The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
Nope. Temple Mount is controlled by Gods Chosen People. They'll rebuild their Temple soon. All preparations are complete.

And your asking for evidence of King David and his son shows your brainwashed ignorance.

Ha Ha, Gods self proclaimed chosen people. Like the God of the entire universe would choose such losers. You crack me up. Everyone thinks they are the creators chosen ones.:lol:
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

Or even face it while praying on the Temple Mount itself.

Have you noticed that every muslim holy place was originally Jewish, even the mosque in Mecca was Jewish and was Abrahams last resting place

Well, they might claim that Mecca was Abraham's final resting place, but the real resting place of Abraham is the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. (Although I think they do recognize Abraham's Tomb in Hebron, and they just think that he visited Ishmael and Hagar in Mecca.)

We'll never know will we?

We will if we are ever allowed to do tests on the remains, but seeing as that would prove the muslims claims wrong they will never allow this to happen.

Would prove nothing, whose DNA would they compare it to, a loner Canaanite?
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

Or even face it while praying on the Temple Mount itself.

Have you noticed that every muslim holy place was originally Jewish, even the mosque in Mecca was Jewish and was Abrahams last resting place
Well Jews were derived from Arabs in the first place Pheo
Just for Pheo steve

Now why would I believe a LYING ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA SITE over the truth. What next that the aborigines were originally arab's before they migrated there in the boats built by mo'mad
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Can anything good come out of Galilee? Jesus was said to come from Galilee

Who were the "Galileans" in the Days of Jesus? | Travelujah
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
Nope. Temple Mount is controlled by Gods Chosen People. They'll rebuild their Temple soon. All preparations are complete.

And your asking for evidence of King David and his son shows your brainwashed ignorance.

Ha Ha, Gods self proclaimed chosen people. Like the God of the entire universe would choose such losers. You crack me up. Everyone thinks they are the creators chosen ones.:lol:

Isnt that now the muslims according to the propagandists, who stole it from the Christians after they stole in in 100 C.E
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Can anything good come out of Galilee? Jesus was said to come from Galilee

Who were the "Galileans" in the Days of Jesus? | Travelujah

Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Can anything good come out of Galilee? Jesus was said to come from Galilee

Who were the "Galileans" in the Days of Jesus? | Travelujah

Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress

You didn't read the link did you.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Can anything good come out of Galilee? Jesus was said to come from Galilee

Who were the "Galileans" in the Days of Jesus? | Travelujah
Please learn about what you attack. Nazareth. Not Galilee, Nazareth.

And when Nathanael asked can anything good come out of Nazareth, Philip had one response - come and see. And when Nathanael meets Jesus, he says "Rabbi, you are the Son of God"

Thanks for bringing that up.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Penelope is as much a Christian as Bin Laden was.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
Nope. Temple Mount is controlled by Gods Chosen People. They'll rebuild their Temple soon. All preparations are complete.

And your asking for evidence of King David and his son shows your brainwashed ignorance.

Ha Ha, Gods self proclaimed chosen people. Like the God of the entire universe would choose such losers. You crack me up. Everyone thinks they are the creators chosen ones.:lol:
Must really piss you off knowing the Jews prosper as Gods chosen people while Muslims live in cesspools.
When muslims enter Jerusalem jews were minority, it was small mount village and the place of Alqsa mosque was an empty area. They built the mosque.

So, question for you. If the Al-Aqsa mosque is destroyed by invaders and made an "empty area", how many years do the invaders have to wait to build another religious structure there? You know, before it can be claimed to belong to the invaders?

Have you proofs that a temple was built there?

If each country should build a supposed temple dating 4000 years ago and people who were there would return, we should redraw the map of the world!
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no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Penelope is as much a Christian as Bin Laden was.

Christians don't believe on temple myth, for them temple of the bible is in heaven.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Penelope is as much a Christian as Bin Laden was.

Christians don't believe on temple myth, for them temple of the bible is in heaven.
Correct, no Christian believes a Temple myth.
We all know of Salem, Solomons First Temple, Herrods Second Temple, and the upcoming Third Temple to built by your lord, the anti Christ.
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

You are ignorant!, this is a verse:

"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Haram Mosque to al- Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing."- Koran
Wailing at the wrong wall?

Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

You are ignorant!, this is a verse:

"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Haram Mosque to al- Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing."- Koran
The mosque was built a hundred years after the pedophile warlord Mohammed supposedly got the Koran from Satan, dufus.
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

You are ignorant!, this is a verse:

"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Haram Mosque to al- Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing."- Koran
The mosque was built a hundred years after the pedophile warlord Mohammed supposedly got the Koran from Satan, dufus.
I listed the pertinent dates in post #172 but Freeman won't read it.
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.

You are ignorant!, this is a verse:

"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Haram Mosque to al- Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing."- Koran
The mosque was built a hundred years after the pedophile warlord Mohammed supposedly got the Koran from Satan, dufus.
I listed the pertinent dates in post #172 but Freeman won't read it.
In order to maintain their love of Islam and hatred of Jews and Christians they must keep themselves ignorant of the facts.
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.

Or proves it. We have no proof of anything about David or Solomon.

Even though the evidence has been provided you still deny a fundemental part of the Christian religion. And you call yourself a Christian ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Can anything good come out of Galilee? Jesus was said to come from Galilee

Who were the "Galileans" in the Days of Jesus? | Travelujah

Yep the Jewish teacher who wandered around preaching the laws of Judaism. Died in Masada when the Romans eventually over ran the hill fortress

You didn't read the link did you.

And you dont read the Bible enough to know that it spells out that Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi. He was not what you call a Christian as they did not exist until 200 years after his death.

But it seems that you didnt either as it plainly says
"In the time of our Lord, Galilee embraced more than one-third of Western Palestine, extending "from Dan on the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, to the ridges of Carmel and Gilboa on the south, and from the Jordan valley on the east away across the splendid plains of Jezreel and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean on the west." "

The problem can be traced back to historical developments in Ancient Israel, long before the time of Jesus. Galilee was settled by the tribes of Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar and Asher. The region later belonged to David's kingdom and then to the northern nation of Israel.

So even your link says that King David existed
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When muslims enter Jerusalem jews were minority, it was small mount village and the place of Alqsa mosque was an empty area. They built the mosque.

So, question for you. If the Al-Aqsa mosque is destroyed by invaders and made an "empty area", how many years do the invaders have to wait to build another religious structure there? You know, before it can be claimed to belong to the invaders?

Have you proofs that a temple was built there?

If each country should build a supposed temple dating 4000 years ago and people who were there would return, we should redraw the map of the world!

Do you have any proof that mo'mad the child rapist flew on his horse to Jerusalem and not the ala aqsa mosque outside of Medina ?

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