The Tea Party Needs to address our public school mess


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
Most everyone knows about or has heard about our public school a public schools system that once stood out as the world's best has degenerated into really little more than a baby sitting service.

The Tea Party should put the spotlight on our public schools.....this would greatly help build their membership at the grass roots level....all those parents out there at their wits end because no one has the courage to address the public school opportunity for the Tea Party.

Here is an interesting piece by a courageous Baltimore school teacher...who bravely shows...what the schools need most is not better teachers but.........better students.

A brave Baltimore teacher speaks the truth about schools, students |
In order to have better students, there must be better parents. What can the Tea party, or any group, do to make parents better?
easy answer. get rid of the teachers union

Did you not read the article or could you not comprehend it? The teachers unions are not the problem.

One should not really post a reply unless one reads the post one is replying to.
In order to have better students, there must be better parents. What can the Tea party, or any group, do to make parents better?

To solve any problem one must first identify the far the people charged with governing our public school system are not identifying the problem. They are accusing the teachers, the teacher union and even the parents of the students.....but no one is laying the blame where the blame belongs...on the students.

Now the solution seems obvious to me....especialy if you read the article.....just do not allow the students that are causing all these problems to go to public school....expel them, put them in jail if they break the law, but quit making excuses for them.

The students that do the things spelled out in the article by the Baltimore School Teacher....I would suggest need to be put into special camps where they can be 'trained' like animals to they now are...they are not teachable...but they could be trained..if you get my drift?
easy answer. get rid of the teachers union

Did you not read the article or could you not comprehend it? The teachers unions are not the problem.

One should not really post a reply unless one reads the post one is replying to.

First off, that is an opinion not fact. Learn the difference
Second, don't be simple minded smartass
The teachers union has been shoving liberalism down everyone's throat for years. It teaches an entitlement mindset. The parents are too danm lazy, and frankly don't give a shit. Everything is done for them. Liberalism makes people think they are not good enough to take care of themselves themselves(modern day slavery). They can sit on their fat ars es and everything will be taken care of.

Don't tell me I can't comprehend something you sheep. Think for yourself. You seem like part of the problem. Too damm lazy to do your own shit
Liberate your mind haha
easy answer. get rid of the teachers union

Did you not read the article or could you not comprehend it? The teachers unions are not the problem.

One should not really post a reply unless one reads the post one is replying to.

First off, that is an opinion not fact. Learn the difference
Second, don't be simple minded smartass
The teachers union has been shoving liberalism down everyone's throat for years. It teaches an entitlement mindset. The parents are too danm lazy, and frankly don't give a shit. Everything is done for them. Liberalism makes people think they are not good enough to take care of themselves themselves(modern day slavery). They can sit on their fat ars es and everything will be taken care of.

Don't tell me I can't comprehend something you sheep. Think for yourself. You seem like part of the problem. Too damm lazy to do your own shit
Liberate your mind haha

First appear not to understand the difference between a school teacher relating his life long experience teaching-- with just an 'opinion' you are the one expressing an 'opinion' by stating you do not believe the school dat chump? heh heh is not the teacher's unions that have promoted political correctness in our is governmental policies.

Now I agree with you regarding the parents but no one has the power to fix that......barring trouble making students(animals) from schools is achievable with the proper governmental guidance.....

Now why you seek to protect these animals attending our public schools makes no sense.....unless you are a politically correct republican......which of course indicates I am right on target when I say you are "coinfused".

If it walks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a just might be a politically correct republican. heh heh
"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work".
Public Schools are how we destroy multiple generations of Americans.
Communist Goal #17:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Did you not read the article or could you not comprehend it? The teachers unions are not the problem.

One should not really post a reply unless one reads the post one is replying to.

First off, that is an opinion not fact. Learn the difference
Second, don't be simple minded smartass
The teachers union has been shoving liberalism down everyone's throat for years. It teaches an entitlement mindset. The parents are too danm lazy, and frankly don't give a shit. Everything is done for them. Liberalism makes people think they are not good enough to take care of themselves themselves(modern day slavery). They can sit on their fat ars es and everything will be taken care of.

Don't tell me I can't comprehend something you sheep. Think for yourself. You seem like part of the problem. Too damm lazy to do your own shit
Liberate your mind haha

First appear not to understand the difference between a school teacher relating his life long experience teaching-- with just an 'opinion' you are the one expressing an 'opinion' by stating you do not believe the school dat chump? heh heh is not the teacher's unions that have promoted political correctness in our is governmental policies.

Now I agree with you regarding the parents but no one has the power to fix that......barring trouble making students(animals) from schools is achievable with the proper governmental guidance.....

Now why you seek to protect these animals attending our public schools makes no sense.....unless you are a politically correct republican......which of course indicates I am right on target when I say you are "coinfused".

If it walks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a just might be a politically correct republican. heh heh

Oh I am sorry. I didn't know he she taught at every school in the country. There goes my skim reading :lol:
Govt policies the union eh... same thing
I am not protecting anything. That is just how they are /were raised.0
I don't give two shits what you think I am. You don't seem to have the credibility for anyone to give a damn what you think.
End the government monopoly on affordable education.

Maybe one could make a case that the citizens of a particular state should be forced to pay the education of poorer families, but there is no way anyone can justify the top-down control that states and the Feds have over education, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch.

Let the free market compete for voluntary education customers and watch our educational results skyrocket and costs come down, all while tailoring the educational experience to the needs of each and every community. The central planner approach has failed us.
End the government monopoly on affordable education.

Maybe one could make a case that the citizens of a particular state should be forced to pay the education of poorer families, but there is no way anyone can justify the top-down control that states and the Feds have over education, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch.

Let the free market compete for voluntary education customers and watch our educational results skyrocket and costs come down, all while tailoring the educational experience to the needs of each and every community. The central planner approach has failed us.

Excellent idea.
End the government monopoly on affordable education.

Maybe one could make a case that the citizens of a particular state should be forced to pay the education of poorer families, but there is no way anyone can justify the top-down control that states and the Feds have over education, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch.

Let the free market compete for voluntary education customers and watch our educational results skyrocket and costs come down, all while tailoring the educational experience to the needs of each and every community. The central planner approach has failed us.
You misspelled "unaffordable"....But otherwise right on the mark.
The Tea Party Needs to address our public school mess
Addressing the gubmint schooling mess is easy.

When you put politicians and bureaucrats in charge of schooling, you get the same indifference to efficiency and customer service (at least) that you get from the post office, DMV, building department, etcetera...

Gubmint schooling doesn't work because there are no consequences for delivering a shitty product/service.
First off, that is an opinion not fact. Learn the difference
Second, don't be simple minded smartass
The teachers union has been shoving liberalism down everyone's throat for years. It teaches an entitlement mindset. The parents are too danm lazy, and frankly don't give a shit. Everything is done for them. Liberalism makes people think they are not good enough to take care of themselves themselves(modern day slavery). They can sit on their fat ars es and everything will be taken care of.

Don't tell me I can't comprehend something you sheep. Think for yourself. You seem like part of the problem. Too damm lazy to do your own shit
Liberate your mind haha

First appear not to understand the difference between a school teacher relating his life long experience teaching-- with just an 'opinion' you are the one expressing an 'opinion' by stating you do not believe the school dat chump? heh heh is not the teacher's unions that have promoted political correctness in our is governmental policies.

Now I agree with you regarding the parents but no one has the power to fix that......barring trouble making students(animals) from schools is achievable with the proper governmental guidance.....

Now why you seek to protect these animals attending our public schools makes no sense.....unless you are a politically correct republican......which of course indicates I am right on target when I say you are "coinfused".

If it walks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a just might be a politically correct republican. heh heh

Oh I am sorry. I didn't know he she taught at every school in the country. There goes my skim reading :lol:
Govt policies the union eh... same thing
I am not protecting anything. That is just how they are /were raised.0
I don't give two shits what you think I am. You don't seem to have the credibility for anyone to give a damn what you think.

Oh you think it is just a 'local problem'?...I mean the behavior the Baltimore Teacher really are clueless. You need to talk to some teachers...or even parents of students for that matter.

Then to compound your ignorance you claim Government Policies and the union are the same need to study up. can make a case that these 'Animals' I and the Baltimore Teacher refer to are the products of how their parents raise them but I do not think that is the whole problem.....Irregardless making excuses for them serves no purpose and solves nothing....try and come up with some idea that might solve the problem...or is that axing too much. heh heh

Someone's lack of credibility is being exposed here....but it's not mine. Get a clue.
The Tea Party Needs to address our public school mess
Addressing the gubmint schooling mess is easy.

When you put politicians and bureaucrats in charge of schooling, you get the same indifference to efficiency and customer service (at least) that you get from the post office, DMV, building department, etcetera...

Gubmint schooling doesn't work because there are no consequences for delivering a shitty product/service.

Educate a fool and what have you got? A educated fool.

All the bullshit of trying to blame the teachers, the teachers unions, budgetary problems etc. and so on and so forth simply misses the mark--- is irrelevant and totally obfusicating the real problem with our public schools.

The real problem is all these so called students(a better term is animals--but it insults innocent animals)that should not even be in our Public School system.

They are not educable to begin with....and then in their frustration and anger at being exposed as basically stupid they begin to act attack the teachers and other students who are capable of learning and trying to learn under miserable classroom situations where teachers fear for their lives and if they try and discipline one of the 'animals' they are accused of being a waycist.

Our schools back in the day of the 'One Room School House' turned out a better product....students were taught good morals, how to think and behave and were upon graduating capable of being able to read, write' and at least the ability to do simple math.

In a nutshell it is not politically correct to identify the real problem with our public schools. Anyone with intimate knowledge of what is happening in our public schools knows this....but for anyone to openly talk about it is simply not politically acceptable. It is is tabool.
The Tea Party Needs to address our public school mess
Addressing the gubmint schooling mess is easy.

When you put politicians and bureaucrats in charge of schooling, you get the same indifference to efficiency and customer service (at least) that you get from the post office, DMV, building department, etcetera...

Gubmint schooling doesn't work because there are no consequences for delivering a shitty product/service.

Educate a fool and what have you got? A educated fool.

All the bullshit of trying to blame the teachers, the teachers unions, budgetary problems etc. and so on and so forth simply misses the mark--- is irrelevant and totally obfusicating the real problem with our public schools.

The real problem is all these so called students(a better term is animals--but it insults innocent animals)that should not even be in our Public School system.

They are not educable to begin with....and then in their frustration and anger at being exposed as basically stupid they begin to act attack the teachers and other students who are capable of learning and trying to learn under miserable classroom situations where teachers fear for their lives and if they try and discipline one of the 'animals' they are accused of being a waycist.

Our schools back in the day of the 'One Room School House' turned out a better product....students were taught good morals, how to think and behave and were upon graduating capable of being able to read, write' and at least the ability to do simple math.

In a nutshell it is not politically correct to identify the real problem with our public schools. Anyone with intimate knowledge of what is happening in our public schools knows this....but for anyone to openly talk about it is simply not politically acceptable. It is is tabool.
There you have it: Blame the customer.

Fucking arrogant asshole.
Addressing the gubmint schooling mess is easy.

When you put politicians and bureaucrats in charge of schooling, you get the same indifference to efficiency and customer service (at least) that you get from the post office, DMV, building department, etcetera...

Gubmint schooling doesn't work because there are no consequences for delivering a shitty product/service.

Educate a fool and what have you got? A educated fool.

All the bullshit of trying to blame the teachers, the teachers unions, budgetary problems etc. and so on and so forth simply misses the mark--- is irrelevant and totally obfusicating the real problem with our public schools.

The real problem is all these so called students(a better term is animals--but it insults innocent animals)that should not even be in our Public School system.

They are not educable to begin with....and then in their frustration and anger at being exposed as basically stupid they begin to act attack the teachers and other students who are capable of learning and trying to learn under miserable classroom situations where teachers fear for their lives and if they try and discipline one of the 'animals' they are accused of being a waycist.

Our schools back in the day of the 'One Room School House' turned out a better product....students were taught good morals, how to think and behave and were upon graduating capable of being able to read, write' and at least the ability to do simple math.

In a nutshell it is not politically correct to identify the real problem with our public schools. Anyone with intimate knowledge of what is happening in our public schools knows this....but for anyone to openly talk about it is simply not politically acceptable. It is is tabool.
There you have it: Blame the customer.

Fucking arrogant asshole.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa This board really needs a better class of liberal/pc republicans....I link them because there is very little difference between them.

You guys are way toooooo easy. heh heh

Irregardless.....what makes you think these ignorant/stupid animals that cause 99% of the problems in our public schools are customers? What they are essentially are: politically protected stooges, parasites(since their parents are too poor to pay taxes--even if they worked) thugs, dope pushers, wanna be gangstas and social not even belong on this continent much less in this society. Deal wid it chump.
The teabaggers are too selfish to care about anything that does not effect them directly. Their children left home years ago.

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