The Textbook Definition of Obstruction of Justice

Neither Hillary nor Bill had that authority.
So why did lynch listen and Comey move with it?

Because both are corrupt.

You and others who constantly attack the character of others are morally corrupt.

Let's review the facts:

I'm a princess, you're a loser.

Any questions?

Nope, you've proved it many times over:

Neither Hillary nor Bill had that authority.
So why did lynch listen and Comey move with it?

Because both are corrupt.

You and others who constantly attack the character of others are morally corrupt.

Let's review the facts:

I'm a princess, you're a loser.

Any questions?

Nope, you've proved it many times over:


I'm not the Devil's Princess any longer.....
...Satan has a restraining order against me.
Bill? I agree
Trump of course, you mean.

The SS Trump is driving into a perfect storm. Instead of turning the ship around to ride the tumult out, he simply pours more 'speed ahead' right into the heaving seas that will eventually drive his administration down into the depths of defeat.
No, read. Bill
No, read Little Donnie
Why, evidence points at Bill
Wrong again: all sign postst point at Trumpville.
not on my card, they point at loretta and Bill.
Those not watching Session's testimony under oath might want to review the spirit of what Obstruction of Justice is; only in a criminal trial does one need to adhere to the standard "Beyond a shadow of a doubt".

Anyone watching Sesson's testimony, and the leading questions of Republican Senators, should keep such a principle, i.e. Justice in mind.
If we aren't talking about a criminal trial, then it's meaningless. Mere Democrat petulance isn't sufficient to call anything "obstruction of justice."

You're a hypocrite on steroids. HRC's E-Mails did not lead to a criminal trial, in fact she was exculpated by the investigation. Obama was hounded by birther's without an iota of evidence that he was not born in Hawaii.

You're dishonest, despicable and stupid; stupid because you really seem to believe your lies no matter how ridiculous they are.
how do you know what was in those 33,000 emails deleted. hmmm bleached phones and what not. wow, how's your double standard going?
And the Alt Right continue to babble about Hillary as Trump is trying to destroy the American Republic.
Those not watching Session's testimony under oath might want to review the spirit of what Obstruction of Justice is; only in a criminal trial does one need to adhere to the standard "Beyond a shadow of a doubt".

Anyone watching Sesson's testimony, and the leading questions of Republican Senators, should keep such a principle, i.e. Justice in mind.
If we aren't talking about a criminal trial, then it's meaningless. Mere Democrat petulance isn't sufficient to call anything "obstruction of justice."

You're a hypocrite on steroids. HRC's E-Mails did not lead to a criminal trial, in fact she was exculpated by the investigation. Obama was hounded by birther's without an iota of evidence that he was not born in Hawaii.

You're dishonest, despicable and stupid; stupid because you really seem to believe your lies no matter how ridiculous they are.
how do you know what was in those 33,000 emails deleted. hmmm bleached phones and what not. wow, how's your double standard going?

I don't know what was in the 33,000 e-mails deleted, and neither do you.

BTW, E-mail's are private conversations which can be viewed by others only by permission of the computer's owner or subpoena; not stolen and released to the public; Without the use of forensic diligence making every effort of science to prove they have not been edited or altered in any way, renders what has been stolen to be of no use whatsoever, notwithstanding the propaganda purpose which influences fools like you.
Those not watching Session's testimony under oath might want to review the spirit of what Obstruction of Justice is; only in a criminal trial does one need to adhere to the standard "Beyond a shadow of a doubt".

Anyone watching Sesson's testimony, and the leading questions of Republican Senators, should keep such a principle, i.e. Justice in mind.
If we aren't talking about a criminal trial, then it's meaningless. Mere Democrat petulance isn't sufficient to call anything "obstruction of justice."

You're a hypocrite on steroids. HRC's E-Mails did not lead to a criminal trial, in fact she was exculpated by the investigation. Obama was hounded by birther's without an iota of evidence that he was not born in Hawaii.

You're dishonest, despicable and stupid; stupid because you really seem to believe your lies no matter how ridiculous they are.
how do you know what was in those 33,000 emails deleted. hmmm bleached phones and what not. wow, how's your double standard going?

I don't know what was in the 33,000 e-mails deleted, and neither do you.

BTW, E-mail's are private conversations which can be viewed by others only by permission of the computer's owner or subpoena; not stolen and released to the public; Without the use of forensic diligence making every effort of science to prove they have not been edited or altered in any way leaves what has been stolen to be of no use whatsoever.
so you have no idea what is what. and for the deletion of the 33,000 emails the criminal hitlery should be in jail. next?

BTW, the fact that you aren't upset at the deletion of those emails is pathetic as a citizen. It tells me you aren't against obstruction of our laws.
jc456 has "no idea what is what."

FBI said she was not actionable for criminal charges.

I know that makes the Alt Right furious, but what true American cares what the likes of them think? the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."
He didn't even bother to LEAK IT TO THE PRESS.
And his not reporting it, is actually a crime.
jc456 has "no idea what is what."

FBI said she was not actionable for criminal charges.

I know that makes the Alt Right furious, but what true American cares what the likes of them think?
no, comey did after taking direction from loretta, admitted in open session of congress. hly fk the scent of that woman in jail is sooooo sweet. the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."
He didn't even bother to LEAK IT TO THE PRESS.
And his not reporting it, is actually a crime.

The only actual crimes in these back-stabbing attacks on President Trump are 'leaks'....federal crimes eligible for 10 years per leak.

And we have Comey admitting he is one of the leakers.

The Deep State is full of 'em:

1. In December, unnamed intelligence sources told the Washington Post that Russia helped Donald Trump win the presidency

2. A week later, senior intelligence sources told NBC News that Putin personally was involved in helping Trump win.

3. In February current and former officials released the details of a phone call between incoming national security adviser Mike Flynn and Russian ambassador Kislyak. The call was monitored because the Russian ambassador was being spied on, and Flynn's name should have been concealed.. but was unmasked and then leaked.

4. Trump's private phone call with the President of Mexico was surveilled by intell and then leaked.

5. His call with the Australian Prime Minister, also surveilled and then leaked.

6. His call with Vladimir Putin, again, leaked by the intell community.

7. Their job is to advance American national security....none of the above fits that description.

On the contrary, it was entirely political.

8. In fact, in March, a half dozen current and former intell officials told the NYTimes how they'd decide to spread classified information about the Trump campaign as widely as possible throughout government, so as to insure that it would eventually leak.

9. These people's job is to safeguard that intelligence, to hold information secret, not use them for political reasons.....and with enormous power goes...or should go....enormous responsibility.

10. Their job is to keep us safe from foreign threats.....not to pick our political leaders.
Tucker Carlson
jc456 has "no idea what is what."

FBI said she was not actionable for criminal charges.

I know that makes the Alt Right furious, but what true American cares what the likes of them think?

jc456 is a fascist in denial, he truly believes guilty until proven innocent; when there is no evidence which is probative of wrong doing, no investigation should take place, unless the person is a Democrat, liberal, progressive or named Clinton or Obama.
jc456 has "no idea what is what."

FBI said she was not actionable for criminal charges.

I know that makes the Alt Right furious, but what true American cares what the likes of them think?

jc456 is a fascist in denial, he truly believes guilty until proven innocent; when there is no evidence which is probative of wrong doing, no investigation should take place, unless the person is a Democrat, liberal, progressive or named Clinton or Obama.
Isn't that exactly what all you douche bags believe about Trump, that he's guilty until proven innocent?
jc456 has "no idea what is what."

FBI said she was not actionable for criminal charges.

I know that makes the Alt Right furious, but what true American cares what the likes of them think?

jc456 is a fascist in denial, he truly believes guilty until proven innocent; when there is no evidence which is probative of wrong doing, no investigation should take place, unless the person is a Democrat, liberal, progressive or named Clinton or Obama.
Isn't that exactly what all you douche bags believe about Trump, that he's guilty until proven innocent?

No, first of all you douche bags cherry pick who is guilty until proven innocent, and you douche bags don't think at all, you emote what you've been told to believe by Limbaugh, Hannity, et al conservative talking heads most of who - these three for sure - could never complete college.

Yet they claim to have great knowledge and the abilities of Nostradamus; not knowing much of anything, you believe them.

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