The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

OK by me!
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.

If consistency is what they want, I'm all for banning booze.

But consistency isn't what they want. They just want their fix.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.
you and tipsy are 2 of the most clueless people about drugs i have ever run into....instead of just talk why dont you prove what you are saying?.....
Pot and drug use expanded with the counter culture of the 60's, a manifestation of Frankfurt School Marxism's 11-point plan. Some of us who survived that period bothered to step back and objectively wonder what spawned such an immediate and comprehensive social upheaval. It was too coordinated to be spontaneous.
The answer is in this link and the pot/drug issue is dealt with in point number 6...
OK by me!
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.

If consistency is what they want, I'm all for banning booze.

But consistency isn't what they want. They just want their fix.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.
you and tipsy are 2 of the most clueless people about drugs i have ever run into....instead of just talk why dont you prove what you are saying?.....
so who compiled this?.....out here in conservative orange county i used to get high with more conservative people than liberal.....we used to buy our pot from a pretty religious conservative guy.....yea he used to like to relax and shoot the shit,but he had some nice stuff.....there are a lot of people out here who are not liberal,who smoke pot and drink....
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

Sounds good to me..... Alcohol, Tobacco, and All Illicit Drugs.
My wife and I occasionally imbibe with friends, but I would gladly give it up if that's the price to keep drugs illegal. With fewer alcoholics, Republicans will get more votes.

Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

OK by me!
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.

If consistency is what they want, I'm all for banning booze.

But consistency isn't what they want. They just want their fix.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.

Should the government be able to tell an adult what they can and cannot do (as long as it affects nobody else), in the privacy of their own home?

If you answer "yes"'re not really against "big government" just either A) pretend you are or B) like to think you are.
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.

If consistency is what they want, I'm all for banning booze.

But consistency isn't what they want. They just want their fix.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.
you and tipsy are 2 of the most clueless people about drugs i have ever run into....instead of just talk why dont you prove what you are saying?.....
so who compiled this?.....out here in conservative orange county i used to get high with more conservative people than liberal.....we used to buy our pot from a pretty religious conservative guy.....yea he used to like to relax and shoot the shit,but he had some nice stuff.....there are a lot of people out here who are not liberal,who smoke pot and drink....
Let me introduce myself. I grew up Christian, both Catholic and Evangelical. I served in ministries, attended countless bible studies and hung out in youth groups instead of with the druggies. My father is a pastor of a Pentecostal church and the whole family participated. My experience and intimate familiarity with evangelical Christianity is second to none.

Drug use is absolutely at variance with our culture. We view it as contrary to dependence on the saving grace of Jesus Christ to fill ALL our needs. We get high by worshipping the Most High at Power Point contemporary worship events, not chemicals. We give testimony about how Jesus saved us FROM drugs, alcohol, and an empty, meaningless life. Those that continue using drugs find no acquiescence, approval, or accepance.

So no, your "religious conservative guy" by no means represents a comingling of the drug culture with evangelical Christian culture. You are absolutely WRONG on that.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.
you and tipsy are 2 of the most clueless people about drugs i have ever run into....instead of just talk why dont you prove what you are saying?.....
so who compiled this?.....out here in conservative orange county i used to get high with more conservative people than liberal.....we used to buy our pot from a pretty religious conservative guy.....yea he used to like to relax and shoot the shit,but he had some nice stuff.....there are a lot of people out here who are not liberal,who smoke pot and drink....
Let me introduce myself. I grew up Christian, both Catholic and Evangelical. I served in ministries, attended countless bible studies and hung out in youth groups instead of with the druggies. My father is a pastor of a Pentecostal church and the whole family participated. My experience and intimate familiarity with evangelical Christianity is second to none.

Drug use is absolutely at variance with our culture. We view it as contrary to dependence on the saving grace of Jesus Christ to fill ALL our needs. We get high by worshipping the Most High at Power Point contemporary worship events, not chemicals. We give testimony about how Jesus saved us FROM drugs, alcohol, and an empty, meaningless life. Those that continue using drugs find no acquiescence, approval, or accepance.

So no, your "religious conservative guy" by no means represents a comingling of the drug culture with evangelical Christian culture. You are absolutely WRONG on that.
what a crock of shit....religious people are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet,and that includes you,i have read enough of your posts to know a question....i asked another "religious" person in another thread here on pot and she went on about Jesus this and what he would do,BUT she kept avoiding this question.....if it was known that Jesus and the apostles relaxed smoking pot,what would your opinion of him and pot be?....
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
Stoners love to study. They have a whole panoply of marijuana gods to worship.
You've mentioned elsewhere that you have smoked freebase cocaine (crack), which I understand is an extremely powerful drug and is very addictive.

Aside from marijuana, is that the only hard drug you've ever used? I'm asking this for academic reasons. I have no smart-ass purpose. I'd like to understand your motivation in this discussion a little better.

I started smoking cigarettes, drinking and good weed, while I was learning Chinese at DLIFLC in late 1978.

Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center | Monterey, Ca

I graduated at the top of my class, but the drugs took its toll, and I did not do well at my next training at Goodfellow AFB. I turned myself in along with a small stash of pot I had. I lost the Chinese job but kept a TS clearance, down from the SCI one I had secured.

They transferred me to FE Warren AFB where I was in the 90th Transportation Squadron.

F.E. WARREN 90th Logistics Readiness Squadron

I took LSD at a good friend's house named Willie, while there. It was off-base from FE Warren, but I did not like the one hit much and did not try it again. My best friend then was Kevin, who was in the OSI. We never smoked on base. Kevin always had good weed, and we would light it up as soon as we got off-base. I would drive around with him in Cheyenne then for about an hour listening to tunes. Being from California, I had never seen snow before, so it was pretty interesting seeing all the snow at that time during the winter.

The very first time I saw snow was on Thanksgiving, when Cheyenne had a record blizzard. I worked 12 hour shifts travelling around in a snowcat, while the based closed down. It was amazing, and I later saw how the drifts went all the way up to the rooftops on the large houses in Cheyenne.

Wyoming / Weather | Vanderbilt Television News Archive

Kevin and Willie were black, and the first year I left the Air Force, I met Rusty, another great friend and black guy. I played pool with him at a strip club called the Brass Rail in Sunnyvale, CA.

Then it was in late 1980 around Christmastime. I went to Rusty's house in Santa Clara, down the street from the state mental hospital.

It was the first or second time I had been to his mom and dad's house, and Rusty and I did not bother anyone in the house, especially not his sister. LOL

We went directly into the bathroom, and that is when I got my first hit from a crack pipe. It was the most delicious experience of my life. Ecstasy filled me and everything else in the room, except the toilet.

At that time, it was not called crack. It wasn't freebasing either. Rusty knew how to cook it up, with a little baking soda in a small vial. He called it drybasing.

I did not have much money at the time, so I did not smoke much crack. Rusty would never give me more than a hit or two at the most.

I starting getting high again after the Air Force, when I met Stan in a bowling league. He liked to smoke a lot of good weed, and we got high several times. But it was Stan's brother, Steve I really became good friends with, often going to the beach together. He smoked a lot of weed, but once in a long while, we snorted coke. He ate shrooms a few times. I tried it, but it did not do anything for me and only did it once. Those were the only drugs I took.

My other best friend at the time was Bob, but he would always drink, so we would get together a lot and just drink.

I quit smoking cigarettes, all drugs, and stopped drinking in late 1984. I started smoking again in 1991, but for ten years, I averaged only two or three cigarettes a day. I have not taken any drugs since 1984.

I starting drinking again also in 1991 but just a little, and I hardly drank at all until I met another black guy, Robert, and he is still a great best friend of mine for seven years now. Robert was the all-around best player at UCLA in baseball, basketball and football in the 60's. His first cousin is a famous NFL running back.
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I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
Meh. I glanced at the thread title too quickly and thought it was about Cannibals.

What a disappointment.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
With the exception of the occasional leftover prohibitionist I can't recall anyone, "leftist" or otherwise, calling for the banning of alcohol -- whether stupidly or spitefully.
Are you kidding? I see you potheads doing it all the time and I just responded to a post of one. The moment I mention that pot should remain illegal, it's the first thing out of your stupid pothead mouths.

"I can't recall" is precisely the problem. Get off the drugs and your memory will improve.

With a pseudonym like, "SaintMichaelDefendThem" your paranoid delusions are not surprising.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
I don't have a walker. You must be mixing your pot with something that causes you to masturbate when you think of me. What is it, the thought of whips and chains?

I never permitted the use of safe words.

When I was dating, quite a few guys liked to relax with pot. I never used pot or any drugs, I am not trustworthy. But I did notice how easy it would be to just walk off with the guy's wallet. I never did it, but the temptation with them glassy eyed was always there.
Should the government be able to tell an adult what they can and cannot do (as long as it affects nobody else), in the privacy of their own home?

If you answer "yes"'re not really against "big government" just either A) pretend you are or B) like to think you are.

Moral crimes need to be stopped, no matter where they may occur.

You missed Option C: You understand the problem isn't Big Government but Improperly Focused Government.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Then by all means, don't smoke it. Good to go.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.

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