The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.

I doubt very much he was a jew. I don't believe much in the OT is historical.
Jesus was a Rabbi. He was evidently a Methodist Rabbi according to your wrong way of thinking. The Romans carved INRI on his cross? Was his real name 'Enry?

That was only in the NT. You do realize Christianity is a religion, and is not at all like Judaism, nor was the character of Jesus.

Is it, or is it a cult made up of many religions and cultures to attract the dregs of society to join them. Do you believe in the absolution of crimes by just saying a little prayer, and then going on to kill, rape or steal all over again
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

Of course there would. Many native peoples were forcefully removed from their land, and must engage in some form of Zionism in order to return. Its really quite simple, unless that is you're a bigoted anti native peoples kinda person and insist the colonists have any more right to the land than the natives.
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

Of course there would. Many native peoples were forcefully removed from their land, and must engage in some form of Zionism in order to return. Its really quite simple, unless that is you're a bigoted anti native peoples kinda person and insist the colonists have any more right to the land than the natives.

Most never returned from Babylon according to the jewish virtual library and also the bible, and more jews were living in Alexandria than Judea in the 1AD, according to many sites. The people in the land of Canaan were always fighting with each other, and if you want to believe the bible, there was the Northern Kingdom of Israel (did not include Jerusalem) and Judea (which as said to include just the Iudeans and some of the Benjamin tribe. It was never a quiet place, they all fought. Then the Maccabees forced the edomites to get circumcised and become jews. I ever read that most never wanted to live in Jerusalem as the taxes were greater. Your ideal of what the Land of Canaan is faulty.

Even today, the Zionist didn't want those who practiced Judaism to come there, and the first ones called themselves Canaanites , and today they also fight, but the seculars know the religious zealots will help get them all the west bank and Jerusalem.

I'm not sure who are the worst bigots, probably the orthodox jews, and the seculars, the seculars probably not as much, but either way, every jew can move there for all I care, get them out of the US, and quit the aid to them.

Some Christians feel this need to defend Israel no matter what, I am not one of those.
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

Of course there would. Many native peoples were forcefully removed from their land, and must engage in some form of Zionism in order to return. Its really quite simple, unless that is you're a bigoted anti native peoples kinda person and insist the colonists have any more right to the land than the natives.

Most never returned from Babylon according to the jewish virtual library and also the bible, and more jews were living in Alexandria than Judea in the 1AD, according to many sites. The people in the land of Canaan were always fighting with each other, and if you want to believe the bible, there was the Northern Kingdom of Israel (did not include Jerusalem) and Judea (which as said to include just the Iudeans and some of the Benjamin tribe. It was never a quiet place, they all fought. Then the Maccabees forced the edomites to get circumcised and become jews. I ever read that most never wanted to live in Jerusalem as the taxes were greater. Your ideal of what the Land of Canaan is faulty.

Even today, the Zionist didn't want those who practiced Judaism to come there, and the first ones called themselves Canaanites , and today they also fight, but the seculars know the religious zealots will help get them all the west bank and Jerusalem.

I'm not sure who are the worst bigots, probably the orthodox jews, and the seculars, the seculars probably not as much, but either way, every jew can move there for all I care, get them out of the US, and quit the aid to them.

Some Christians feel this need to defend Israel no matter what, I am not one of those.

Who has most rights to your home and property you or the indigenous first nations people that you forcibly evicted and placed in concentration camps ?
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

Of course there would. Many native peoples were forcefully removed from their land, and must engage in some form of Zionism in order to return. Its really quite simple, unless that is you're a bigoted anti native peoples kinda person and insist the colonists have any more right to the land than the natives.

How to turn a native into a non-native -- just remove them. Hocus pocus. Poof. No longer native.
The land already had a bride, the Palestinians, which are Christian, Jewish and Muslim, the ones who stayed, during and after the exile, after Greek and Roman empires, and throughout the Ottoman empire, those who worked the land.

Yes. And the Jewish Palestinians are the oldest surviving peoples who originated on that land. Some of them were able to stay and some of them were exiled. Now those same Jewish Palestinians would like to have self-determination on their historical land. Separate from the Arab Palestinians. Which is convenient because the Arab Palestinians also want self-determination, separate from the Jewish Palestinians.

The problem comes when people can't keep their own arguments straight enough to remember the basic historical truths that you just wrote in that paragraph and start trying to find all sorts of silly excuses for denying those basic facts.

There is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslim colonists and we have the Judaic people. There is an extremely low level of data to suggest that the Judaic people converted when the Arab Muslim armies swept through. It was the very recent second invasion in which nearly all of the present itinerant Arab Muslim colonists arrived; they basically followed the jobs created by the Zionist movement and subsequent improvements to the area.
The land already had a bride, the Palestinians, which are Christian, Jewish and Muslim, the ones who stayed, during and after the exile, after Greek and Roman empires, and throughout the Ottoman empire, those who worked the land.

Yes. And the Jewish Palestinians are the oldest surviving peoples who originated on that land. Some of them were able to stay and some of them were exiled. Now those same Jewish Palestinians would like to have self-determination on their historical land. Separate from the Arab Palestinians. Which is convenient because the Arab Palestinians also want self-determination, separate from the Jewish Palestinians.

The problem comes when people can't keep their own arguments straight enough to remember the basic historical truths that you just wrote in that paragraph and start trying to find all sorts of silly excuses for denying those basic facts.

Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.
How do you know? Did you go around and test the DNA of all the Jews in the world. They might have been called Hebrews or Israelites in ancient times, but the name for them are now Jews.

The first person to be called a Jew was Mordecai from the story of Queen Esther and Purim. Jew derives from Judah.

Oh another story, of you poor thing , believing all this stuff.
I stake my life on those stories and that stuff.
The land already had a bride, the Palestinians, which are Christian, Jewish and Muslim, the ones who stayed, during and after the exile, after Greek and Roman empires, and throughout the Ottoman empire, those who worked the land.

Yes. And the Jewish Palestinians are the oldest surviving peoples who originated on that land. Some of them were able to stay and some of them were exiled. Now those same Jewish Palestinians would like to have self-determination on their historical land. Separate from the Arab Palestinians. Which is convenient because the Arab Palestinians also want self-determination, separate from the Jewish Palestinians.

The problem comes when people can't keep their own arguments straight enough to remember the basic historical truths that you just wrote in that paragraph and start trying to find all sorts of silly excuses for denying those basic facts.

There is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslim colonists and we have the Judaic people. There is an extremely low level of data to suggest that the Judaic people converted when the Arab Muslim armies swept through. It was the very recent second invasion in which nearly all of the present itinerant Arab Muslim colonists arrived; they basically followed the jobs created by the Zionist movement and subsequent improvements to the area.
With other peoples Money
Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve
Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve
I'm not a Christian or Jew, Steve. I only abide by the OT. Everything that God says, I believe.
Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve
I'm not a Christian or Jew, Steve. I only abide by the OT. Everything that God says, I believe.
Who is your God, Hoss..............I get tired of people claiming that God is THEIR GOD>>>>>inparticular these ISIS types,everyone thinks God is their God,with criminal regularity Hoss(I am not including you,by the way friend)Steve
You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve
I'm not a Christian or Jew, Steve. I only abide by the OT. Everything that God says, I believe.
Who is your God, Hoss..............I get tired of people claiming that God is THEIR GOD>>>>>inparticular these ISIS types,everyone thinks God is their God,with criminal regularity Hoss(I am not including you,by the way friend)Steve
The God of Abraham of course.
You are the pathetic individual who has shown the readers how anti-Semitic you are in this day and age, and it gives them a good idea of how anti-Semitism flourishes in this world with people such as you around.. The only readers on this forum who will agree with anything you say are anti-Semitic like you..

Shushandukht was the wife of Yazdegerd I and mother of Bahram V. She was the daughter of a Jewish exilarch.[1] She created the Jewish neighborhood in the city of Isfahan. She also established Jewish colonies in the cities of Shush (Susa) and Shooshtar. The existence of a Jewish queen enhanced the life of Persian Jews and during this period Jewish Exilarchs had regular attendance to the Shah's court.[2] Some authors such as Ernst Herzfeld have speculated that the tomb of Esther and Mordecai in the city of Hamedan might be the tomb of Shushandukht.

So putting aside all this speculation of others, there is a good chance that Esther and Mordechai are buried in that tomb. Ask your Iranian friends what they think about this.

The book is a free composition, not a historical document. Its fictional character can be illustrated by many examples of literary motifs: the use of extensive conversation to move the plot along; the motif of concealment (Esther is a Jew, related to Mordecai, but Haman does not know it, even as he comes……


It really is too difficult for Penelope to say that Queen Esther and Mordechai might be actually buried in that tomb. I suggest that she take this up with her Iranian Muslim friends to see what they have to say about the tomb.

Does anyone here think that if the discussion were about Mohammed's flying horse that Penelope would be trying so hard to prove that it was just a fairy tale?

Its a story Hossfly, fictional characters.

Can you prove that there were no such people as Queen Esther or Mordechai? Ask one of your Iranian Muslim friends who he thinks is buried in that tomb.

Tell us why you didn't join in when Mohammed and his flying horse were discusse?. Did you think a flying horse is more real than two people living in ancient Persia? Nobody was obsessing over a flying horse and it was just mentioned a couple of times, but you seem determined to prove that Jewish history is all a fairy tale. That is probably the modus operandi of all good anti-Semites.
As I recall we kinda already discussed this one. There's nothing antique about any of the remaining itinerant Arab Muslim constructs on the Temple Mount and so it really wouldn't be violating any antiquities laws to just rip it down and let the native people ( the Judaic people ) build whatever they want there......

Seems to me another simple matter of native rights. Whats the colonists doing putting up new structures on the holly site of the native people anyway.

Rip down the dome and end the Arab Muslim colonial age in Israel

There would be no need for Zionist if they were the native people. Those who remained thought-out the years are the Palestinians.

Of course there would. Many native peoples were forcefully removed from their land, and must engage in some form of Zionism in order to return. Its really quite simple, unless that is you're a bigoted anti native peoples kinda person and insist the colonists have any more right to the land than the natives.

Most never returned from Babylon according to the jewish virtual library and also the bible, and more jews were living in Alexandria than Judea in the 1AD, according to many sites. The people in the land of Canaan were always fighting with each other, and if you want to believe the bible, there was the Northern Kingdom of Israel (did not include Jerusalem) and Judea (which as said to include just the Iudeans and some of the Benjamin tribe. It was never a quiet place, they all fought. Then the Maccabees forced the edomites to get circumcised and become jews. I ever read that most never wanted to live in Jerusalem as the taxes were greater. Your ideal of what the Land of Canaan is faulty.

Even today, the Zionist didn't want those who practiced Judaism to come there, and the first ones called themselves Canaanites , and today they also fight, but the seculars know the religious zealots will help get them all the west bank and Jerusalem.

I'm not sure who are the worst bigots, probably the orthodox jews, and the seculars, the seculars probably not as much, but either way, every jew can move there for all I care, get them out of the US, and quit the aid to them.

Some Christians feel this need to defend Israel no matter what, I am not one of those.

Regarding your last two paragraphs -- of course you are not one of those people. You are just a simple minded illiterate person who would have pushed the Jews into the gas chambers if you have had the chance. In addition, you give the readers an understanding of why there is still anti-Semitism in the world of today just by reading your posts.

Instead of being able to ship all the Jews out of the U.S. which Penelope desires, it's a shame she couldn't be pushed out to Iran where she could yell "Kill the Jews."
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.

Shushandukht was the wife of Yazdegerd I and mother of Bahram V. She was the daughter of a Jewish exilarch.[1] She created the Jewish neighborhood in the city of Isfahan. She also established Jewish colonies in the cities of Shush (Susa) and Shooshtar. The existence of a Jewish queen enhanced the life of Persian Jews and during this period Jewish Exilarchs had regular attendance to the Shah's court.[2] Some authors such as Ernst Herzfeld have speculated that the tomb of Esther and Mordecai in the city of Hamedan might be the tomb of Shushandukht.

So putting aside all this speculation of others, there is a good chance that Esther and Mordechai are buried in that tomb. Ask your Iranian friends what they think about this.

The book is a free composition, not a historical document. Its fictional character can be illustrated by many examples of literary motifs: the use of extensive conversation to move the plot along; the motif of concealment (Esther is a Jew, related to Mordecai, but Haman does not know it, even as he comes……

It really is too difficult for Penelope to say that Queen Esther and Mordechai might be actually buried in that tomb. I suggest that she take this up with her Iranian Muslim friends to see what they have to say about the tomb.

Does anyone here think that if the discussion were about Mohammed's flying horse that Penelope would be trying so hard to prove that it was just a fairy tale?

Its a story Hossfly, fictional characters.

Can you prove that there were no such people as Queen Esther or Mordechai? Ask one of your Iranian Muslim friends who he thinks is buried in that tomb.

Tell us why you didn't join in when Mohammed and his flying horse were discusse?. Did you think a flying horse is more real than two people living in ancient Persia? Nobody was obsessing over a flying horse and it was just mentioned a couple of times, but you seem determined to prove that Jewish history is all a fairy tale. That is probably the modus operandi of all good anti-Semites.

The proof of their existence in in your court, since I gave you two articles, one from the jewish library saying the story is not historical. Ever read Tobit, that is a story as well.
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.
The land already had a bride, the Palestinians, which are Christian, Jewish and Muslim, the ones who stayed, during and after the exile, after Greek and Roman empires, and throughout the Ottoman empire, those who worked the land.

Yes. And the Jewish Palestinians are the oldest surviving peoples who originated on that land. Some of them were able to stay and some of them were exiled. Now those same Jewish Palestinians would like to have self-determination on their historical land. Separate from the Arab Palestinians. Which is convenient because the Arab Palestinians also want self-determination, separate from the Jewish Palestinians.

The problem comes when people can't keep their own arguments straight enough to remember the basic historical truths that you just wrote in that paragraph and start trying to find all sorts of silly excuses for denying those basic facts.

There is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslim colonists and we have the Judaic people. There is an extremely low level of data to suggest that the Judaic people converted when the Arab Muslim armies swept through. It was the very recent second invasion in which nearly all of the present itinerant Arab Muslim colonists arrived; they basically followed the jobs created by the Zionist movement and subsequent improvements to the area.
With other peoples Money

No with Israel's money and that is what gets right up your muslim nose. That the Jews will provide for their own while your own people wont give but the minimum. There are only 12 million Jews in the world,and still they can earn more than the 2 billion muslims can showing who works the hardest. Why are you muslims at the bottom of every table that deals with earnings, education and prospects ?
Palestinians Hebrews, there were no jews back in the day, so I rest my case, anyone new there is not from the original Hebrews.

You really have no idea how foolish your "argument" is, do you? There were no Palestinians "back in the day" either. They were Israelites. And Judeans. Some of them stayed in the land. Some of them were exiled. Some are still in the land. And some have returned from exile. The land was then and now: Israel.

You have no idea how foolish yours is. Who do you think the original Palestinians were, Canaanites , Phoenicians and whoever else lived there. Its was never Israel. Never was an Israel. Israel was only in the OT. What you base your faith in is null and void. Most of it , the OT , is just lies and stories, made up. They have their Talmud, and that was wrote in Babylon. Whoever was living there when Rome took over were not Israelites or Jews. There most likely was not even a Sol (sun) omon.
Civilizations have risen and fallen all over this planet, but we can see you were not a good student in school if you can't even write simple English correctly. It's a shame that Jesus wasn't still around to tell the good Roman Catholic Penelope that he was a Jew and not to call his Bible a fairy tale. I wonder if Penelope knows what Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper.

The way that Penelope carries on against the Jews, I can imagine how happy she would have been leading a pogrom.
Hoss,if Jesus returned today,do you really think he would tolerate the behaviour of the Zionists,No he would not,they are so far removed from the teachings of Christ.......they would be an anathema to him.......get real..your friend steve

The teachings of Christ happen to be the adulterated version of Judaism the Romans and Greeks took away from the holy land with them. Just as islam is the adulterated version of Judaism and Christianity that mo'mad invented.

If Jesus came back today he would pick up a gun and stand shoulder to shoulder with the IDF as he was a ZIONIST in the true sence of the word
There is a lot of contradictions about the supposed Mount Temple, when Maimonide visited Jerusalem he proposed that a temple in the city will unite the prayer of jews and this temple shouldn't built by humans but will come from heaven.

Concerning the place, some rabbis says that it's below the actual Alaqsa Mosque, others says it's above but other rabbis confirm that it's not in that place but near Jerusalem or in Nablus mount.

Professor in Tel Aviv university and Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues confirm that many biblical stories never happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter' to advance an ideological agenda.
Israel Finkelstein states:
"There is no archaeological evidence for it," he says. "This is something unexampled in history. I don't think there is any other place in the world where there was a city with such a wretched material infrastructure but which succeeded in creating such a sweeping movement in its favor as Jerusalem, which even in its time of greatness was a joke in comparison to the cities of Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. It was a typical mountain village. There is no magnificent finding, no gates of Nebuchadnezzar, no Assyrian reliefs, no Egyptian temples - nothing. Even the temple couldn't compete with the temples of Egypt and their splendor."

Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never


In 1924 the Supreme Moslem Council headed by the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini published a booklet where they used the Jewish scriptures to establish the connection between the mosque on the Temple Mount to King Solomon's Temple. This is what they wrote:

"The site is one of the oldest in the world. It's sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from pre-historic) times. It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to the universal belief, on which "David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burned offerings"

page 4, 2nd paragraph.


Proves nothing, note the footmark at bottom of the page 2 Samuel 24:25, I guess they can read as well. Also native Indians may of live on my land as late as the 1800's, but I'm not giving them my land. Do you get it.

Funny how you believe that, yet probably deny that the Prophet ascended to heaven on his stead. Even if there were a Solomon, he was a pagan, worshipped many gods, and suffered from a stone hard penis since they didn't make Viagra back then, and when did he have time to rule, with all those wife's
and concubines.

The point remains, we do not know who built what there, and " Solomon's temple has been gone for eons, like what 500 BC if it existed at all.

It only proves that the uncle of Yassir Arafat and the grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti
approved that the mosque in Jerusalem was built on the site of the ancient altar of David and Solomon which remains we see today...not to mention the Gate of Daud.

Meaning the highest officials on Islam in Palestine printed their acknowledgment to the fact that their mosque was built much much later on top of the remains of great Jewish altars before them.:night:

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