The Swamp is toxic with Trumpery ... U.S. judge says Amazon likely to succeed on key argument ...


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
A Judge has blocked a contract awarded to Microsoft.

"Amazon contends the contract was awarded to Microsoft because of improper influence by President Donald Trump."

Amazon is likely to succeed in proving that a cloud computing contract was improperly awarded.

Trump could be deposed, and other officials could be deposed who will answer whether Donald Trump improperly influenced the cloud computing contract decision.

Donald Trump has not emptied the Swamp. He has made it more toxic.


U.S. judge says Amazon likely to succeed on key argument in contract challenge

U.S. judge says Amazon likely to succeed on key argument in contract challenge
David Shepardson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge said Inc (AMZN.O) is likely to succeed on a key argument of its challenge to the U.S. Department of Defense’s decision to award cloud computing deal worth up to $10 billion to Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O)

The opinion by U.S. Court of Federal Claims Judge Patricia Campbell-Smith was unsealed on Friday. On Feb. 13, she issued an order blocking work on the contract pending resolution of Amazon’s court challenge.

Amazon contends the contract was awarded to Microsoft because of improper influence by President Donald Trump.

The opinion did not mention Trump or address Amazon’s claims of improper influence, but instead focused on how the Pentagon assessed Microsoft’s data storage in one price scenario.

Campbell-Smith wrote that Amazon “is likely to succeed on the merits of its argument that the DOD improperly evaluated” a Microsoft price scenario. She said Amazon is likely to show that Microsoft’s scenario was not “technically feasible” as the Pentagon assessed.
Well there goes the entire Pentagon if they have to act on what is actually technically feasible.
Well there goes the entire Pentagon if they have to act on what is actually technically feasible.

The Pentagon has never been able to account for the money they spend. Their budget is so huge that $billions go missing and nobody knows where it went.
You really have to admire the crazies. They hate Bezos and Amazon because the company and the man makes too much money and doesn't give it away as they think he should. Now because there is a chance to throw some shade on Trump, no matter how tenuous, they are in love with Amazon. Nothing new they fly from one side to the other so often that no one can keep track of what they claim as a moral compass.
They have the shortest attention spans ever. They read a headline and that's as far as it goes. They fail to notice that the judges decision was not based on Trump at all but based on a one in six chance of a certain scenario.
But then again what would you expect? They were all atwitter about how diversified their democratic clown car was. Now they are all atwitter that the field is down to an old white guy with such dementia that he can't remember that he is the only Biden in the race and he is actually not running for senator. And the other old white guy that thinks a proper economic plan includes running on lawsuits and stealing money until it dries up, then crashing the economy.

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