The Sword of Democracy: Harvard Detention (Trump Tower)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does modern capitalism remind you of Babel (e.g., Trump Tower)?

This capitalism-culture ideals yarn was inspired by Lions for Lambs and Dave.

Alas, summer is ending...



"Americans were concerned about the values ambiguity regarding the contradictions between democracy and capitalism in the modern world. After the shooting in Las Vegas, the casino-hub of the free world, consumers were conscious of the ethics complications associated with the journalistic coverage of anti-capitalism oriented pedestrian 'fervor.' Conservative Christians wondered if the election of a Republican who was a capitalism-baron as U.S. President would serve the true wishes of the new age voter."


"American political officials in D.C. were still reeling from the anti-capitalism tragedy of 9/11, when the World Trade Center in NYC, a beacon of modern commerce and peace, was destroyed by fundamentalist-terrorists from the Middle East. D.C. senators and congressmen wanted to secure modern D.C. politics-sacred monuments such as the Pentagon and the Lincoln Memorial. A Harvard professor named Stanley Patel wanted to study how the Trump Tower (an ambitious commercial property owned by the Trump Organization in NYC) represented a new age idealism towards the defense of capitalist principles. Dr. Patel was sure that D.C. 'pillars' such as the Pentagon could be presented as modern pro-Christian 'quills'."


"As Dr. Patel used a 1980s George Lucas ethics-driven fantasia-adventure film titled Willow, starring Val Kilmer, to evaluate modern social perceptions of 'American values,' he asked his students to write mock-up debates between the two primary 'warrior-swordsmen' from the film, a wandering valiant but shifty adventurer named Madmartigan and a ruthless evil-kingdom gate-keeper named General Kael, which would illuminate how Americans conceived of capitalism-related virtue/values. Patel found that the debate work-up by one of his students, Christina Reagan, best captured why the Madmartigan/Kael dualism from the iconic Lucas film illuminated 'American pride.' Reagan was invited to present her work-up at the White House."


MADMARTIGAN: Trump Tower is a symbol of pride and accomplishment.
KAEL: Americans have elected yet another 'celebrity-president.'
MADMARTIGAN: Well, Ronald Reagan helped burgeon consumerism.
KAEL: The so-called 'Big '80s' simply over-inflated American confidence.
MADMARTIGAN: Americans don't want traumatic 'lessons' such as 9/11!
KAEL: You can't defend democracy in a world over-ruled by capitalist ambitions.
MADMARTIGAN: The complicated contradictions between democracy and capitalism educate.
KAEL: The contradictions between democracy and capitalism challenge.
MADMARTIGAN: Education is always challenging, regardless of the quality of government!
KAEL: You're merely trying to advocate capitalist flowery.
MADMARTIGAN: There's nothing wrong with 'New York merchandising.'
KAEL: That's the attitude that inspired the 9/11 terrorists...consumerism feels juvenile!
MADMARTIGAN: Burger King is easy to criticize, but consumerism creates networks.
KAEL: Commerce can create peace only when there is respect for merchants.
MADMARTIGAN: Merchants care about storytellers.
KAEL: The marketing of various American comic books represents pedagoguery.
MADMARTIGAN: That's true; Captain America (Marvel Comics) symbolizes ideals.
KAEL: Merchants therefore can work alongside artists/storytellers.
MADMARTIGAN: What about terrorist-villains from comic books?
KAEL: Are you referring to Red Skull (Marvel Comics) and Poison Ivy (DC Comics)?
MADMARTIGAN: Precisely; Poison Ivy is a modern eco-terrorist who represents angst.
KAEL: Yes, Poison Ivy reveals a modern fury towards capitalism/democracy flaws.
MADMARTIGAN: Industrialization has yielded excesses such as eco-pollution.
KAEL: Poison Ivy is a folkloric 'quill' used to 'evaluate/discuss' American values!
MADMARTIGAN: Yes, she seems to capture a modern interest in 'crusader' worries.
KAEL: Eco-terrorism has been 'catchy' in America, while capitalism-terrorism has not.
MADMARTIGAN: No; that's because eco-terrorism reminds us of the general interest in nature.
KAEL: True; capitalism-terrorism is more broad and represents basic commerce anxieties.
MADMARTIGAN: Poison Ivy would say, "Trump Tower is a beacon of doubt."
KAEL: She'd say that, since Trump Tower in NYC is both ambitious and inflated.
MADMARTIGAN: How can we defend democratic ideals in a capitalist-world ruled by pirates?
KAEL: To do so would require ultimate skill in 'apologetics-swordsmanship.'
MADMARTIGAN: You and I are time-travellers/warriors; so that should 'amuse' us!
KAEL: May America shine in its pursuit of 'ultimate agriculture.'
MADMARTIGAN: I'll go read some Poison Ivy comics for now...


"After Christian Reagan was praised at the White House for her unusual and searing perspective on the interplay between commerce and social consciousness as reflected in the virtue-rich American ideals fantasia-film Willow (George Lucas), President Trump commissioned Lucas's agents to re-issue a Willow-adapted comic book series for American youngsters, to celebrate this new age of values-driven social dialogue. The series became very popular, as kids across the nation celebrated why capitalism and commerce (e.g., movies!) promoted general values-oriented enlightenment (e.g., Amnesty International). Would social consciousness have a 'sanctified place' in this new age of 'Trump Tower pottery'? Dr. Patel was so pleased with the sociological contributions of his favorite Harvard student Christina Reagan. Patel decided to purchase some Willow comics himself."


TRUMP: Are you a fan of the film Casino (Martin Scorsese)?
CARTER: I prefer Celebrity (Woody Allen).
TRUMP: Consumerism/media creates a special 'ideals-consciousness.'
CARTER: That's because Burger King and Wall Street remind us of mercantilism.
TRUMP: Yes, merchant-songs should inspire peace...
CARTER: Netflix is a terrific new age 'trophy.'
TRUMP: Yes, it represents capitalism-flowery and consumerism-convenience.
CARTER: I wonder what Madmartigan/Kael would say about the CIA.
TRUMP: I'd imagine (from Christina's fine paper/study) they'd think it was a 'wall.'
CARTER: If the CIA is a 'wall' for capitalism-defense (like NATO), maybe we want 'intrigue.'
TRUMP: Terrorists on 9/11 certainly created 'intrigue' but of the panic-brand.
CARTER: Sometimes panic can make for 'zesty cookies.'
TRUMP: Americans don't want trauma-driven 'spiritual complexity.'
CARTER: True; we prefer commerce fables (e.g., Celebrity)...
TRUMP: Maybe Willow symbolizes modernism intellectualism.
CARTER: George Lucas's Star Wars empire has also offered us values-oriented sociology.
TRUMP: American consumers are interested in open-dialogue regarding commerce traffic.
CARTER: After 9/11, the world became aware of anti-capitalism 'philosophy.'
TRUMP: Yes, 9/11 was as 'folkloric' as Pearl Harbor.
CARTER: Let's go watch Brewster's Millions on Netflix!



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