Outgoing Dutch PM tells Europe to stop 'whining and nagging about Trump'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Finally an adult in the room.

Stop whining and pay your 2% FFS. THAT is the greatest threat. They want peace through hope and happy thoughts.

Outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who is likely to be the next secretary-general of NATO, urged fellow European leaders to stop "whining" about former President Trump.

The blunt admonition comes days after the GOP 2024 front-runner suggested the U.S. should not honor its NATO commitments if European countries do not increase their defense contribution to the North Atlantic alliance. Trump's comments sparked outrage throughout Europe and provoked an immediate condemnation from President Biden's White House.

"We should stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump," Rutte said Saturday at the Munich Security Conference.

"It's up to the Americans. I'm not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor," he added.
Stop whining and pay your 2% FFS.

As much as I detest the former President, the Prime Minister is correct. I have seen so many of the various PDS (Presidential Derangement Syndrome) in the past 4 decades, but this is by far the worst I have ever seen. The guy is a megalomaniac and actually thrives on all the attention he is getting. Just STFU and let him slip into obscurity, all that is doing is feeding him.

But in that belief of his, that is actually something I have agreed with for decades now. That the other members do need to pay the shares agreed upon. I served a long time in the US military, and would willingly have gone to defend our alliance members. But they have to take their own security as seriously as we do. Not just coast along knowing the US will bail them out and not do things to protect themselves.

Because at this time, only 18 of the 31 member nations are paying the 2% of their GDP they agreed to. Most amazing, Poland is actually spending the highest amount, at 3.9% of their GDP. And even with all their economic problems, Greece is paying 3.01%. But then you have some of the richest nations in Europe spending 1.57% (Germany), 1.46% (Italy), 1.26% (Spain), and 1.31% (Turkey), and that is wrong.

I can even give a bit of a break for Norway. As even though they are spending only 1.67%, they are also paying the highest amount per capita at $1,598. And they have been spending far above the suggested amount for military R&D, and actually are a fairly major weapons source for much of NATO. So in reality they spend over 2%, it's just that much of that is in R&D and development programs and not on the equipment itself.

The rest need to either do as they agreed, or STFU and GTFO. Especially if they themselves are breaking the agreement by not paying 2% but are whining anyways.

The Europeans have been getting a free ride from the American taxpayer since 1945. It's time they pay their fair share.

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