The system works, stop whining.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Don't you love it when the government gets all parental and tells you it knows best?

To fulfill the important role we ask of American travelers, and to be prepared at the security checkpoint this holiday season, be ready to remove everything from your pockets prior to screening. If you have a hidden medical device, bring it to the officer's attention before screening. We'll be better able to help expedite your screening that way. As always, we also ask the traveling public to be on the lookout for unattended bags or suspicious activity. Alert travelers have helped thwart plots and crimes in the past, and we encourage everyone to remain vigilant during a time when we know our enemies would like to strike. If you see something suspicious, report it to an airport security official or law enforcement.
Each and every one of the security measures we implement serves an important goal: providing safe and efficient air travel for the millions of people who rely on our aviation system every day.
We face a determined enemy. Our security depends on us being more determined and more creative to adapt to evolving threats. It relies upon a multi-layered approach that leverages the strengths of our international partners, the latest intelligence, and the patience and vigilance of the American traveling public.

Napolitano: Scanners are safe, pat-downs discreet -

I jst have a problem believing anyone who tells me one thing when common sense, and the experts, tell me something else.
Don't you love it when the government gets all parental and tells you it knows best?

To fulfill the important role we ask of American travelers, and to be prepared at the security checkpoint this holiday season, be ready to remove everything from your pockets prior to screening. If you have a hidden medical device, bring it to the officer's attention before screening. We'll be better able to help expedite your screening that way. As always, we also ask the traveling public to be on the lookout for unattended bags or suspicious activity. Alert travelers have helped thwart plots and crimes in the past, and we encourage everyone to remain vigilant during a time when we know our enemies would like to strike. If you see something suspicious, report it to an airport security official or law enforcement.
Each and every one of the security measures we implement serves an important goal: providing safe and efficient air travel for the millions of people who rely on our aviation system every day.
We face a determined enemy. Our security depends on us being more determined and more creative to adapt to evolving threats. It relies upon a multi-layered approach that leverages the strengths of our international partners, the latest intelligence, and the patience and vigilance of the American traveling public.

Napolitano: Scanners are safe, pat-downs discreet -

I jst have a problem believing anyone who tells me one thing when common sense, and the experts, tell me something else.

Just show up naked. That is all.
Better Yet Boycott Air Travel. They'll fix this shit.

While there is a constiutional right to travel (in particular to cross state lines) there is not specific right to the type of travel. What the airlines have done is allow the goverment to be the bad guy in all this, doing a task they should be doing themselves. Since it would then be a private service, you would have no real reason for complaint.

For people who dont like scanners i suggest car, bus, train or dirgible.

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repeated radiation from these scanners can not be healthy for anyone that has to travel a lot. Heard Pilots were told to avoid them or something of the sort?
Has anyone ever read the book the Puppet Masters?

The premise of this book was that an alien species took control of people's minds by latching onto their spine and turning them into puppets set out to destroy the human race.

One of the outcomes of this was that people pretty much had to go naked to prove that they weren't terrorist puppets.

Life is imitating art, folks.
There is that whining word again.

Why is it when a left leaning poster critizes their government they are whining but not when a righty is complaining.

I guess we need a new word for the complaints of the righties.

What should it be....lets see.

They do it so reflexsively when the name Obama is mentioned, they did the same with Clinton and Carter.

They fight things the left does even when it was something they backed a couple of months before.


quit your caviling.

Its a rabble of caviling cons.

cavilcade of caviling cons.

Yes that is it .
Cavil - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

cav·il verb \ˈka-vəl\
cav·iled or cav·illedcav·il·ing or cav·il·ling\ˈka-və-liŋ, ˈkav-liŋ\
Definition of CAVIL
intransitive verb
: to raise trivial and frivolous objection
transitive verb
: to raise trivial objections to
— cavil noun
— cav·il·er or cav·il·ler \ˈka-və-lər, ˈkav-lər\ noun
I don't like the rules the TSA works under. Somehow I doubt most of them like having to carry them out either. But the people doing the job aren't the problem in 99.9% of cases. It's the rules they are working under that's the problem. And those seem to change all the time.

How about we stop blaming people doing a thankless job in an economy where jobs are scarce and they have to eat, and start putting the blame where it belongs? Tell the yahoos in Congress and DHS to sit down, think instead of jerking that knee and make rules that make sense. Then give appropriate training to all TSOs and stop messing with it on a weekly basis.

Anybody who doesn't like it can drive.
There is that whining word again.

Why is it when a left leaning poster critizes their government they are whining but not when a righty is complaining.

I guess we need a new word for the complaints of the righties.

What should it be....lets see.

They do it so reflexsively when the name Obama is mentioned, they did the same with Clinton and Carter.

They fight things the left does even when it was something they backed a couple of months before.


quit your caviling.

Its a rabble of caviling cons.

cavilcade of caviling cons.

Yes that is it .

Hey genius.

According to you I am a right leaning poster, and I am admitting to whining. Where does that leave your entire post?
I don't like the rules the TSA works under. Somehow I doubt most of them like having to carry them out either. But the people doing the job aren't the problem in 99.9% of cases. It's the rules they are working under that's the problem. And those seem to change all the time.

How about we stop blaming people doing a thankless job in an economy where jobs are scarce and they have to eat, and start putting the blame where it belongs? Tell the yahoos in Congress and DHS to sit down, think instead of jerking that knee and make rules that make sense. Then give appropriate training to all TSOs and stop messing with it on a weekly basis.

Anybody who doesn't like it can drive.

How long is that going to be left as an option? They are already moving the TSA into train, and bus, stations.

TSA Holds Security Checks At Orlando Train Station - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

People have been known to put bombs in trucks, and even cars, and it is a matter of national security to make sure it never happens here.
I don't like the rules the TSA works under. Somehow I doubt most of them like having to carry them out either. But the people doing the job aren't the problem in 99.9% of cases. It's the rules they are working under that's the problem. And those seem to change all the time.

How about we stop blaming people doing a thankless job in an economy where jobs are scarce and they have to eat, and start putting the blame where it belongs? Tell the yahoos in Congress and DHS to sit down, think instead of jerking that knee and make rules that make sense. Then give appropriate training to all TSOs and stop messing with it on a weekly basis.

Anybody who doesn't like it can drive.

How long is that going to be left as an option? They are already moving the TSA into train, and bus, stations.

TSA Holds Security Checks At Orlando Train Station - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

People have been known to put bombs in trucks, and even cars, and it is a matter of national security to make sure it never happens here.

Careful, QW. Your paranoia is showing again. Common carriers are one thing, and operate under different rules in exchange for the benefits they receive . But somehow I rather doubt DHS will be gaining control over individuals' private property in violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments anytime soon.
I don't like the rules the TSA works under. Somehow I doubt most of them like having to carry them out either. But the people doing the job aren't the problem in 99.9% of cases. It's the rules they are working under that's the problem. And those seem to change all the time.

How about we stop blaming people doing a thankless job in an economy where jobs are scarce and they have to eat, and start putting the blame where it belongs? Tell the yahoos in Congress and DHS to sit down, think instead of jerking that knee and make rules that make sense. Then give appropriate training to all TSOs and stop messing with it on a weekly basis.

Anybody who doesn't like it can drive.

How long is that going to be left as an option? They are already moving the TSA into train, and bus, stations.

TSA Holds Security Checks At Orlando Train Station - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

People have been known to put bombs in trucks, and even cars, and it is a matter of national security to make sure it never happens here.

Careful, QW. Your paranoia is showing again. Common carriers are one thing, and operate under different rules in exchange for the benefits they receive . But somehow I rather doubt DHS will be gaining control over individuals' private property in violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments anytime soon.

No they won't but do you know that there is already technology in place that can detect a vehicle's emissions as that vehicle drives by at 70 MPH? How long before they adapt that technology to bomb and or chemical sniffers? Not long, and IMO that won't be a bad thing, unless misused of course.
How long is that going to be left as an option? They are already moving the TSA into train, and bus, stations.

TSA Holds Security Checks At Orlando Train Station - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

People have been known to put bombs in trucks, and even cars, and it is a matter of national security to make sure it never happens here.

Careful, QW. Your paranoia is showing again. Common carriers are one thing, and operate under different rules in exchange for the benefits they receive . But somehow I rather doubt DHS will be gaining control over individuals' private property in violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments anytime soon.

No they won't but do you know that there is already technology in place that can detect a vehicle's emissions as that vehicle drives by at 70 MPH? How long before they adapt that technology to bomb and or chemical sniffers? Not long, and IMO that won't be a bad thing, unless misused of course.

If used properly I have no problem with it. Whatever is put out into the public space is fair game. Trash, vehicle emissions, traces of long as due process is followed, have at it.
Yet another thread complaining about how the Government does one of the few things it does that is actually it's job to do. I don't know, Some think they have rights to anything I guess. Well, you don't have the right to choose what security checks you want to go through. Not if you want to get on a public airliner. And aren't we glad that the terrorists have to work so hard to get anything on board with you?
I don't like the rules the TSA works under. Somehow I doubt most of them like having to carry them out either. But the people doing the job aren't the problem in 99.9% of cases. It's the rules they are working under that's the problem. And those seem to change all the time.

How about we stop blaming people doing a thankless job in an economy where jobs are scarce and they have to eat, and start putting the blame where it belongs? Tell the yahoos in Congress and DHS to sit down, think instead of jerking that knee and make rules that make sense. Then give appropriate training to all TSOs and stop messing with it on a weekly basis.

Anybody who doesn't like it can drive.

How long is that going to be left as an option? They are already moving the TSA into train, and bus, stations.

TSA Holds Security Checks At Orlando Train Station - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

People have been known to put bombs in trucks, and even cars, and it is a matter of national security to make sure it never happens here.

Careful, QW. Your paranoia is showing again. Common carriers are one thing, and operate under different rules in exchange for the benefits they receive . But somehow I rather doubt DHS will be gaining control over individuals' private property in violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments anytime soon.

Correct me if I am wrong, but my body, and any luggage I might carry aboard a common carrier is my private property. Also, the interstate highway system is generally considered to be part of a common carrier, and cannot be regulated by states. (I know I am wording that poorly, not being a lawyer and all, but I hope you get my point.) What is to prevent the government from setting up checkpoints for explosives? They already have them for illegal aliens, so it would not be that much of a stretch.

Just because I am paranoid does not mean that they are not out to get me.

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