The Suspense Is Killin Me

If you have stock in one of the teams and you do not like the way it is run, write management, sell you stock or fk off. You entertainment is probably not a high priority right now kid. Leave it to the adult owners and share holders to run their businesses. don't just sit at you keyboard and throw a tantrum because you can't go to the game. They could have ignored the experts, the government, etc and listened to your pleas, but they decided based on the science and their business interests. It is the way it is done in this country. You will understand when you are older. Relax. Everything's going to be OK.

Shut up, fool.
So here's the outlook according to this case scenario is the only way to play 162 and the World Series avoids November, is to play over a dozen day-night double dips. This gets dicey in the dog days of August when the boys are pretty much exhausted and trying to get ready for the stretch run. Otherwise each team is looking at losing 5-6 home games worth maybe $1M per. Sure the big market teams won't miss that revenue but the small and mid-markets will. What a mess.....

Here's how MLB's coronavirus-delayed season could play out
If you have stock in one of the teams and you do not like the way it is run, write management, sell you stock or fk off. You entertainment is probably not a high priority right now kid. Leave it to the adult owners and share holders to run their businesses. don't just sit at you keyboard and throw a tantrum because you can't go to the game. They could have ignored the experts, the government, etc and listened to your pleas, but they decided based on the science and their business interests. It is the way it is done in this country. You will understand when you are older. Relax. Everything's going to be OK.

Shut up, fool.
Go get up a game with all your little friends, kid, if you have any.
Go get up a game with all your little friends, kid, if you have any.

I'm 72 ya fucking creepshow....your kind is a dime a dozen coming onto these boards and thinking you got anything on yourself a favor and walk out onto a freeway.
Go get up a game with all your little friends, kid, if you have any.

I'm 72 ya fucking creepshow....your kind is a dime a dozen coming onto these boards and thinking you got anything on yourself a favor and walk out onto a freeway.
You're kinda reactionary for a guy even older than me. Good health to you and yours.
Quite frankly I’m glad all those sporting events are being cancelled. Those assholes all bow to their Chinese masters as we saw LeBron and the NBA do last year. Fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt. Too much of our economy is based on useless shit like sports games. Those athletes don’t deserve to be millionaires, especially if they are going to side with Communist China over their own country. It’s only fitting they are going to lose billions because of a Chinese virus. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:


Amazing power, the Fear of Lawsuits, huh? They are not worried about protecting anyone, just don't want anyone to get sick at one of their games then sue the league for giving it to them. Meantime, the ordinary flu is 950X more likely to kill you.
BINGO! Had that conversation with my wife last night. We used to go to school when there was snow and ice on the roads. Now, if the weather guy on TV says we might have ice tomorrow, our schools all close up. Why? Because too many people started suing them if they had a fender bender or the bus did. Same here. If we hold a game and someone says they got sick in our stadium, they will be looking for millions of dollars in damages.
Quite frankly I’m glad all those sporting events are being cancelled. Those assholes all bow to their Chinese masters as we saw LeBron and the NBA do last year. Fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt. Too much of our economy is based on useless shit like sports games. Those athletes don’t deserve to be millionaires, especially if they are going to side with Communist China over their own country. It’s only fitting they are going to lose billions because of a Chinese virus.

Agree on the NBA....the Suns owner here in Phoenix is a clown who keeps threatening to move to San Diego...GO...nobody would miss his destruction of a once entertaining franchise. LeBron wouldn't play more than 12 minutes a game if the refs called his travels, fouls, push-offs,'s like he's made of glass the way they send him to the FT line. Fine role-model the way he f-bombs crowds of kids at parades. Nobody wants to play with him anymore because it's all about him so the Fakers are a perfect team for him. Nike? sold out humps who are indeed China's puppet....overpriced shoes ghetto kids beat each other senseless to steal...The NBA could stay gone for all I care...but baseball is my summer entertainment and they can't play much past the first two weeks of October. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:


The pile of bodies in Iran is visible from outer space.

Burial pits from Iran's coronavirus outbreak have grown so large you can see them from space
Quite frankly I’m glad all those sporting events are being cancelled. Those assholes all bow to their Chinese masters as we saw LeBron and the NBA do last year. Fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt. Too much of our economy is based on useless shit like sports games. Those athletes don’t deserve to be millionaires, especially if they are going to side with Communist China over their own country. It’s only fitting they are going to lose billions because of a Chinese virus.

Who are you to decide who “deserves” to be a millionaire? Your envy is not the measure of worth in this world, asses in the seats are. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:

Is this really a surprise? Look at NBA. Hard to maintain a 6 foot distance in team sports and these players are expensive assets. Two player infected in the NBA last I heard. An infection could run through a team pretty quick. Neither of these two sports are really considered contact sports, but a lot of contact is made and drawing fans to come together and watch is self defeating to the country at this time also. Sounds like a sensible move to me.
it's called dangerous and an over reach, if people didn't want to go and then they called it, that's another thing. this is the people's game, it's called over reach. fk them and you.
How is it an overreach? It's a decision be the organization that oversees the sport. It's not like the anyone from outside made them do it, they decided to on their own.
Quite frankly I’m glad all those sporting events are being cancelled. Those assholes all bow to their Chinese masters as we saw LeBron and the NBA do last year. Fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt. Too much of our economy is based on useless shit like sports games. Those athletes don’t deserve to be millionaires, especially if they are going to side with Communist China over their own country. It’s only fitting they are going to lose billions because of a Chinese virus.

Who are you to decide who “deserves” to be a millionaire? Your envy is not the measure of worth in this world, asses in the seats are.
Is that so? Then why in a time of crisis are asses not in seats, and people like me still working?
Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally.

Who won the 2017 NBA championship?

Who cares?

I would rather an extra 1,000 people survive!!!

I have a feeling that in a few years we will look back on this as our finest hour!
Quite frankly I’m glad all those sporting events are being cancelled. Those assholes all bow to their Chinese masters as we saw LeBron and the NBA do last year. Fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt. Too much of our economy is based on useless shit like sports games. Those athletes don’t deserve to be millionaires, especially if they are going to side with Communist China over their own country. It’s only fitting they are going to lose billions because of a Chinese virus.

Who are you to decide who “deserves” to be a millionaire? Your envy is not the measure of worth in this world, asses in the seats are.
Is that so? .....?

Yes, it is so. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:

Is this really a surprise? Look at NBA. Hard to maintain a 6 foot distance in team sports and these players are expensive assets. Two player infected in the NBA last I heard. An infection could run through a team pretty quick. Neither of these two sports are really considered contact sports, but a lot of contact is made and drawing fans to come together and watch is self defeating to the country at this time also. Sounds like a sensible move to me.
it's called dangerous and an over reach, if people didn't want to go and then they called it, that's another thing. this is the people's game, it's called over reach. fk them and you.
How is it an overreach? It's a decision be the organization that oversees the sport. It's not like the anyone from outside made them do it, they decided to on their own.
yep, stupid. 20,000 people died of the flu, 16 million got the flu in the US. Not a fking word. 1,200 people get this virus and bam. amazing. illogical by the millions.

16 million vs 1,200 and the idiots respond to the 1,200. And they negotiate salaries? wow. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:

Is this really a surprise? Look at NBA. Hard to maintain a 6 foot distance in team sports and these players are expensive assets. Two player infected in the NBA last I heard. An infection could run through a team pretty quick. Neither of these two sports are really considered contact sports, but a lot of contact is made and drawing fans to come together and watch is self defeating to the country at this time also. Sounds like a sensible move to me.
it's called dangerous and an over reach, if people didn't want to go and then they called it, that's another thing. this is the people's game, it's called over reach. fk them and you.
How is it an overreach? It's a decision be the organization that oversees the sport. It's not like the anyone from outside made them do it, they decided to on their own.
yep, stupid. 20,000 people died of the flu, 16 million got the flu in the US. Not a fking word. 1,200 people get this virus and bam. amazing. illogical by the millions.

16 million vs 1,200 and the idiots respond to the 1,200. And they negotiate salaries? wow.

Actually it's more than twice that. And as test kits finally show up that will grow more.

That's kind of the point with all this --- the spread. No doubt the last time you looked it actually was 1200. Didn't take long to double. MLB is going to suspend Spring Training and the beginning of the baseball season. The NBA just suspended their season, The NHL just suspended their season. The NCAA tournament will be played without fans....some "March Madness" eh? Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn. Oh? you don't believe this is a HOAX? So tell me, where are the piles of bodies stricken with Disease X? Where are the dead being stashed? What about the chillllllldren? Oh, they don't get convenient. Meanwhile the dogshit media is screeching this is the end of Trump while the old commie criminal Pelousy ain't suspending her last few months of being Speaker. Wonder why that is? I'm all for being better safe than sorry but please.....the suspense is killing about we act normal, do normal things, and not pretend the Walking Dead are milling around outside our houses. Corona is the FLU...comprende? It takes old people and compromised people. Get over it...literally. :eusa_hand:

Is this really a surprise? Look at NBA. Hard to maintain a 6 foot distance in team sports and these players are expensive assets. Two player infected in the NBA last I heard. An infection could run through a team pretty quick. Neither of these two sports are really considered contact sports, but a lot of contact is made and drawing fans to come together and watch is self defeating to the country at this time also. Sounds like a sensible move to me.
it's called dangerous and an over reach, if people didn't want to go and then they called it, that's another thing. this is the people's game, it's called over reach. fk them and you.
How is it an overreach? It's a decision be the organization that oversees the sport. It's not like the anyone from outside made them do it, they decided to on their own.
yep, stupid. 20,000 people died of the flu, 16 million got the flu in the US. Not a fking word. 1,200 people get this virus and bam. amazing. illogical by the millions.

16 million vs 1,200 and the idiots respond to the 1,200. And they negotiate salaries? wow.

Actually it's more than twice that. And as test kits finally show up that will grow.
and what does it mean? it's not a cure, and it doesn't mean it helps someone avoid it.
Those of us who have immersed ourselves in sports to ignore the the virus HOAX now have no place to turn.
Good, I hope all of you calling this a hoax are in a constant state of agitation and whininess. Suffer, long and well.
naw, we're enjoying you freaks freaking out because of test kits. it's amazing your stupid. did you send in for that? if so, well done.

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