The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
You should. I face all the challenges of life including a wife and 4 kids, one of them special needs, a difficult job, and a mortgage. I do all this as a real man, unmedicated. Anyone who's smart wants to live like me because I'm freaking AWESOME!
Personally, I would consider a vasectomy without anesthetic preferable to ONE child, never mind four.

I can tell you from experience what that feels like.

When I had mine done the Dr missed one of the vas deferens with the anesthetic when he cut it I almost climbed off the table. But that one shot of pain faded quickly a kid would have been around for at least 18 years so...
here we go again....the big tough internet old woman who cant get around without a walker....
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

No, it doesn't, but it does make your brain change its entire perception. And once changed, you might never get your original perception back. It's like humpty dumpty. Once the mapping of your brain is hopelessly lost, the brain will slowly try to restore the normal "picture" but could never do it like it was.
You have pictures of me and my walker. Please post them. Or put the bong down you are hallucinating.
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

No, it doesn't, but it does make your brain change its entire perception. And once changed, you might never get your original perception back. It's like humpty dumpty. Once the mapping of your brain is hopelessly lost, the brain will slowly try to restore the normal picture but could never do it like it was.

That's crap. Smoking one joint does not change your brain forever

Occasional drug use in moderation is no more dangerous than having a couple cocktails now and then
well at least you admit you have one......and you dont hallucinate with pot...but then you would not know anything outside of what you learned from reefer madness...
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

No, it doesn't, but it does make your brain change its entire perception. And once changed, you might never get your original perception back. It's like humpty dumpty. Once the mapping of your brain is hopelessly lost, the brain will slowly try to restore the normal picture but could never do it like it was.

That's crap. Smoking one joint does not change your brain forever

Occasional drug use in moderation is no more dangerous than having a couple cocktails now and then

Without a doubt, that is what happens. To what degree depends on the individual.
The INH lists pot as an hallucinogen using science and studies. Potheads deny it's an hallucinogen using denial and wishful thinking.
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

No, it doesn't, but it does make your brain change its entire perception. And once changed, you might never get your original perception back. It's like humpty dumpty. Once the mapping of your brain is hopelessly lost, the brain will slowly try to restore the normal picture but could never do it like it was.

That's crap. Smoking one joint does not change your brain forever

Occasional drug use in moderation is no more dangerous than having a couple cocktails now and then

Without a doubt, that is what happens. To what degree depends on the individual.

Don't think so.

People have been using mind altering drugs since there have been people the only time any permanent changes happen is with long term excessive use
Very few cultures engage in teetotaling behavior. Pot is nowhere near as addictive as sugar, caffeine, alcohol or cigarettes.
Mentally ill people who become *addicted* are just self medicating. Weed doesn't cause mental illness. But mentally ill people may love pot.
I think we have the right to imbibe as we please, it's nobody's business and it's our choice if we choose to do so. I could care less if people want to smoke weed or drink, as long as they don't get in my face and act stupid.

And there is no behavior, activity, intoxicant or food that doesn't "alter brain chemistry" or change our brain patterns. Prayer alters brain chemistry. Music and reading alter brain chemistry. Sex alters brain chemistry. So what...
they deny it because it doesnt make you hallucinate....
And if it DOES...that's because someone dosed it with something!

No, it doesn't, but it does make your brain change its entire perception. And once changed, you might never get your original perception back. It's like humpty dumpty. Once the mapping of your brain is hopelessly lost, the brain will slowly try to restore the normal picture but could never do it like it was.

That's crap. Smoking one joint does not change your brain forever

Occasional drug use in moderation is no more dangerous than having a couple cocktails now and then

Without a doubt, that is what happens. To what degree depends on the individual.

Don't think so.

People have been using mind altering drugs since there have been people the only time any permanent changes happen is with long term excessive use

Or pre-existing mental issues.
And there is no behavior, activity, intoxicant or food that doesn't "alter brain chemistry" or change our brain patterns. Prayer alters brain chemistry. Music and reading alter brain chemistry. Sex alters brain chemistry. So what...

No, the only activity anyone can enjoin in to make such a sudden change is smoking high-grade marijuana, unless you are talking about harder drugs.

Alcohol does not count in this particular discussion because it is an anesthetic. Marijuana and drinking are two entirely different subjects.
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
You should. I face all the challenges of life including a wife and 4 kids, one of them special needs, a difficult job, and a mortgage. I do all this as a real man, unmedicated. Anyone who's smart wants to live like me because I'm freaking AWESOME!
I may smoke once a month, I have raised four kids and had several trades and a binder full of certificates and degrees, and ran my own business.....Like a real man....I have a house on 43 acres and semi-retired......But one I do not do is postulate how I am better than others..
It's all dangerous so get rid of it all.

We're on the same page, friend.
There is absolutely nothing dangerous about marijuana. Nothing.
Wrong. It's the most dangerous drug of all. It doesn't cause anyone to black out like alcohol. It doesn't make someone feel invincible so they fight the police and get shot like PCP. It doesn't rot someone's mouth out from the inside like meth. It doesn't hook anyone into an overpowering addiction sending them into a deathward spiral like heroine.

What it does is far more insidious.

Pot deceives the user into thinking they're ok when they're not. Their perceptions and reflexes are slowed but imperceptibly. Their thought process becomes increasingly clouded. That's truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, surgeons, teachers, firemen, paramedics, etc. all half baked thinking they're operating at 100%. They lose ambition and their school grades drop from straight A's to D's and F's. It destroys lives much more slowly, until the appeal wears off and the user, so used to self medicating, looks elsewhere for a bigger high. It's an addictive hallucinogen that's a gateway drug to far more dangerous narcotics.

It's more dangerous than all the rest combined.
That's not true since I do not do other drugs including booze..My doctor gets on my ass for not taking the prescriptions I am given....
I really wonder if the anti-pot people here have ever actually smoked before? Seriously drinking and tobacco are way worse for you. If you're anti-pot, then logically you should be anti alcohol and tobacoo.

PS: The real argument is against big government. The government should NOT have the authority to tell a grown adult what they can or cannot do in the privacy of their own homes, as long as it affects nobody else.
Why do you potheads assume that anyone who doesn't smoke pot is boozing and smoking? That's a very dumb assumption.
What you assume is I want to live like you...
You should. I face all the challenges of life including a wife and 4 kids, one of them special needs, a difficult job, and a mortgage. I do all this as a real man, unmedicated. Anyone who's smart wants to live like me because I'm freaking AWESOME!
Personally, I would consider a vasectomy without anesthetic preferable to ONE child, never mind four.
Nature took care of that. My wife had medical complications after our last child and she can't have any more. We're looking into adoption.
Only pot brains would think it's a good idea to poison children's food.

The more potheads there are, the harder it will be to protect yourself and your children from intentional poisonings like this.
Sorry old bliff, but in my book, kids are off limits on drugs, pot, booze and sexual deviance...I do turn them on to education and life experiences...
How many millions of people are there in the country aren't you.

Potheads believe that poisoning children's food is acceptable. Otherwise, they would not have done it.
My wife and I occasionally imbibe with friends, but I would gladly give it up if that's the price to keep drugs illegal. With fewer alcoholics, Republicans will get more votes.
"Imbibe?" That's a handy euphemism for using a drug. But I'm sure you have it worked out in your mind that beverage alcohol (the stuff you "imbibe") is not a bad drug, like marijuana is. What you should understand is beverage alcohol is infinitely more dangerous to the human organism, and to society, than most controlled substances are -- especially marijuana.

Thousands die from drinking alcohol ("imbibing") every year. No one has ever died, or been made sick, from using marijuana. Thousands more commit violent crimes as the direct result of drinking alcohol. Marijuana is a euphoric tranquilizer that imparts the opposite effect.

So instead of "imbibing" you would be far better off smoking a joint or eating a pot brownie. But I'm sure you won't agree.
It's all dangerous so get rid of it all.

We're on the same page, friend.

Hell yea... Along with the oregano.
My wife and I occasionally imbibe with friends, but I would gladly give it up if that's the price to keep drugs illegal. With fewer alcoholics, Republicans will get more votes.
"Imbibe?" That's a handy euphemism for using a drug. But I'm sure you have it worked out in your mind that beverage alcohol (the stuff you "imbibe") is not a bad drug, like marijuana is. What you should understand is beverage alcohol is infinitely more dangerous to the human organism, and to society, than most controlled substances are -- especially marijuana.

Thousands die from drinking alcohol ("imbibing") every year. No one has ever died, or been made sick, from using marijuana. Thousands more commit violent crimes as the direct result of drinking alcohol. Marijuana is a euphoric tranquilizer that imparts the opposite effect.

So instead of "imbibing" you would be far better off smoking a joint or eating a pot brownie. But I'm sure you won't agree.
It's all dangerous so get rid of it all.

We're on the same page, friend.

Hell yea... Along with the oregano.
Yeah, no shit!
Only pot brains would think it's a good idea to poison children's food.

The more potheads there are, the harder it will be to protect yourself and your children from intentional poisonings like this.
Sorry old bliff, but in my book, kids are off limits on drugs, pot, booze and sexual deviance...I do turn them on to education and life experiences...
How many millions of people are there in the country aren't you.

Potheads believe that poisoning children's food is acceptable. Otherwise, they would not have done it.
I know of only rare occurrences...

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