The Textbook Definition of Obstruction of Justice

"To know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for" is an old saying?

Only among the wouldn't be familiar with it.

So your own mind.

Why don't you go ahead and show examples of the phrase being used somewhere?

Or just admit that it is not an "old saying" and you used a poor phrase? It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP.

I understand your desire....

I can do many things, but increase your intellect is not one of them.

Learn to live with your inadequacy.

To paraphrase: No, you cannot provide any examples. ;)


You wrote "It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP."

Yet, here you are whining about same.

You must be a moron, huh?
The GOP establishment doesn't have the stones to call out either Obama or the Clintons on obstruction of justice. Has there ever been a more limp group than the current GOP leadership? Kittens are more terrifying.'s a case of 'damning with faint praise.'

Trump....and the American people....have five enemies:
The Deep State Intell community
The Democrats
The Media
The Never-Trumpers

The establishment Republicans.

and GOP traitors like McLame
Textbook definition? Firing the guy who is directing the investigation into your administration.

This won't be news in any precinct familiar with your posts....but your ability to shut your eyes to the news that Hillary Clinton ordered Loretta Lynch to shut down the investigation into her criminality.....

....and Lynch did just that.....

As the quote in the OP reveals....yet you pretend that there is obstruction where there isn't. verifies the quote in the OP....."to know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for".....

...and, while you're here....would you mind autographing your picture?

Textbook definition? Firing the guy who is directing the investigation into your administration.

Trump fired a backstabbing leaker, if you stab your boss in the back what happens, yeah you get your ass fired!

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey
"To know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for" is an old saying?

Only among the wouldn't be familiar with it.

So your own mind.

Why don't you go ahead and show examples of the phrase being used somewhere?

Or just admit that it is not an "old saying" and you used a poor phrase? It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP.

I understand your desire....

I can do many things, but increase your intellect is not one of them.

Learn to live with your inadequacy.

To paraphrase: No, you cannot provide any examples. ;)


You wrote "It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP."

Yet, here you are whining about same.

You must be a moron, huh?

And here you are, insecure enough that you aren't even willing to admit a minor error on an anonymous message board. Also insecure enough that you feel the need to toss out insults in nearly every post, whenever anyone questions you in any way.

I have enough self-confidence not to take your juvenile digs to heart. Do you have enough to admit that the phrase from your OP doesn't constitute "the old saying?"

Based on all previous experience, I'm guessing no. :D
Only among the wouldn't be familiar with it.

So your own mind.

Why don't you go ahead and show examples of the phrase being used somewhere?

Or just admit that it is not an "old saying" and you used a poor phrase? It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP.

I understand your desire....

I can do many things, but increase your intellect is not one of them.

Learn to live with your inadequacy.

To paraphrase: No, you cannot provide any examples. ;)


You wrote "It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP."

Yet, here you are whining about same.

You must be a moron, huh?

And here you are, insecure enough that you aren't even willing to admit a minor error on an anonymous message board. Also insecure enough that you feel the need to toss out insults in nearly every post, whenever anyone questions you in any way.

I have enough self-confidence not to take your juvenile digs to heart. Do you have enough to admit that the phrase from your OP doesn't constitute "the old saying?"

Based on all previous experience, I'm guessing no. :D

What's really funny is that your posts begin with an error and continue down the ladder in a never-ending spiral of ineptitude.

You're really scraping the bottom when you imagine (I almost said 'think') that the term 'insecure' applies in any way to me.

Sometimes I feel sorry for people who don't know me.

But......keep trying to nip at my heels like the other doggies. the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."

Clinton had no legal authority to order Loretta Lynch to do anything. You idiot.

Clinton had every right to try and influence Lynch. He succeeded. Lynch then abused her power by telling Comey to downgrade from an investigation to a 'matter'. She is corrupt. the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."

Clinton had no legal authority to order Loretta Lynch to do anything. You idiot.

Clinton had every right to try and influence Lynch. He succeeded. Lynch then abused her power by telling Comey to downgrade from an investigation to a 'matter'. She is corrupt.

Is that your convoluted way of saying that I'm right?
Neither Hillary nor Bill had that authority.
They wouldn't need it if Lych was more concerned with ensuring a Hillary victory than ensuring that justice was done.

This echos what I was saying all along. There was no way Hillary would ever face indictment because she was too well connected and knew where the bodies are buried. the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."

Clinton had no legal authority to order Loretta Lynch to do anything. You idiot.

Clinton had every right to try and influence Lynch. He succeeded. Lynch then abused her power by telling Comey to downgrade from an investigation to a 'matter'. She is corrupt.

Is that your convoluted way of saying that I'm right?

You are correct and so am I. It is also my explicit way of calling out Loretta Lynch for the corrupt partisan hack she really is vs the dispassionate without prejudice Attorney General she was selected and expected to be. the old saying know what the Left is doing, note what they blame the other side for.

And so it is in this case: Hillary Clinton's campaign ordered Loretta Lynch to end any investigation.

"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton.

Comey said “the attorney general looked at the document then looked up with a steely silence that lasted for some time, then asked him if he had any other business with her and if not that he should leave her office,” said one source who was briefed."
Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General

Yet, Lynch and Clinton are not behind bars.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ..."

Clinton had no legal authority to order Loretta Lynch to do anything. You idiot.

Clinton had every right to try and influence Lynch. He succeeded. Lynch then abused her power by telling Comey to downgrade from an investigation to a 'matter'. She is corrupt.

Is that your convoluted way of saying that I'm right?

You are correct and so am I. It is also my explicit way of calling out Loretta Lynch for the corrupt partisan hack she really is vs the dispassionate without prejudice Attorney General she was selected and expected to be.

Sooooo.....when can we expect Bills' wife and Loretta Lynch to be charged with obstruction of justice?

Early this afternoon???
The GOP establishment doesn't have the stones to call out either Obama or the Clintons on obstruction of justice. Has there ever been a more limp group than the current GOP leadership? Kittens are more terrifying.'s a case of 'damning with faint praise.'

Trump....and the American people....have five enemies:
The Deep State Intell community
The Democrats
The Media
The Never-Trumpers

The establishment Republicans.

Tin foil brigade is out in force
Last edited:
The GOP establishment doesn't have the stones to call out either Obama or the Clintons on obstruction of justice. Has there ever been a more limp group than the current GOP leadership? Kittens are more terrifying.'s a case of 'damning with faint praise.'

Trump....and the American people....have five enemies:
The Deep State Intell community
The Democrats
The Media
The Never-Trumpers

The establishment Republicans.

Tin foil brigade is out inforce

"Tin foil brigade is out inforce (sic)."

So true....and one of their apparatchiks stalked and shot Republican lawmakers in Alexandria.

After their rage at losing the election, lying about collusion, and obstruction, now violence that has always been central to the Left is on display.
So your own mind.

Why don't you go ahead and show examples of the phrase being used somewhere?

Or just admit that it is not an "old saying" and you used a poor phrase? It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP.

I understand your desire....

I can do many things, but increase your intellect is not one of them.

Learn to live with your inadequacy.

To paraphrase: No, you cannot provide any examples. ;)


You wrote "It isn't as though the phrase being known and used for a long time has any real bearing on the point of your OP."

Yet, here you are whining about same.

You must be a moron, huh?

And here you are, insecure enough that you aren't even willing to admit a minor error on an anonymous message board. Also insecure enough that you feel the need to toss out insults in nearly every post, whenever anyone questions you in any way.

I have enough self-confidence not to take your juvenile digs to heart. Do you have enough to admit that the phrase from your OP doesn't constitute "the old saying?"

Based on all previous experience, I'm guessing no. :D

What's really funny is that your posts begin with an error and continue down the ladder in a never-ending spiral of ineptitude.

You're really scraping the bottom when you imagine (I almost said 'think') that the term 'insecure' applies in any way to me.

Sometimes I feel sorry for people who don't know me.

But......keep trying to nip at my heels like the other doggies.


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