The Temple Mount -- the differences between Israeli (Western) and Palestinian (Muslim) Discourse

Oh, gee weez, Louise.

The First and the Second.

Nobody disputes that there were TWO Jewish Temples where the Muslims ended up building a Mosque over the place.

By the time Omar arrived in Jerusalem it was the city dump. Apparently the Jews didn't care about it.
By the time Omar arrived in Jerusalem it was the city dump. Apparently the Jews didn't care about it.
And you rewrite history again.

How appropriate that you choose to not know that the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and forbade the Jews from entering Jerusalem.
And the fact that the Christian Byzantine also forbade the Jews to go there.

And how odd that you do not know that Omar was aware of the importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people, that HE reopened the city for them and allowed them to live and worship their holy sites again.

Now, why is it that you choose exactly the important parts to disregard or forget?
And you rewrite history again.

How appropriate that you choose to not know that the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and forbade the Jews from entering Jerusalem.

And how odd that you do not know that Omar was aware of the importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people, that HE reopened the city for them and allowed them to live and worship their holy sites again.

Now, why is it that you choose exactly the important parts to disregard or forget?

Yes, that's exactly what Omar did.
Allah is just God in Arabic like Gott is God in German. You are so dumb.
That is not the point.

The point is that the G-D of Abraham is the Jewish G-D.
Jesus is the Christian god
And Allah is the Islamic god

They are three different ones.

They are not the same.
The questions for this thread:

1. What can Israel do (if anything) to shift the perception of the Palestinian/Muslim narrative?
Invent a time machine, then go back 3000 years and somehow convince your fellow Jews to start proselytizing.

You see, it's all just a numbers game. The violent, aggressive cult we call Islam has grown to outnumber Jews to the point Jewish voices are drowned out by all the hateful things like this surada creature.

if the numbers were closer to equal, people would not be hearing just these hateful antisemites.
It was the city dump.
Back when Omar came, or around the turn of the 20th century, or when the Hashemites conquered the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and did what around the Western Wall, and did what to the Jewish cemetery ?
That is not the point.

The point is that the G-D of Abraham is the Jewish G-D.
Jesus is the Christian G-D
And Allah is the Islamic G-D

They are three different ones.

They are not the same.

For Christians Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Allah is God in Arabic like Dio is God in Italian.
Back when Omar came, or around the turn of the 20th century, or when the Hashemites conquered the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and did what around the Western Wall, and did what to the Jewish cemetery ?

When Omar arrived. You know the Treaty of Omar? The wailing wall is the wall of the Fortress Antonia built by Herod to honor Marc Anthony's daughter.
For Christians Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Allah is God in Arabic like Dio is God in Italian.
Most Christians believe Jesus is the god creator of the Universe, taking over the G-D of Abraham.

It is not in the NT but most Christians have passed on this idea that Jesus is the god creator of the Universe.
When Omar arrived. You know the Treaty of Omar? The wailing wall is the wall of the Fortress Antonia built by Herod to honor Marc Anthony's daughter.
It was a dump, as you say, because the Romans and the Byzantine kept the Jews from living there. Before that, when Jews lived there, it was very well taken care of.

And it became well taken care of after Omar allowed the Jews to return to their Capital.
Most Christians believe Jesus is the god creator of the Universe, taking over the G-D of Abraham.

It is not in the NT but most Christians have passed on this idea that Jesus is the god creator of the Universe.

Nope . Christians believe Jesus is the son of God.
It was a dump, as you say, because the Romans and the Byzantine kept the Jews from living there. Before that, when Jews lived there, it was very well taken care of.

And it became well taken care of after Omar allowed the Jews to return to their Capital.

Not many returned. They were a tiny minority up until the 1930s.
Not many returned. They were a tiny minority up until the 1930s.
Get over yourself. You do not stop minimizing and delegitimizing the Jewish people at every turn.

Even Omar respected the Jewish People and what Jerusalem meant to them to the point that he allowed them to return to their capital.

Numbers. You are all about numbers and NEVER about the indigenous people's right to their own land.

Omar respected the Indigenous people of the land. Try learning from him.

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