The ten year old rape victim that did exist.

So you are now proclaiming you never said she didn't get an abortion.

Waste of my time.
That's correct, MR DODGE. I didn't say she did or didn't get an abortion. You said she did, and I asked you how you could KNOW that, and you refused to answer.
Back to the 6th grade for you.
That's correct, MR DODGE. I didn't say she did or didn't get an abortion. You said she did, and I asked you how you could KNOW that, and you refused to answer.
Back to the 6th grade for you.
You won't admit it. So why waste my time?

So Jim Jordan and the right wing lied.

Who knew?
They're flailing now with trying to start the lie up again...trying to say she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio (she couldn't)...attacking the doctor....making it about her mom....making it about illegal immigration status of her rapist (as if it would have been ok if her rapist was an American citizen).

So Jim Jordan and the right wing lied.

Who knew?

They didn’t lie, the Baby killer refused to give the necessary information and the rapist was an illegal alien… if it wasn’t for conservatives calling out this story he likely wouldn’t have been arrested…..and, dumb ass….it seems likely that the mother is in a relationship with the rapist…

You idiots only wanted the lie about Ohio abortion law to get out that you didn’t care about the girl actually being raped
They're flailing now with trying to start the lie up again...trying to say she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio (she couldn't)...attacking the doctor....making it about her mom....making it about illegal immigration status of her rapist (as if it would have been ok if her rapist was an American citizen).

You are lying….she could have gotten the abortion in Ohio you twit
They didn’t lie, the Baby killer refused to give the necessary information and the rapist was an illegal alien… if it wasn’t for conservatives calling out this story he likely wouldn’t have been arrested…..and, dumb ass….it seems likely that the mother is in a relationship with the rapist…

You idiots only wanted the lie about Ohio abortion law to get out that you didn’t care about the girl actually being raped
Horse shit.

The report was filed in Ohio and that is why the creep was arrested
Horse shit.

The report was filed in Ohio and that is why the creep was arrested
But we don't know if he really ever committed a rape, and the girl's mother supports him - says he did not do that.

Here's scenario that is more possible than most people would think

Crazed Democrats, hysterical over the overturn of Roe vs Wade, are trying to do ANYTHING they can to reclaim full abortion privilege. So:
1. Democrat politicians scheme with police to have the guy "confess" to raping the girl.
2. They promise he will be acquitted, and will not suffer while waiting for "trial", and pay him lots of money.
3. Dr Caitlan Bernard also gets paid off, and pretends to have done an abortion, and reports it as such.
4. Democrats now think they have created an issue to shock & stop Republicans with, in time for the 2022 election.
5. Doesn't do a damn thing for their election hopes, as everyone is focused on the ECONOMY, with one exception > Hispanics, (overwhelmingly Catholic) who see abortion as sinful murder, are sickened by pride" parades & tran lunacy, who support police, and who are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.

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