The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
You should. I face all the challenges of life including a wife and 4 kids, one of them special needs, a difficult job, and a mortgage. I do all this as a real man, unmedicated. Anyone who's smart wants to live like me because I'm freaking AWESOME!
You know that the pot heads think you are stupid and foolish. All the really smart people do drugs.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
I don't have a walker. You must be mixing your pot with something that causes you to masturbate when you think of me. What is it, the thought of whips and chains?

I never permitted the use of safe words.

When I was dating, quite a few guys liked to relax with pot. I never used pot or any drugs, I am not trustworthy. But I did notice how easy it would be to just walk off with the guy's wallet. I never did it, but the temptation with them glassy eyed was always there.
oh geezus....dont worry i dont think sexually about you,i like woman not dykes....
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent[/quote]
Inasmuch as Marijuana contains nothing which is capable of altering adult brain chemistry, as does alcohol and most other presently controlled substances, the claim of "dependency" is academically invalid. But because the brain chemistry and functional organization of the immature brain is vulnerable to some of THC's effects it is quite true that certain neurological functions can be adversely affected. This is why adolescents should be prevented from using any type of psychoactive chemical, including beverage alcohol.

  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia[/quote]
This might be true in the example of individuals who already are fully predisposed to these (and some other) conditions. But if it were generally true, considering the vast number of persons who routinely enjoy the effects of marijuana the population would so densely consist of schizoid types no society would be capable of functioning.
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development[/quote]
This is nothing new. Adolescent use of any psychoactive substance, outstandingly including beverage alcohol, should be prohibited because it can be damaging to the developing brain.
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
I don't know about doubling the risk but certain activities, such as driving or operating machinery, should be avoided while under the influence of any psychoactive substance.
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'
This is an extremely stupid statement and it speaks for the mentality that produced this British version of Reefer Madness propaganda. Unfortunately it still seems to work on some people.
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My wife and I occasionally imbibe with friends, but I would gladly give it up if that's the price to keep drugs illegal. With fewer alcoholics, Republicans will get more votes.
"Imbibe?" That's a handy euphemism for using a drug. But I'm sure you have it worked out in your mind that beverage alcohol (the stuff you "imbibe") is not a bad drug, like marijuana is. What you should understand is beverage alcohol is infinitely more dangerous to the human organism, and to society, than most controlled substances are -- especially marijuana.

Thousands die from drinking alcohol ("imbibing") every year. No one has ever died, or been made sick, from using marijuana. Thousands more commit violent crimes as the direct result of drinking alcohol. Marijuana is a euphoric tranquilizer that imparts the opposite effect.

So instead of "imbibing" you would be far better off smoking a joint or eating a pot brownie. But I'm sure you won't agree.
My wife and I occasionally imbibe with friends, but I would gladly give it up if that's the price to keep drugs illegal. With fewer alcoholics, Republicans will get more votes.
"Imbibe?" That's a handy euphemism for using a drug. But I'm sure you have it worked out in your mind that beverage alcohol (the stuff you "imbibe") is not a bad drug, like marijuana is. What you should understand is beverage alcohol is infinitely more dangerous to the human organism, and to society, than most controlled substances are -- especially marijuana.

Thousands die from drinking alcohol ("imbibing") every year. No one has ever died, or been made sick, from using marijuana. Thousands more commit violent crimes as the direct result of drinking alcohol. Marijuana is a euphoric tranquilizer that imparts the opposite effect.

So instead of "imbibing" you would be far better off smoking a joint or eating a pot brownie. But I'm sure you won't agree.
It's all dangerous so get rid of it all.

We're on the same page, friend.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
I'll stick with science, not loser pothead opinions.

It's all dangerous so get rid of it all.

We're on the same page, friend.
There is absolutely nothing dangerous about marijuana. Nothing.
Wrong. It's the most dangerous drug of all. It doesn't cause anyone to black out like alcohol. It doesn't make someone feel invincible so they fight the police and get shot like PCP. It doesn't rot someone's mouth out from the inside like meth. It doesn't hook anyone into an overpowering addiction sending them into a deathward spiral like heroine.

What it does is far more insidious.

Pot deceives the user into thinking they're ok when they're not. Their perceptions and reflexes are slowed but imperceptibly. Their thought process becomes increasingly clouded. That's truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, surgeons, teachers, firemen, paramedics, etc. all half baked thinking they're operating at 100%. They lose ambition and their school grades drop from straight A's to D's and F's. It destroys lives much more slowly, until the appeal wears off and the user, so used to self medicating, looks elsewhere for a bigger high. It's an addictive hallucinogen that's a gateway drug to far more dangerous narcotics.

It's more dangerous than all the rest combined.
Wrong. It's the most dangerous drug of all. It doesn't cause anyone to black out like alcohol. It doesn't make someone feel invincible so they fight the police and get shot like PCP. It doesn't rot someone's mouth out from the inside like meth. It doesn't hook anyone into an overpowering addiction sending them into a deathward spiral like heroine.

What it does is far more insidious.

Pot deceives the user into thinking they're ok when they're not. Their perceptions and reflexes are slowed but imperceptibly. Their thought process becomes increasingly clouded. That's truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, surgeons, teachers, firemen, paramedics, etc. all half baked thinking they're operating at 100%. They lose ambition and their school grades drop from straight A's to D's and F's. It destroys lives much more slowly, until the appeal wears off and the user, so used to self medicating, looks elsewhere for a bigger high. It's an addictive hallucinogen that's a gateway drug to far more dangerous narcotics.

It's more dangerous than all the rest combined.
If that were true, considering the number of Americans who routinely use marijuana our society would by now be reduced to something resembling some failed banana republic.

What surprises me about some of your fantastic offerings is you are intelligent enough to compose comprehensible messages yet you seem convinced that the utter nonsense they contain is defensible. It's like you're insisting you know people who have wings and can fly.

I hope you derive some peculiar enjoyment from putting forth such ridiculous nonsense because the fact is you're making a fool of yourself.
Are you saying that our current state of failed banana Republic is because of marijuana use?

Quite possibly you are correct,
MikeK, I have known a lot of addicts in my time. I've known addicts that would slit open a dead body to get the rubbers in the gut, I've seen parents selling their kids for one more hit, but I have never seen an addict that is as strong in the addiction as you are. Really. Do you ever listen to yourself? You cling to your need like it's your only lifeline in a hurricaine.
Pot deceives the user into thinking they're ok when they're not. Their perceptions and reflexes are slowed but imperceptibly. Their thought process becomes increasingly clouded. That's truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, surgeons, teachers, firemen, paramedics, etc. all half baked thinking they're operating at 100%. They lose ambition and their school grades drop from straight A's to D's and F's. It destroys lives much more slowly, until the appeal wears off and the user, so used to self medicating, looks elsewhere for a bigger high. It's an addictive hallucinogen that's a gateway drug to far more dangerous narcotics.

It definitely reduces educational potential. If you say it did not make me any dumber, you have no idea what your potential was to begin with.

I tried very hard earlier to explain why marijuana is a gateway drug, and I totally agree. Common sense itself could not be any plainer:

The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless
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The only response to the drug addict is to let them quietly die. Don't bother calling 911, don't offer cpr. Just quietly back off until you are sure they are no longer breathing.
If you applied for a sensitive job which called for a personality evaluation and the psychologist asked you to explain your exceptional hostility toward marijuana users and recreational substances in general, how would you account for your extraordinary position?

Are you aware that most of the things you say here are distinctly abnormal?
I would say that my 35 years as an attorney especially in criminal and then family law has put me in contact with literally thousands of users over the years. I have, unfortunately, had to witness pot devastation among my personal acquaintences.

If that's not good enough, I never wanted to work for an addict (again) anyway.

Jesus Christ, you're an attorney? Tell me law school and your experience taught you to research better than this. I've been a lawyer for 11 years, and I can tell you that there's zero excuse for your level of ignorance and simplifying of a very complicated issue.

I'm guessing as a criminal attorney you were a DA? Those tend to be the biggest closed-minded assholes.
her stories are legendary....
So is her psychopathy.
OK by me!
It's amazing how Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot. The funny thing is, our response is always the same because most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.

If consistency is what they want, I'm all for banning booze.

But consistency isn't what they want. They just want their fix.
Leftists keep proposing banning alcohol if they can't have their pot
i hope you aint one of them dummies that think only lefties smoke the stuff....
most of the alcoholics are leftists anyway.
thats pretty laughable.....give a percentage....
Yes, drug abuse is pretty much a Leftist thing. It's why your critical thinking process is stunted and you push for idiotic policies, unable to think things through. Venezuela is full of potheads and they elected a communist government and are now paying a hefty price as their entire economy crashed and they are starving in the streets. That's what potheads do.
you and tipsy are 2 of the most clueless people about drugs i have ever run into....instead of just talk why dont you prove what you are saying?.....

Thank goodness the tan states are down to earth. :lol:
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
You should. I face all the challenges of life including a wife and 4 kids, one of them special needs, a difficult job, and a mortgage. I do all this as a real man, unmedicated. Anyone who's smart wants to live like me because I'm freaking AWESOME!
Personally, I would consider a vasectomy without anesthetic preferable to ONE child, never mind four.
The real argument is what is it about life today is so worthless that so many people cannot go day to day without being high. That's a sickness. The answer isn't government laws. Laws shouldn't be necessary. Take away societal permission. Put drug use back to where it was. If you piss someone off and you are under the influence, your body can be found in an alley. No medical care. No help, no food, no rehab, no halfway houses, no sympathy, empathy or compassion. No welfare, SSI, worker's compensation or insurance protection. Open season on druggies, put a target on every back.

Laws prohibiting drug use won't be necessary.
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

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