The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?

Then why do you think those who call themselves jews have any right to that land?

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?

Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood and its UN agreement and emergence as a State 1948 is corrupt....steve

And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?

Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.


And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?

Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve
And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed

I believe the historical evidence more than the bible. Those from Galilee were not considered the same as those from Judea, also I do not believe in the virgin birth. You sound like you might know the bible but nothing else.

If Jesus was a jew, which I highly doubt , shows you how the jews , who were not called jews at that time, but Judeans, had no problem killing their own, but Jesus according to the Bible thought their father was of the devil.

Judeans had 2 choices, pick Jesus the peaceful Annointed one of God, or Jesus Barabbas, (son of the father) a zealot revolutionary, and they chose Jesus the zealot, so Rome said if you want a fight , we shall fight. There were many civil wars since the Maccabees.

I know the Torah and the koran as well, which is why I post the parts of the koran that call on muslims to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "

Where do you find such verses?

According to your bible (Genesis) the universe is just over 6000 years old and the temple is about 4000 year old! :2up:

In the many verses where mo'mad made it a command to his followers.


You can't answer: give the verses?
I already have and for a muslim you are very weak in what the koran says

But just for you here are some again

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."

Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Quran (8:67) - "It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land..."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.

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And you present a frank and open discusion on historical relevance as if it was definitive proof that the Temple never existed. The writtings of the Romans point to the Temple being exactlt where the carbuncle is, and International law says that the muslims have no legal rights there.

Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?
Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?
Go explain your stories to archeolgists and scholars who didn't find any site related to this temple!

By the way who lived in Jerusalem before the israelites? :arrow:

Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?
Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?

No one cares, and the Israelites were most likely a sect of the Canaanites,

read and learn, why British allowed the Zionist to enter Palestine, and wanted them to invade Palestine:

Notwithstanding, if we look at the case for the establishment of Israel, it was predicated on religious and historical arguments. But both of those arguments don’t hold any water because Zionists Jews were more secular than religious, as such, and thousands of years old biblical history is more akin to fairy tales than proper history.

Here we must keep in mind the demographics of Palestine in the 1920s: there were approximately 50,000 Jews; 50,000 Christians; and more than 700,000 Arab Muslims in the areas comprising Israel and Palestine of today. Over the course of next few decades, however, the demographics were changed by shipping hundreds of thousands of East European Jews to Palestine.

Communist Revolution And The Creation Of Israel – OpEd
Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?
Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?

No one cares, and the Israelites were most likely a sect of the Canaanites,

read and learn, why British allowed the Zionist to enter Palestine, and wanted them to invade Palestine:

Notwithstanding, if we look at the case for the establishment of Israel, it was predicated on religious and historical arguments. But both of those arguments don’t hold any water because Zionists Jews were more secular than religious, as such, and thousands of years old biblical history is more akin to fairy tales than proper history.

Here we must keep in mind the demographics of Palestine in the 1920s: there were approximately 50,000 Jews; 50,000 Christians; and more than 700,000 Arab Muslims in the areas comprising Israel and Palestine of today. Over the course of next few decades, however, the demographics were changed by shipping hundreds of thousands of East European Jews to Palestine.

Communist Revolution And The Creation Of Israel – OpEd

People from from almost any country on earth immigrating to another country will assimilate into that country's fabric within a couple of generations. The Jews are the exception. Jews around the world are the same as the ones who left Egypt. You're premises are 100% false, Agnes.
et al.

I think we've strayed-off and lost the intent behind the "The Temple Mount Myth-revealed" OP. It all rings true (sound and valid), but is it?

• Proof of absence = you can prove it does not exist.
• Absence of proof = you cannot prove it exists.
Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

In the words of the authors: "There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says" and "There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing." This is the "Absence of Proof," plain and simple

The Fallacy said:
Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place for providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.
SOURCE: Logical Fallacies

It is only in the rarest of cases that you can prove the non-existence of something. The example often cited it the "Empty Bucket." You can prove that something specific is not in a bucket. (Of course we've all enjoyed the disappearing rabbit.)

People read, hear and see, generally what they want (preconceived notion). There are some things that are intuitively accepted and others that are not. The glue that binds a Religion together is something called "faith." And the myths and Secrets and Miracles of the Bible, Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism and other examples of the unexplained are just that. Even the belief in the Supreme Being is, for most of us, a matter of faith; just as ghosts, goblins and ghouls are manifestations of our fear.

If you want to believe this logic, of course you will. But rest assured, like the Rabbit, the "absence of evidence" that the rabbit is not there is just a matter of the slight of hand.

Most Respectfully,
Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?

No one cares, and the Israelites were most likely a sect of the Canaanites,

read and learn, why British allowed the Zionist to enter Palestine, and wanted them to invade Palestine:

Notwithstanding, if we look at the case for the establishment of Israel, it was predicated on religious and historical arguments. But both of those arguments don’t hold any water because Zionists Jews were more secular than religious, as such, and thousands of years old biblical history is more akin to fairy tales than proper history.

Here we must keep in mind the demographics of Palestine in the 1920s: there were approximately 50,000 Jews; 50,000 Christians; and more than 700,000 Arab Muslims in the areas comprising Israel and Palestine of today. Over the course of next few decades, however, the demographics were changed by shipping hundreds of thousands of East European Jews to Palestine.

Communist Revolution And The Creation Of Israel – OpEd

People from from almost any country on earth immigrating to another country will assimilate into that country's fabric within a couple of generations. The Jews are the exception. Jews around the world are the same as the ones who left Egypt. You're premises are 100% false, Agnes.

Which self proclaimed jews, the Zionist are the ones Britain put there and encouraged to go there to protect the Suez Canal, in the article it explains it well. It was under the pretense of religion as most of the Zionist are atheists and so have most of the PM been seculars, Israel was to be set up as a secular country, and it was to expel the Arabs , Palestinians living there. Once again, they didn't want the religious people who practice Judaism and spoke Yiddish to move there. That is why they reestablished Hebrew, a Canaanite language.
et al.

I think we've strayed-off and lost the intent behind the "The Temple Mount Myth-revealed" OP. It all rings true (sound and valid), but is it?

• Proof of absence = you can prove it does not exist.
• Absence of proof = you cannot prove it exists.
Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

In the words of the authors: "There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says" and "There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing." This is the "Absence of Proof," plain and simple

The Fallacy said:
Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place for providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.
SOURCE: Logical Fallacies

It is only in the rarest of cases that you can prove the non-existence of something. The example often cited it the "Empty Bucket." You can prove that something specific is not in a bucket. (Of course we've all enjoyed the disappearing rabbit.)

People read, hear and see, generally what they want (preconceived notion). There are some things that are intuitively accepted and others that are not. The glue that binds a Religion together is something called "faith." And the myths and Secrets and Miracles of the Bible, Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism and other examples of the unexplained are just that. Even the belief in the Supreme Being is, for most of us, a matter of faith; just as ghosts, goblins and ghouls are manifestations of our fear.

If you want to believe this logic, of course you will. But rest assured, like the Rabbit, the "absence of evidence" that the rabbit is not there is just a matter of the slight of hand.

Most Respectfully,

I agree, the bible is not historical, but that doesn't not stop them from creating history from the bible, which they are doing.
Does it really matter who lived there before the Israelites?. All over this planet there were different civilizations that rose and fell. In your madrassa where you were educated, there were no classes in ancient history. Now you have the Internet and feel that you are completing your education, but the Internet has plenty of false information which serves your purpose.

Why don't we just say who lived in all those Muslim countries before the Muslims invaded and took over and now claim these countries as their own?
Of course it does Hoss,because the Jews insist that THIS IS THEIR LAND.....but as you and I know it is not,therein lies your and the Jews dilemma because it is a falsehood,Israel is a falsehood....steve

Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?

No one cares, and the Israelites were most likely a sect of the Canaanites,

read and learn, why British allowed the Zionist to enter Palestine, and wanted them to invade Palestine:

Notwithstanding, if we look at the case for the establishment of Israel, it was predicated on religious and historical arguments. But both of those arguments don’t hold any water because Zionists Jews were more secular than religious, as such, and thousands of years old biblical history is more akin to fairy tales than proper history.

Here we must keep in mind the demographics of Palestine in the 1920s: there were approximately 50,000 Jews; 50,000 Christians; and more than 700,000 Arab Muslims in the areas comprising Israel and Palestine of today. Over the course of next few decades, however, the demographics were changed by shipping hundreds of thousands of East European Jews to Palestine.

Communist Revolution And The Creation Of Israel – OpEd

If no one cared you would not be on here spreading LIES, BLOOD LIBELS, HATRED and VIOLENCE and we would not be concerned with what is happening in the M.E.

Those 700,000 were mostly in what is now Jordan if you look at the census, and by 1948 the numbers in what was granted as the Jewish National home were only 350,000.

Actually many of the Jews were stopped from arriving by first the Russians who needed their intelligence, and then by the British who acted on the commands of the mufti
Penelope, et al.

Yes, but we are constantly guided by the wisdom of Agatha Christie in those words by the great Belgian Detective Hercule Poirot:

It is the brain, the little gray cells on which one must rely. One must seek the truth within--not without." ~ Poirot

I agree, the bible is not historical, but that doesn't not stop them from creating history from the bible, which they are doing.

You cannot allow the imaginary wisdom and the religious conjecture from disguising the truth. You must recognize it, reach through the fog of unreasonable religious fundamentalism and extract that which is real and that which is truth. And as you would with any other cult of the irrational, discard that which is irrelevant.

Most Respectfully,
Heres the real truth, dingo breath.

Hoss don't be silly,you know I do not speak with forked tongue.....who are the Jews and where are they from..steve

The Jews are those people descended from the inhabitants of the holy land taken as slaves by the Romans, the people that were there before any arab muslim or roman catholic. They were dispersed around the roman empire but still kept their religion intact, and their genetics. They are originally from Judea and Samaria and that is where they are returning now it is under Jewish control.

Now who are the arab muslims caslling themselves palestinians and where are they from ?

No one cares, and the Israelites were most likely a sect of the Canaanites,

read and learn, why British allowed the Zionist to enter Palestine, and wanted them to invade Palestine:

Notwithstanding, if we look at the case for the establishment of Israel, it was predicated on religious and historical arguments. But both of those arguments don’t hold any water because Zionists Jews were more secular than religious, as such, and thousands of years old biblical history is more akin to fairy tales than proper history.

Here we must keep in mind the demographics of Palestine in the 1920s: there were approximately 50,000 Jews; 50,000 Christians; and more than 700,000 Arab Muslims in the areas comprising Israel and Palestine of today. Over the course of next few decades, however, the demographics were changed by shipping hundreds of thousands of East European Jews to Palestine.

Communist Revolution And The Creation Of Israel – OpEd

People from from almost any country on earth immigrating to another country will assimilate into that country's fabric within a couple of generations. The Jews are the exception. Jews around the world are the same as the ones who left Egypt. You're premises are 100% false, Agnes.

Which self proclaimed jews, the Zionist are the ones Britain put there and encouraged to go there to protect the Suez Canal, in the article it explains it well. It was under the pretense of religion as most of the Zionist are atheists and so have most of the PM been seculars, Israel was to be set up as a secular country, and it was to expel the Arabs , Palestinians living there. Once again, they didn't want the religious people who practice Judaism and spoke Yiddish to move there. That is why they reestablished Hebrew, a Canaanite language.

Read your history again as it was the British that stopped the Jews from getting to palestine, and murdered most of them in the process.
Do you even know what Yiddish is, because if you did you would know it is pidgin Hebrew. And all the religious meettings are conducted in Hebrew all over the world, and were since the diaspora. Proving yet again that you are LYING just so you can demonise the Jews
et al.

I think we've strayed-off and lost the intent behind the "The Temple Mount Myth-revealed" OP. It all rings true (sound and valid), but is it?

• Proof of absence = you can prove it does not exist.
• Absence of proof = you cannot prove it exists.
Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

In the words of the authors: "There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says" and "There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing." This is the "Absence of Proof," plain and simple

The Fallacy said:
Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place for providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.
SOURCE: Logical Fallacies

It is only in the rarest of cases that you can prove the non-existence of something. The example often cited it the "Empty Bucket." You can prove that something specific is not in a bucket. (Of course we've all enjoyed the disappearing rabbit.)

People read, hear and see, generally what they want (preconceived notion). There are some things that are intuitively accepted and others that are not. The glue that binds a Religion together is something called "faith." And the myths and Secrets and Miracles of the Bible, Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism and other examples of the unexplained are just that. Even the belief in the Supreme Being is, for most of us, a matter of faith; just as ghosts, goblins and ghouls are manifestations of our fear.

If you want to believe this logic, of course you will. But rest assured, like the Rabbit, the "absence of evidence" that the rabbit is not there is just a matter of the slight of hand.

Most Respectfully,

I agree, the bible is not historical, but that doesn't not stop them from creating history from the bible, which they are doing.

Nor is the koran or any other religious work, unless there are supporting evidence in other places like the stel'e in ancient Egypt and the writting's of Greek, Roman and Assyrian historians and scribes. So because these are in place it destroys your propaganda and shows that the Bible and Torah are both historically correct.

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