The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

No one has ever said being stoned is safer than not while behind the wheel. No one has ever said children should have access. No one has ever said you should give it to a dog.

You're not a bright person, are you?
No one should but if it's available it will. There is no way to discuss drug addiction with drug addicts. The addiction does all their talking for them.

All evidence to the contrary. There is nothing to suggest a spike in deaths or injuries of children in states where pot is legal. There is plenty to suggest the opposite in fact.
But you are an addict! Everything you say is controlled by your addiction.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

The question is, is cannabis safer than alcohol?
The only response to the drug addict is to let them quietly die. Don't bother calling 911, don't offer cpr. Just quietly back off until you are sure they are no longer breathing.

Well, you can leave anyone on pot alone if you want. They'll survive. There have been zero deaths related solely to pot consumption in the history of human civilization.

No one has ever said being stoned is safer than not while behind the wheel. No one has ever said children should have access. No one has ever said you should give it to a dog.

You're not a bright person, are you?
No one should but if it's available it will. There is no way to discuss drug addiction with drug addicts. The addiction does all their talking for them.

All evidence to the contrary. There is nothing to suggest a spike in deaths or injuries of children in states where pot is legal. There is plenty to suggest the opposite in fact.
But you are an addict! Everything you say is controlled by your addiction.

Oh I see. You're a crazy person.

No one has ever said being stoned is safer than not while behind the wheel. No one has ever said children should have access. No one has ever said you should give it to a dog.

You're not a bright person, are you?
No one should but if it's available it will. There is no way to discuss drug addiction with drug addicts. The addiction does all their talking for them.

All evidence to the contrary. There is nothing to suggest a spike in deaths or injuries of children in states where pot is legal. There is plenty to suggest the opposite in fact.
But you are an addict! Everything you say is controlled by your addiction.

Oh I see. You're a crazy person.
You sound like Charlie Sheen.
hmm my older brother got hooked on weed when he ws about 14 and was never the same again. caused him to be extremely paranoid especialy later in life. constantly accused people of saying things they didnt, thought people were plotting against him, thought there were bugs in the walls, we ended up fighting battles over nothing. It was definatley the marijuana in his case. It was like night and day once he started smoking it, but at the time I didnt realize what it was. I basicaly lost my brother over that shit. I know other people who smoke it and have no problems, but the potential is there for a chemical imbalance

That's too bad for your brother, although it's possible/most likely he had some mental health issues to begin with.

Pot isn't for everybody.
We're not just talking reaction. This is about lifelong condition. What's more, how many users of those other substances inject, with impunity, that substance into the systems of others in the vicinity?
If you're alluding to the grossly exaggerated phenomenon called the "contact high;" as I've previously mentioned, NIDA tried to exploit this bugaboo by force-feeding monkeys with marijuana smoke -- and they killed two of them in the process.

First, when and where do non-pot smokers find themselves in close and confined areas where lots of marijuana is being smoked? How often does this take place? And because the percentage of regular pot-smokers who are negatively affected by the practice is negligible it follows that the same ratio would apply to those who inhale secondary marijuana smoke. Typically, those who are affected by secondary pot smoke are themselves pot smokers. The exceptions are low-life parents who expose their children to marijuana, or tobacco, smoke. But you can't blame marijuana for that, can you?

Pot is a seriously debilitating substance for some people and this needs to be recognized and dealt with.
Do you know that "some people" can drop dead from eating a spoonful of peanut butter? And do you know that "some people" can die from an ordinary bee sting? Individuals who are affected by these recognized but uncommon allergies are advised to avoid either peanut butter or bees. "Some people" are allergic to something in marijuana and such individuals are well advised to avoid the plant and any of its properties. Those who do not recognize their allergy and suffer the consequences become welcome fodder for the anti-marijuana propaganda mill.

People should not be held hostage by pothead ignorance and arrogance. And consider the message being sent to kids.
The very use of the ridiculous term, "pothead," is in itself both ignorant and arrogant because it bespeaks the typical Reefer Madness mentality.

The term, "pothead" is analogous to the term, "drunk" which refers to those who fall victim to alcoholism. But is everyone who enjoys a few beers or a little wine or whiskey now and then a "drunk?"
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Typical response rooted in ignorance. The usual Reefer Madness line. Yeah, we already went through that bit back in the 60's and 70's. Some of us found out the hard way that there are devastating effects of pot and potheads who haven't had these problems refuse to accept what they won't understand. Their ensuing arrogance is even more frustrating.
Please share some of the specifics about the "devastating effects of pot" with the rest of us.

I enjoyed quite a lot of marijuana throughout the 1970s and I'd be interested in learning how I was devastated by it. I seem to have missed that part.
Stoners love to study. They have a whole panoply of marijuana gods to worship.
You've mentioned elsewhere that you have smoked freebase cocaine (crack), which I understand is an extremely powerful drug and is very addictive.

Aside from marijuana, is that the only hard drug you've ever used? I'm asking this for academic reasons. I have no smart-ass purpose. I'd like to understand your motivation in this discussion a little better.
The only response to the drug addict is to let them quietly die. Don't bother calling 911, don't offer cpr. Just quietly back off until you are sure they are no longer breathing.
If you applied for a sensitive job which called for a personality evaluation and the psychologist asked you to explain your exceptional hostility toward marijuana users and recreational substances in general, how would you account for your extraordinary position?

Are you aware that most of the things you say here are distinctly abnormal?
The only response to the drug addict is to let them quietly die. Don't bother calling 911, don't offer cpr. Just quietly back off until you are sure they are no longer breathing.
If you applied for a sensitive job which called for a personality evaluation and the psychologist asked you to explain your exceptional hostility toward marijuana users and recreational substances in general, how would you account for your extraordinary position?

Are you aware that most of the things you say here are distinctly abnormal?
I would say that my 35 years as an attorney especially in criminal and then family law has put me in contact with literally thousands of users over the years. I have, unfortunately, had to witness pot devastation among my personal acquaintences.

If that's not good enough, I never wanted to work for an addict (again) anyway.
If elected King I would:

-Make both pot and alcohol legal.

-Make it possible to lose one's legal ability to use either.

-Impose mandatory jail time for getting caught operating a motor vehicle at more than our .08 BAC level or the equivalent pot high.

You don't drink that beer or smoke that joint because they have no effect on you. Time to treat everyone like an adult.
If elected King I would:

-Make both pot and alcohol legal.

-Make it possible to lose one's legal ability to use either.

-Impose mandatory jail time for getting caught operating a motor vehicle at more than our .08 BAC level or the equivalent pot high.

You don't drink that beer or smoke that joint because they have no effect on you. Time to treat everyone like an adult.
Let's make that mandatory jail time for the second offense. We can keep the $10,000 fine we effective have now for the first if no crash occurred.
The only response to the drug addict is to let them quietly die. Don't bother calling 911, don't offer cpr. Just quietly back off until you are sure they are no longer breathing.
If you applied for a sensitive job which called for a personality evaluation and the psychologist asked you to explain your exceptional hostility toward marijuana users and recreational substances in general, how would you account for your extraordinary position?

Are you aware that most of the things you say here are distinctly abnormal?
I would say that my 35 years as an attorney especially in criminal and then family law has put me in contact with literally thousands of users over the years. I have, unfortunately, had to witness pot devastation among my personal acquaintences.

If that's not good enough, I never wanted to work for an addict (again) anyway.

Jesus Christ, you're an attorney? Tell me law school and your experience taught you to research better than this. I've been a lawyer for 11 years, and I can tell you that there's zero excuse for your level of ignorance and simplifying of a very complicated issue.

I'm guessing as a criminal attorney you were a DA? Those tend to be the biggest closed-minded assholes.
If elected King I would:

-Make both pot and alcohol legal.

-Make it possible to lose one's legal ability to use either.

-Impose mandatory jail time for getting caught operating a motor vehicle at more than our .08 BAC level or the equivalent pot high.

You don't drink that beer or smoke that joint because they have no effect on you. Time to treat everyone like an adult.

"Yes, because our jails aren't full enough. Time to get serious." - Country with the most jailed people of any country on earth (yes, more than China or India)

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