or made to feel uncomfortable in many places. Thank goodness we haven't had a lot of attacks like London's last night.
Where? Show me. Provide proof. I always ask for proof from you liberals for your outrageous statements, but I never get it.
If you DON'T live in a bunker, you have no need of me getting your proof. This is common knowledge; I don't know what your game is, but you can play it with someone else.
So common no one reports it I guess. Show us the reports of attacks murder and mayhem done to Muslims by Non Muslims.
The OP's premise was that Muslims do not even have to feel uncomfortable, that no one is targeting them for any type of "Islamaphobia."
I think the two young ladies who sparked the anti-Muslim rant on the Seattle bus before the guy killed two men trying to calm him down might feel differently about it.
That's one isolated incident, I do not see that as a basis for claiming there is widespread fear in the Muslim community that they are being targeted.
We get attacked by Muslim terrorists on a regular basis, and if we are fearful of this we are labelled Islamophobes.
One attack today in the U.K. against Muslims and they haven't stopped saying how terrified they are all bloody day long.
We are told to get on with it, today they are told their mosques will have police stationed. Where are the police stationed on bridges, cafes, bars, pubs and restaurants?
They aren't there, of course.
We have over 500 mosques in London alone, btw. Such double standards.
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My Christian religion teaches that I am supposed to love my enemies, and bless them, not curse them. So I will love the Muslims, no matter how many Christians they murder for God. However, even Christian tolerance has a limit. They haven't reached it yet, but this attack in London proves that the limit may be reached soon. If Christians and Jews start acting like Muslims, and start targeting Muslims for terrorist attacks, this will open up a whole new phase in this war that the Muslims have started. I urge Muslims to stop the killing now, before it's too late. We have superior numbers, superior technology, and a superior culture, so you cannot win.
If you DON'T live in a bunker, you have no need of me getting your proof. This is common knowledge; I don't know what your game is, but you can play it with someone else.
So common no one reports it I guess. Show us the reports of attacks murder and mayhem done to Muslims by Non Muslims.
The OP's premise was that Muslims do not even have to feel uncomfortable, that no one is targeting them for any type of "Islamaphobia."
I think the two young ladies who sparked the anti-Muslim rant on the Seattle bus before the guy killed two men trying to calm him down might feel differently about it.
That's one isolated incident, I do not see that as a basis for claiming there is widespread fear in the Muslim community that they are being targeted.
Go re-read your OP or reword it. You can't change your premise midstream.
Is an occasional woman in a hijab given a rude comment once in a while? Maybe, I don't know.

But there has been no widespread terror campaigns against the Muslims, they are safe on the streets, in their workplaces, and in their homes.

Given what the Muslims have done to the rest of us, we have showed extraordinary restraint.

That's because we are superior to the Muslims, superior in our morality, superior in our tolerance, and superior in our culture.

And because we are superior, our side will win in the end.
Well, we'd BETTER show "extraordinary restraint" if by that you mean that we aren't attacking innocent peaceable Muslims in this country who are just going about their business! Good Lord, give yourself a cigar!
I hear what you are saying, though. Perhaps we WILL win the war against terrorism, but if we do, it won't be thanks to those of you who are wilfully blind to the realities of the situation.
We need to be careful, we need to have eyes wide open. We also need to include in that vision the fact that most Muslims are not jihadi's. If we don't, we are not "better" than them at all.
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
Most of them already don't tolerate those who preach jihad. You going to clean up your Bible, too--lots and lots of funky stuff in there that most Christians ignore.
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
Most of them already don't tolerate those who preach jihad. You going to clean up your Bible, too--lots and lots of funky stuff in there that most Christians ignore.
Christians haven't killed over religion since the end of the Thirty Years War, which, last time I checked, was hundreds of years ago.
Non-Muslims have been very restrained in NOT attacking Muslims, and this is the very first time a non-Muslim has retaliated against Muslims after literally THOUSANDS of Muslim attacks against non-Muslims in the West.

While we should condemn this attack, we all deserve credit for our incredible RESTRAINT.

Muslims in the West are safe, we are not attacking them, we are not persecuting them, we are not even making them feel uncomfortable for being Muslims.
You really do live in a bunker, don't you?
Nope, I live in the real world. Muslims are everywhere, and no one is harassing them.
I'm extremely happy to hear that's what's happening in your neck of the woods. You know better than to believe Muslims are not being harrassed or made to feel uncomfortable in many places. Thank goodness we haven't had a lot of attacks like London's last night.
Where? Show me. Provide proof. I always ask for proof from you liberals for your outrageous statements, but I never get it.
If you DON'T live in a bunker, you have no need of me getting your proof. This is common knowledge; I don't know what your game is, but you can play it with someone else.
Like I said, no proof is ever provided when I ask for it. You liberals feel entitled to say things, and then never provide proof.
Seeing as you don't seem to know how to google, Heres a bunch. If you don't think muslims are harassed here god knows how closed your mind is
Crimes Against Muslim Americans and Mosques Rise Sharply
Know how to google? the Va boy who killed a muslim girl?
I see a muslim worker get harassed every day in my supermarket.
Always by old white farts, presumably sucking off their liberal SS and Medicare
Ah well you don't seem to know the definition of liberal, for the individual and small gov. No latin in college?
Non-Muslims have been very restrained in NOT attacking Muslims, and this is the very first time a non-Muslim has retaliated against Muslims after literally THOUSANDS of Muslim attacks against non-Muslims in the West.

While we should condemn this attack, we all deserve credit for our incredible RESTRAINT.

Muslims in the West are safe, we are not attacking them, we are not persecuting them, we are not even making them feel uncomfortable for being Muslims.
Muslims or followers of Islam don't live by the same set of standards that the rest of the human race does. They cannot be shamed by western society's perspective of what's right and wrong. Islamic ideology (Sharia Law) teaches its followers it's perfectly okay to deceive, steal, rape, and even kill when dealing with inifidels.
If Muslims are truly better than the jihadis, they they can prove it by taking the concept of jihad out of their religion, and not tolerate those who preach it.
Most of them already don't tolerate those who preach jihad. You going to clean up your Bible, too--lots and lots of funky stuff in there that most Christians ignore.
Christians haven't killed over religion since the end of the Thirty Years War, which, last time I checked, was hundreds of years ago.
Just because infowars doesn't report it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Ever heard of the Christian KKK?
Non-Muslims have been very restrained in NOT attacking Muslims, and this is the very first time a non-Muslim has retaliated against Muslims after literally THOUSANDS of Muslim attacks against non-Muslims in the West.

While we should condemn this attack, we all deserve credit for our incredible RESTRAINT.

Muslims in the West are safe, we are not attacking them, we are not persecuting them, we are not even making them feel uncomfortable for being Muslims.
Muslims or followers of Islam don't live by the same set of standards that the rest of the human race does. They cannot be shamed by western society's perspective of what's right and wrong. Islamic ideology (Sharia Law) teaches its followers it's perfectly okay to deceive, steal, rape, and even kill to rid the world of inifidels.
Yes, I know that. The problem is, the typical liberal has no idea that people who live in alien cultures have alien ideas about everything we take for granted. Muslims, for example, do not learn the Ten Commandments, nor do they learn that they are supposed to love their neighbors as they love themselves, nor do they learn that we are to treat others as we'd like to be treated ourselves. Those are Christian concepts, and non-Christians do not share them.

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