The temple mount, the waqf, and the 'status quo'


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
After Israel took back control of Jerusalem in the 1967 war, they almost immediately gave control of the mount back to the Jordanian/Muslim waqf. There has been much contention since then. Anyone who is not a Muslim can only go up there at certain very restricted times and their behavior is also very restricted. No praying, no books, no cameras. I was there in 2015. I know.

Lately the Palestinian leadership has been equating any Israeli and/or Jew going up there as an attack or invasion on the Al Aqsa mosque. Spoiler alert. The Al Aqsa mosque resides on a small portion of the mount. Abbas last year attempted to inflame Palestinians by saying that he didn't want their (the Jews) filthy feet up on the mount at all. It has also been said that any time a Jew goes up on the mount, he or she wants to tear down the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock.

A few weeks ago, some Palestinian 'freedom fighters' hid weapons at the Al Aqsa mosque and the next day came down to the Lions' gate and killed some Israeli police officers. Afterwards, Israel decided to put up some metal detectors and more security cameras on all the entrances to the mount.

The Arabs told the waqf and Palestinians to vehemently protest, as if Israel was going to change the status quo or more, destroy any holy muslim site up there. Well, they didn't.

Furthermore, it was a very rare time where Jews did go up on the mount and were able to pray without harassment. Did they destroy anything? No. And of course, the security measures were removed.

But should the Temple mount remain so closed? This is my question. Do you think that the Temple Mount should be so restricted to non Muslims? I believe that this last episode proves that no body wants to destroy anything up on the Mount. I wish that the next time I go to Jerusalem, I can go up to the Temple mount via any entrance at any hour that Muslims can go; and maybe even pray as well.

Is that too much to ask?
Wait, what?! It's "too much to ask" that Jewish people be able to access and worship at and pray at our own Holy Places?

The very idea is mad. Crazy. Insane.
Wasn't it the Jews themselves who barred Jews from going there because according to Jewish law it's considered blasphemous for them to walk there?

God religion is stupid
Here's Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio (164-c.235) on the matter: "At Jerusalem, Hadrian founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the TEMPLE ... he raised a new temple to Jupiter.
This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration, for the JEWS deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in THEIR city and foreign religious rites planted there." [All emphases mine] (From Cassius Dio, Roman history 69.12.1-14.3)
After Israel took back control of Jerusalem in the 1967 war, they almost immediately gave control of the mount back to the Jordanian/Muslim waqf. There has been much contention since then. Anyone who is not a Muslim can only go up there at certain very restricted times and their behavior is also very restricted. No praying, no books, no cameras. I was there in 2015. I know.

Lately the Palestinian leadership has been equating any Israeli and/or Jew going up there as an attack or invasion on the Al Aqsa mosque. Spoiler alert. The Al Aqsa mosque resides on a small portion of the mount. Abbas last year attempted to inflame Palestinians by saying that he didn't want their (the Jews) filthy feet up on the mount at all. It has also been said that any time a Jew goes up on the mount, he or she wants to tear down the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock.

A few weeks ago, some Palestinian 'freedom fighters' hid weapons at the Al Aqsa mosque and the next day came down to the Lions' gate and killed some Israeli police officers. Afterwards, Israel decided to put up some metal detectors and more security cameras on all the entrances to the mount.

The Arabs told the waqf and Palestinians to vehemently protest, as if Israel was going to change the status quo or more, destroy any holy muslim site up there. Well, they didn't.

Furthermore, it was a very rare time where Jews did go up on the mount and were able to pray without harassment. Did they destroy anything? No. And of course, the security measures were removed.

But should the Temple mount remain so closed? This is my question. Do you think that the Temple Mount should be so restricted to non Muslims? I believe that this last episode proves that no body wants to destroy anything up on the Mount. I wish that the next time I go to Jerusalem, I can go up to the Temple mount via any entrance at any hour that Muslims can go; and maybe even pray as well.

Is that too much to ask?

Under the current circumstances, why don't those Zionists just close the Mosque to Muslim worshipers with their stored weapons while they pray for the destruction of Israel?
After Israel took back control of Jerusalem in the 1967 war, they almost immediately gave control of the mount back to the Jordanian/Muslim waqf. There has been much contention since then. Anyone who is not a Muslim can only go up there at certain very restricted times and their behavior is also very restricted. No praying, no books, no cameras. I was there in 2015. I know.

Lately the Palestinian leadership has been equating any Israeli and/or Jew going up there as an attack or invasion on the Al Aqsa mosque. Spoiler alert. The Al Aqsa mosque resides on a small portion of the mount. Abbas last year attempted to inflame Palestinians by saying that he didn't want their (the Jews) filthy feet up on the mount at all. It has also been said that any time a Jew goes up on the mount, he or she wants to tear down the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock.

A few weeks ago, some Palestinian 'freedom fighters' hid weapons at the Al Aqsa mosque and the next day came down to the Lions' gate and killed some Israeli police officers. Afterwards, Israel decided to put up some metal detectors and more security cameras on all the entrances to the mount.

The Arabs told the waqf and Palestinians to vehemently protest, as if Israel was going to change the status quo or more, destroy any holy muslim site up there. Well, they didn't.

Furthermore, it was a very rare time where Jews did go up on the mount and were able to pray without harassment. Did they destroy anything? No. And of course, the security measures were removed.

But should the Temple mount remain so closed? This is my question. Do you think that the Temple Mount should be so restricted to non Muslims? I believe that this last episode proves that no body wants to destroy anything up on the Mount. I wish that the next time I go to Jerusalem, I can go up to the Temple mount via any entrance at any hour that Muslims can go; and maybe even pray as well.

Is that too much to ask?

Under the current circumstances, why don't those Zionists just close the Mosque to Muslim worshipers with their stored weapons while they pray for the destruction of Israel?

Ask Dayan...but I know what you think about the Zionists' dealing with Arabs :wink_2:
It is time to put the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, the Muslim authority that exercises jurisdiction over the Temple Mount, on notice. It has violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The convention, which became international law in 1951, defines genocide as an attempt to destroy — in whole or in part — a national, religious or ethnic group. It also lists actions that can be punished under the convention, such as direct and public incitement to genocide and complicity in genocide.

The convention also declares that people who engage in these and other acts are to be punished “whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.”

Clearly, members of the Waqf fall under the jurisdiction of this convention and it is beyond dispute that the Temple Mount over which they exercise authority has been used as a platform to incite genocide on a regular basis against Jews over the past few decades in clear violation of international law.

A few recent examples should give people a sense of the genocidal incitement broadcast on the Temple Mount, which Muslims call, ironically enough, “The Noble Sanctuary.”

In May 2017, Palestinian preacher Ali Abu Ahmad told a crowd atop the Temple Mount that “It is time for you to mobilize in order to finish off the monstrous entity of the Jews.” He also called on Allah to “annihilate the Jews” to which his audience said, “Amen.” He also called on Allah to enable his audience to kill the Jews, to which his audience also said, “Amen.” This incitement was documentedby the Middle East Media Research Institute.

(full article online)

Jerusalem does not appear in the Koran Not even once.

Jerusalem appears 700+ times in the Bible

It’s the Temple Mount, not the mosque mount
Get this: In Muslims’ own Koran, Allah decrees the land to Children of Israel. No mention of fake palestine and fake palestinians


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Muslims’ sole claim to Jerusalem is Muhammad traveling there on a flying donkey with a woman’s head and a peacock’s tail. His own peeps called the entire fairy tale “a plain absurdity!” Which it obviously was
Get this: Al aqsa mosque was built about 715 AD BUT Muhammad died much earlier in 632 AD Guess what? He never set foot in al aqsa mosque cuz it didn’t exist Oops! Muslim bullshit
Delusional Muslims concocted a fairytale that Muhammad ascended to heaven from the rock under Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount Just 1 problem: Among the many inscriptions on Dome of the Rock, not 1 word about Muhammad ascending from any rock nor even being in Jerusalem.

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