The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

Can an ex-con like you understand that what I read in the OT is taken literally and not taking a verse here, a sentence there and a word here? With no cherry picking.

So what's the place of this supposed temple? as israelis acheologists didn't find any stone of this myth!


How about it is right underneath the mosque? Why do you think the authorities in charge of the mosque are busy having relics from the Jewish temple thrown away as soon as they find them while excavating?. This is so different from other religions which preserve these old relics.

The Islamic claim to the Temple is very recent, since 1930

- It's forbidden according to texts for jews to enter the temple despite there is controversies about it's place.

- The mosque is islamic property since centuries and in 1930 the sweden commission has investigate and declared the western wall and mosque area as islamic property.


It is forbidden for the Jews to enter the holy of holies which is under the carbuncle built in the 19C and rebuilt in the 20C. No contrversy as artifacts pertaining to the Temple have been found in the spoil heaps of muslim archeological digs.

And just who gave the swden commission the authority to do that, would it by any chance be the muslims ?
Concerning religious view:
"A few hours after the Temple Mount came under Israeli control during the Six-Day War, a message from the Chief Rabbis of Israel, Isser Yehuda Unterman and Yitzhak Nissim was broadcast, warning that Jews were not permitted to enter the site.[120] This warning was reiterated by the Council of the Chief Rabbinate a few days later, which issued an explanation written by Rabbi Bezalel Jolti (Zolti) that "Since the sanctity of the site has never ended, it is forbidden to enter the Temple Mount until the Temple is built."[120] The signatures of more than 300 prominent rabbis were later obtained."- Wikipedia

During the British Mandate over Palestine, the Buraq Revolution took place on 23 August, 1929; an international commission was formed to examine the claims of Muslims and Jews to the Western Wall. The commission was headed by the former Swedish Foreign Minister, Eliel Lofgren; the former Vice President of the International Court of Justice, Charles Bard from Switzerland, served as a member. After the investigation conducted by this committee and after hearing all points of view, the committee issued a report in 1930 and submitted it to the League of Nations; it confirmed the undoubted right of the Muslims to ownership of the Buraq Wall.

Instead of your constant radical Muslim mentality trying to prove that the temple mount is a myth, why not get in touch with this Muslim leader, sit down with him, and hash it all out. You are not going to convince any readers here with your Muslim slant on the temple mount except those who are anti-Semites.

WASHINGTON – A prominent Turkish Muslim leader hosted a gathering of Israeli rabbis to call for an end of anti-Jewish sentiment in the Islamic world, saying he looks forward to the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

Adnan Oktar welcomed the delegation, including Rabbi Dov Lipman and Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, for an iftar dinner during Ramadan in Istanbul. The dinner included other Muslims and Christian representatives as well.

Lipman, a senior officer of the World Zionist Organization, said he was very pleased by the friendship and goodwill he experienced.

Oktar hosts a live program on the A9 television channel that included his guests from Israel.

Joel Richardson, author of the New York Times bestselling “Islamic Antichrist,” has appeared on Oktar’s TV show and interviewed him about his support for rebuilding the Temple.

Read more at Muslim leader hosts rabbis, welcomes 3rd Temple
How about it is right underneath the mosque? Why do you think the authorities in charge of the mosque are busy having relics from the Jewish temple thrown away as soon as they find them while excavating?. This is so different from other religions which preserve these old relics.

The Islamic claim to the Temple is very recent, since 1930

- It's forbidden according to texts for jews to enter the temple despite there is controversies about it's place.

- The mosque is islamic property since centuries and in 1930 the sweden commission has investigate and declared the western wall and mosque area as islamic property.


It is forbidden for the Jews to enter the holy of holies which is under the carbuncle built in the 19C and rebuilt in the 20C. No contrversy as artifacts pertaining to the Temple have been found in the spoil heaps of muslim archeological digs.

And just who gave the swden commission the authority to do that, would it by any chance be the muslims ?
Concerning religious view:
"A few hours after the Temple Mount came under Israeli control during the Six-Day War, a message from the Chief Rabbis of Israel, Isser Yehuda Unterman and Yitzhak Nissim was broadcast, warning that Jews were not permitted to enter the site.[120] This warning was reiterated by the Council of the Chief Rabbinate a few days later, which issued an explanation written by Rabbi Bezalel Jolti (Zolti) that "Since the sanctity of the site has never ended, it is forbidden to enter the Temple Mount until the Temple is built."[120] The signatures of more than 300 prominent rabbis were later obtained."- Wikipedia

During the British Mandate over Palestine, the Buraq Revolution took place on 23 August, 1929; an international commission was formed to examine the claims of Muslims and Jews to the Western Wall. The commission was headed by the former Swedish Foreign Minister, Eliel Lofgren; the former Vice President of the International Court of Justice, Charles Bard from Switzerland, served as a member. After the investigation conducted by this committee and after hearing all points of view, the committee issued a report in 1930 and submitted it to the League of Nations; it confirmed the undoubted right of the Muslims to ownership of the Buraq Wall.

If the Rabbinate said that Jews couldn't enter the Holy of Holies, how come heathen Muslims can desecrate the site with their filthy shoes on?

Muslims and Christians are not concerned by jewish myths mostly there is no unanimity about its place.

Yet they have stole them and used them as their own for the last 2000 years/1400years. That is how much they are concerned about them.

When I first saw this thread I thought that it was to explore the myth of mo'mad riding a donkey at night and landing in al aqsa outside of Medina.

What is your point in all this? What are you trying to formulate an argument for?

That the Temple is a myth? That the you don't believe in the Jewish myths? So what? I don't believe in the myth of the Isra and Mi'raj. So what?

Are you trying to argue that religious myths are not a basis for human rights? That holy places are only relevant to the discussion if they can be proven to be true? Are you trying to argue for historicity as the basis for whom should be permitted rights over a place? What?
- It's forbidden according to texts for jews to enter the temple despite there is controversies about it's place.

- The mosque is islamic property since centuries and in 1930 the sweden commission has investigate and declared the western wall and mosque area as islamic property.


It is forbidden for the Jews to enter the holy of holies which is under the carbuncle built in the 19C and rebuilt in the 20C. No contrversy as artifacts pertaining to the Temple have been found in the spoil heaps of muslim archeological digs.

And just who gave the swden commission the authority to do that, would it by any chance be the muslims ?
Concerning religious view:
"A few hours after the Temple Mount came under Israeli control during the Six-Day War, a message from the Chief Rabbis of Israel, Isser Yehuda Unterman and Yitzhak Nissim was broadcast, warning that Jews were not permitted to enter the site.[120] This warning was reiterated by the Council of the Chief Rabbinate a few days later, which issued an explanation written by Rabbi Bezalel Jolti (Zolti) that "Since the sanctity of the site has never ended, it is forbidden to enter the Temple Mount until the Temple is built."[120] The signatures of more than 300 prominent rabbis were later obtained."- Wikipedia

During the British Mandate over Palestine, the Buraq Revolution took place on 23 August, 1929; an international commission was formed to examine the claims of Muslims and Jews to the Western Wall. The commission was headed by the former Swedish Foreign Minister, Eliel Lofgren; the former Vice President of the International Court of Justice, Charles Bard from Switzerland, served as a member. After the investigation conducted by this committee and after hearing all points of view, the committee issued a report in 1930 and submitted it to the League of Nations; it confirmed the undoubted right of the Muslims to ownership of the Buraq Wall.

If the Rabbinate said that Jews couldn't enter the Holy of Holies, how come heathen Muslims can desecrate the site with their filthy shoes on?

Muslims and Christians are not concerned by jewish myths mostly there is no unanimity about its place.

Yet they have stole them and used them as their own for the last 2000 years/1400years. That is how much they are concerned about them.

When I first saw this thread I thought that it was to explore the myth of mo'mad riding a donkey at night and landing in al aqsa outside of Medina.

When muslims enter Jerusalem jews were minority, it was small mount village and the place of Alqsa mosque was an empty area. They built the mosque.
When muslims enter Jerusalem jews were minority, it was small mount village and the place of Alqsa mosque was an empty area. They built the mosque.

So, question for you. If the Al-Aqsa mosque is destroyed by invaders and made an "empty area", how many years do the invaders have to wait to build another religious structure there? You know, before it can be claimed to belong to the invaders?

What is your point in all this? What are you trying to formulate an argument for?

That the Temple is a myth? That the you don't believe in the Jewish myths? So what? I don't believe in the myth of the Isra and Mi'raj. So what?

Are you trying to argue that religious myths are not a basis for human rights? That holy places are only relevant to the discussion if they can be proven to be true? Are you trying to argue for historicity as the basis for whom should be permitted rights over a place? What?

You're talking to him as though he's a rational, normal human being, instead of a jerk choking with Jew-hatred.
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
I took this picture of a coin found in the Temple Mount dig the day before I arrived. It dates to the First Temple period and was found on the Temple Mount. Case closed, the Jews were there first.
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
Nope. Temple Mount is controlled by Gods Chosen People. They'll rebuild their Temple soon. All preparations are complete.

And your asking for evidence of King David and his son shows your brainwashed ignorance.
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no they can't find any historical evidence of David or Solomon,
Show me historical evidence of anyone from 3,500 years ago. Find me evidence Mohammed existed.
Oh yeah, written historical evidence just as it is with David and Solomon.

Not an archeologist around who denies the existence of David and Solomon.
Find me evidence King David or Solomon did. In any case it doesn't matter. The temple mount belongs to the Palestinians, the Zionists had better things to do stealing everyone's money. Destroyed Russia, Germany, and now the US.
Remember the story tellers who passed down history until writing was used The OT was written long before the NT. And that Moslem crotch novel was written when? 609 CE till 632 CE. So why is The Bible a fairy tale and the Quran is the truth?
Let me expand on that someone cheeky post above by saying first, that I in no way support the destruction of Al-Aqsa nor the Dome of the Rock. I am against, in principle, the idea that destroying other people's holy places Let me also be clear that I am also very much against usurping other people's holy places. And the Temple Mount IS a Jewish holy place and was a Jewish holy place thousands of years before a succession of invaders came.

But Freeman's post makes "morally right" a number of clear wrongs.

*that reducing a holy place to rubble makes the place "available" for anyone walking by to take
*that if people are prevented from utilizing a holy place, it makes that place "available" for anyone walking by
*that lack of knowledge about the holiness of a place, renders that place not holy
*that once you are made aware of your trespass, you bear no responsibility for correcting it
You're probably referring to my cheeky post about demolition of the abominations on the Temple Mount. No way do they belong there. Al Aqsa was built in 705 CE. Mohammed made his Night Journey in 621 CE and died in 632 CE. He either didn't make the trip or else he was a time traveler. I don't believe one bit of that fairy tale.
Al Aqsa is so important to Muslims they don't even mention it in their Koran.
Rip it down and get it over with, enough of the Itinerant Arab Muslims in Israel having a focal point from which to incite more violence. The site has NO historical value in the Muslim faith. It was nothign more than a brand put on Israel and it needs to be erased
Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve

The teachings of Christ happen to be the adulterated version of Judaism the Romans and Greeks took away from the holy land with them. Just as islam is the adulterated version of Judaism and Christianity that mo'mad invented.

If Jesus came back today he would pick up a gun and stand shoulder to shoulder with the IDF as he was a ZIONIST in the true sence of the word
omg You really are in a state of flooded Bullshit if you believe that Jesus is or would ever be a ZIONIST.....Jesus was not a two-bit TERRORIST but the son of God........Some of you posters ARE COMPLETELY and the rest of Your Horde,are not only MAD but would be a total anathema to Jesus...........he would NOT stand shoulder to shoulder with Zionists or the IDF......BUT WOULD SMITE YOU ALL DOWN.

As I said you all speak madness because you are completely MAD......H.I.M.S.I.A.M.
The land already had a bride, the Palestinians, which are Christian, Jewish and Muslim, the ones who stayed, during and after the exile, after Greek and Roman empires, and throughout the Ottoman empire, those who worked the land.

Yes. And the Jewish Palestinians are the oldest surviving peoples who originated on that land. Some of them were able to stay and some of them were exiled. Now those same Jewish Palestinians would like to have self-determination on their historical land. Separate from the Arab Palestinians. Which is convenient because the Arab Palestinians also want self-determination, separate from the Jewish Palestinians.

The problem comes when people can't keep their own arguments straight enough to remember the basic historical truths that you just wrote in that paragraph and start trying to find all sorts of silly excuses for denying those basic facts.

There is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslim colonists and we have the Judaic people. There is an extremely low level of data to suggest that the Judaic people converted when the Arab Muslim armies swept through. It was the very recent second invasion in which nearly all of the present itinerant Arab Muslim colonists arrived; they basically followed the jobs created by the Zionist movement and subsequent improvements to the area.
With other peoples Money

No with Israel's money and that is what gets right up your muslim nose. That the Jews will provide for their own while your own people wont give but the minimum. There are only 12 million Jews in the world,and still they can earn more than the 2 billion muslims can showing who works the hardest. Why are you muslims at the bottom of every table that deals with earnings, education and prospects ?

Joke,Israel's money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Try American Tax-Payers Money
You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve

The teachings of Christ happen to be the adulterated version of Judaism the Romans and Greeks took away from the holy land with them. Just as islam is the adulterated version of Judaism and Christianity that mo'mad invented.

If Jesus came back today he would pick up a gun and stand shoulder to shoulder with the IDF as he was a ZIONIST in the true sence of the word
omg You really are in a state of flooded Bullshit if you believe that Jesus is or would ever be a ZIONIST.....Jesus was not a two-bit TERRORIST but the son of God........Some of you posters ARE COMPLETELY and the rest of Your Horde,are not only MAD but would be a total anathema to Jesus...........he would NOT stand shoulder to shoulder with Zionists or the IDF......BUT WOULD SMITE YOU ALL DOWN.

As I said you all speak madness because you are completely MAD......H.I.M.S.I.A.M.

Repeat of post 178
OMG,You really are in a state of flooded Bullshit Pheo.,if you believe that Jesus is or would ever be a ZIONIST....(Invented in 1890's)..Jesus was not a two-bit TERRORIST but the son of God....Some of you posters ARE COMPLETELY and the rest of your Terrorist Horde,are not only Mad but would be a total ANATHEMA to Jesus....he would not stand shoulder to shoulder(how ridiculous) with ZIONIST TRASH or the IDF.....BUT WOULD SMITE YOU DOWN
As I said you all speak Madness because YOU ARE COMPLETELY MAD.....H.I.M.S.I.A.M......

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