The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress

You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

Where do you find such verses?

According to your bible (Genesis) the universe is just over 6000 years old and the temple is about 4000 year old! :2up:

In the many verses where mo'mad made it a command to his followers.

Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

You are ignorant!, this is a verse:

"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Haram Mosque to al- Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing."- Koran

Sorry but that is the mosque that is on the road outside of Medina as the one in Jerusalem was not built till at least 50 years after his journey.

Ignorant, mosque didn't mean building it means place of prayer.

Not in this case as you muslims have clearly stated that it was the building he visited, and the only al aqsa mosque at the time according to islamic history was on the road outside of Medina. There was no mosque or islamic place of prayer in Jerusalem for at least 50 years after his death.

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.
Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress

You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

I follow the recent scientific findings that say the translation was wrong and that virgin in this context meant an engaged woman not yet formally married.

He was a Jew as the Bible make clear, and the historical records of the Romans also make clear. Once again you LIE about what the bible says as you interpret as only a muslim would. You need to read the whole chapter for the context, not the single verse as you do. He was talking about a very small group of Jews when he said this, the ones you rave over today.

Jesus was the name given by the early Christians as his true name was Joseph after his father.


The man from Galilee was most likely not a jew.

Then what was he as islam and Chistianity had not been invented yet, leaving pagan or Jew ?
Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress

You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

I follow the recent scientific findings that say the translation was wrong and that virgin in this context meant an engaged woman not yet formally married.

He was a Jew as the Bible make clear, and the historical records of the Romans also make clear. Once again you LIE about what the bible says as you interpret as only a muslim would. You need to read the whole chapter for the context, not the single verse as you do. He was talking about a very small group of Jews when he said this, the ones you rave over today.

Jesus was the name given by the early Christians as his true name was Joseph after his father.


Taken out of context. There is nothing so sick as the OT, the Quran does not compare. Jesus had a lot in common with Joseph but he was not Joseph nor was his name. The bible does not make clear he was a Judean, actually he was not.

Did you know him personally then, as Jesus was the Romanised version of his Jewish name. The Bible clearly states that he was a Jew.

Was Jesus a Jew? - Biblical Archaeology Society
Or even face it while praying on the Temple Mount itself.

Have you noticed that every muslim holy place was originally Jewish, even the mosque in Mecca was Jewish and was Abrahams last resting place
Well Jews were derived from Arabs in the first place Pheo
Just for Pheo steve

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Have you noticed that every muslim holy place was originally Jewish, even the mosque in Mecca was Jewish and was Abrahams last resting place
Well Jews were derived from Arabs in the first place Pheo
Just for Pheo steve

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Actually Pheo I have no real issue with you,I quite like you but you know I'm no Muslim,but wouldn't bother me if I was..and your historical timeline is up to shit..but I know you are not Jewish,so why protect them so vehemently sic like you do???????steve
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Have you noticed that every muslim holy place was originally Jewish, even the mosque in Mecca was Jewish and was Abrahams last resting place
Well Jews were derived from Arabs in the first place Pheo
Just for Pheo steve

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Actually Pheo I have no real issue with you,I quite like you but you know I'm no Muslim,but wouldn't bother me if I was....but I know you are not Jewish,so why protect them so vehemently sic like you do???????steve
Well Jews were derived from Arabs in the first place Pheo
Just for Pheo steve

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Actually Pheo I have no real issue with you,I quite like you but you know I'm no Muslim,but wouldn't bother me if I was....but I know you are not Jewish,so why protect them so vehemently sic like you do???????steve

Because nazi's like you want to see them wiped out once and for all. Then who will you turn on for your next victims.

You know that the muslims are violent psychopaths that will kill at the drop of a hat so why do you protect them so much, and endorse their terrorist murders of children.

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Actually Pheo I have no real issue with you,I quite like you but you know I'm no Muslim,but wouldn't bother me if I was....but I know you are not Jewish,so why protect them so vehemently sic like you do???????steve

Because nazi's like you want to see them wiped out once and for all. Then who will you turn on for your next victims.

You know that the muslims are violent psychopaths that will kill at the drop of a hat so why do you protect them so much, and endorse their terrorist murders of children.
I like Jews,I just hate Zionists......and I don't wear Hats of any description, do YOU
Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
How silly of you Pheo,Australian Aboriginals have been here for over 40,000 years but keep up the Zionist Propaganda,you'll be telling me next that they were the first Zionists .LOL..steve

No I leave the fantasies to you and your fellow muslims, are you now trying to say that the muslims were around 40,000 years ago ?
Actually Pheo I have no real issue with you,I quite like you but you know I'm no Muslim,but wouldn't bother me if I was....but I know you are not Jewish,so why protect them so vehemently sic like you do???????steve

Because nazi's like you want to see them wiped out once and for all. Then who will you turn on for your next victims.

You know that the muslims are violent psychopaths that will kill at the drop of a hat so why do you protect them so much, and endorse their terrorist murders of children.
I like Jews,I just hate Zionists......and I don't wear Hats of any description, do YOU

You don't even know what Zionism means and you project the evil that is islam onto the good that is Zionism because you have been brainwashed to do so.

I like Jews,I just hate Zionists......

In other words -- I like Jews as long as they don't want the same rights as the rest of us.
Sorry Shu what nonsense are you Garbling NOW??????that's right more BULLSHIT of the Zionist kind..........steven

You are the one spouting the bullshit as shown by your constant use of the word Zionist out of context and in a manner to incite violence and racial hatred
You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

I follow the recent scientific findings that say the translation was wrong and that virgin in this context meant an engaged woman not yet formally married.

He was a Jew as the Bible make clear, and the historical records of the Romans also make clear. Once again you LIE about what the bible says as you interpret as only a muslim would. You need to read the whole chapter for the context, not the single verse as you do. He was talking about a very small group of Jews when he said this, the ones you rave over today.

Jesus was the name given by the early Christians as his true name was Joseph after his father.


Taken out of context. There is nothing so sick as the OT, the Quran does not compare. Jesus had a lot in common with Joseph but he was not Joseph nor was his name. The bible does not make clear he was a Judean, actually he was not.

Did you know him personally then, as Jesus was the Romanised version of his Jewish name. The Bible clearly states that he was a Jew.

Was Jesus a Jew? - Biblical Archaeology Society

No it doesn't.
And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

I follow the recent scientific findings that say the translation was wrong and that virgin in this context meant an engaged woman not yet formally married.

He was a Jew as the Bible make clear, and the historical records of the Romans also make clear. Once again you LIE about what the bible says as you interpret as only a muslim would. You need to read the whole chapter for the context, not the single verse as you do. He was talking about a very small group of Jews when he said this, the ones you rave over today.

Jesus was the name given by the early Christians as his true name was Joseph after his father.


Taken out of context. There is nothing so sick as the OT, the Quran does not compare. Jesus had a lot in common with Joseph but he was not Joseph nor was his name. The bible does not make clear he was a Judean, actually he was not.

Did you know him personally then, as Jesus was the Romanised version of his Jewish name. The Bible clearly states that he was a Jew.

Was Jesus a Jew? - Biblical Archaeology Society

No it doesn't.

Read it again and see that it does

Mark 15.2

1Early in the morning, the chief priests, elders, scribes, and the whole Sanhedrin devised a plan. They bound Jesus, led Him away, and handed Him over to Pilate. 2So Pilate questioned Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?” “You have said so,” Jesus replied.

Mathew 2.2

asking, “Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

Where do you find such verses?

According to your bible (Genesis) the universe is just over 6000 years old and the temple is about 4000 year old! :2up:

In the many verses where mo'mad made it a command to his followers.


You can't answer: give the verses?

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