The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

And if you were a christian you would know you dont take the Bible as seperate lines but as full chapters. This shows that you are just a muslim with no brains.
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.
In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.
How come every recorded historical fact is a lie to you and in the same breath you list all the faults, failings and sins of the main characters as the gospel truth? Some sort of fishy smell here.
Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.
How come every recorded historical fact is a lie to you and in the same breath you list all the faults, failings and sins of the main characters as the gospel truth? Some sort of fishy smell here.

The OT and parts of the NT are not historical facts.

The real point is it does not matter if there was a king Solomon , and if he was a jew or Hebrew or whatever, if he built a prayer house or temple, does not matter. Even if this was all true(highly doubtful) it was in an ancient age and not relevant to today, and nor does it give anyone who is a self proclaimed jew to live there and or destroy a temple and build a temple on top of another's holy site. This is the 20 century.

Why don't we allow Mexico to take Texas back?? It use to be theirs.
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.

Liar as you muslims are doing this all the time, just look at the Churches and Synagouges destroyed and having mosques built in their place.
In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.
How come every recorded historical fact is a lie to you and in the same breath you list all the faults, failings and sins of the main characters as the gospel truth? Some sort of fishy smell here.

The OT and parts of the NT are not historical facts.

The real point is it does not matter if there was a king Solomon , and if he was a jew or Hebrew or whatever, if he built a prayer house or temple, does not matter. Even if this was all true(highly doubtful) it was in an ancient age and not relevant to today, and nor does it give anyone who is a self proclaimed jew to live there and or destroy a temple and build a temple on top of another's holy site. This is the 20 century.

Why don't we allow Mexico to take Texas back?? It use to be theirs.

Why dont you allow the first nations to take back their land that you have stolen, or is that a step too far in your eyes. Or how about forcing the arab muslims to give back Jewish lands they stole by force in 1948/1949 and accept that the west bank is never ging to be arab muslim
Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."
It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.

Oh did Moses tell you that, too funny.
Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.

Oh did Moses tell you that, too funny.
No, it's just your failure to read and comprehend what is written. Your selective information doesn't cut it. If you have trouble understanding, you should ask a Rabbi.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.

Oh did Moses tell you that, too funny.
No, it's just your failure to read and comprehend what is written. Your selective information doesn't cut it. If you have trouble understanding, you should ask a Rabbi.


You have a reality issue. No thanks , I would not go near one.
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.

Oh did Moses tell you that, too funny.
No, it's just your failure to read and comprehend what is written. Your selective information doesn't cut it. If you have trouble understanding, you should ask a Rabbi.


You have a reality issue. No thanks , I would not go near one.
'Cause you're afraid of the truth and scared to death you'll learn something.
Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.

Irrelevant by themselves as there is no proper context. The Bible is not like you koran that is read on a verse by verse basis. It is read in full chapters. There could be anything before, after or even in the middle to contradict what you are saying
The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Exodus 33:11New International Version (NIV)

11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Exodus 33:20New International Version (NIV)

20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Point, there never was a Moses.
Moses saw representations of God that he could mentally handle. God's visage was too terrible to behold. Don't you know how to read writing? It is explained where it is written.

Oh did Moses tell you that, too funny.
No, it's just your failure to read and comprehend what is written. Your selective information doesn't cut it. If you have trouble understanding, you should ask a Rabbi.


Or a priest who will explain it in a Christian fashion
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:

In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.

Liar as you muslims are doing this all the time, just look at the Churches and Synagouges destroyed and having mosques built in their place.

Where churches and synagogues were destroyed?

I can give you a long list of churches and mosques burned by your terrorists mates since 1948.
It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on t
Noop of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

Based on what, the OT. Too funny. It was common in ancient time to build a church over the ruins of another's church, signified control of the land, also Herods temple was replaced with a Christian Church, then the Mosque, , today we do not tear down historical sites and build over them.
First you say there was no Temple, then you say it was a fairy tale, then there was a Temple, then it's a hasbera lie, now there's a Temple. So WTF is there or under there?

Was or was not, no difference, and the stories in the OT are so far fetched to be true is beyond reality. I do believe it was a very traveled area, from Egypt to Assyria, and the coastline of the Med. Sea. The hill people are not much of relevance except they most likely pirated traders en route.

Abraham is your god, the god of a man who pimps his wife for his protection, and then his son who does the same. His nephew offered his dtr to townsmen, why, because the angles could not fend for themselves. Lets hope these are stories, as Abraham was about ready to burther his second son , because of a auditory hallucination. The Phoenicians Kings use to do that , historical according to Eusebius, when they were losing their kingdom, as a last chance. Even one Hebrew won a battle and knowing his dtr would be the first to greet him on arrival to his home, offered her as a sacrifice if he could win the battle and he did as said in the bible. Some is most likely true, but not based on anyone known , oral stories, we know how oral stories go. The get bigger and bigger every time they are told.

The Stele of ancient Egypt and the words of Roman historians tell the same tales, yet here is yiu a soi called Christian denying the very foundation of your belief once you realised that your god was a Jewish rabbi .

Abraham was never a God until you muslims took him as your own, and you still worship him when you go on haj
Another thing about history is through the ages, tribal people had storytellers. The storytellers had apprentices who learned tribal history by rote. Stories were passed down for thousands of years until writing became a substitute. Then stories that were passed down were put on written pages. Among warlike tribes, storytellers were well protected or sent to a safe location until a battle was over. Then they would be given a detailed account of the battle. Storytellers and apprentices would then absorb the story into memory by rote.
One example about storytellers for American tribes is if one is killed he was the one who was mourned the most.
In some cases stories were fudged a little for the sake of delicate ears.For example, the story about David slaying a lion was changed to say: "....and David slew the the lion..." instead of truthfully saying "....and David stomped the shit out of that sumbitch....."

Can a rodeo dude like you distiguish between a story and history?
Can you explain the texts contradictions about the temple mount place?

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