The things we could do, if only...

I really hate Apple. They are the North Korea of the computing world. They are sleazy and dishonest in nearly every aspect of their business.

So it REALLY kills me to have to defend them...

For all you Bolsheviks, and this includes that fucktard McCain, how long do you think Tim Cook would be CEO of Apple if he looked for ways to pay taxes Apple doesn't owe?

This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Greedy and whining bitches want to steal from Apple and think they are entitled. Tim Cook should have kicked Carl Levine in the balls and asked if the old crook volunteered not to take legal deductions he was entitled to?
If only they could have avoided more.

And that helps America how?

Giving Apple more resources to innovate and create new products for the benefit of all mankind, rather than wasting it on criminally insane sociopaths so they can build more drones to blow up villages in Yemen.

Kids don't build drones and aren't criminally insane...or did you forget that's what we were talking about?

if Apple paid their fair share in taxes, we could have used that money to send 1 million kids to Head Start. Sending 1 million kids to Head Start could have a social benefit of more than $81 billion.

Apple DID pay their "fair share". 100% of it. They met EVERY legal tax requirement by the U.S.

Is there anything funnier than the fact that libtards create the problem and then cry the loudest about it?

They created the highest corporate tax rate in the world - which just encourages business to say "to hell with the United States - I'll do business overseas where they don't punish me for success".

Eat it libtards! You created the problem, you live with it...

if Apple paid their fair share in taxes, we could have used that money to send 1 million kids to Head Start. Sending 1 million kids to Head Start could have a social benefit of more than $81 billion.

Out of curiosity, what changes would you propose? How would you ensure Apple pays it's fair share?
You can't blame Apple for simply doing what's legal. You should be directing your anger towards politicians, both left and right, for creating the bullshit tax code we have.

It's especially hypocritical and infuriating that our elected officials are grilling Apple for doing what they themselves allow Apple to do.

If I was CEO of Apple, I would move the whole company to Ireland and screw the IRS.
They are taking advantage of the same laws as any number of other corporations not on obama's hit list.

I guess the DNC really misses the donations from Steve Jobs.
Giving Apple more resources to innovate and create new products for the benefit of all mankind, rather than wasting it on criminally insane sociopaths so they can build more drones to blow up villages in Yemen.

Kids don't build drones and aren't criminally insane...or did you forget that's what we were talking about?

Do we pay taxes to "kids?"

Do we pay taxes to criminally insane sociopaths who build drones?
I really hate Apple. They are the North Korea of the computing world. They are sleazy and dishonest in nearly every aspect of their business.

So it REALLY kills me to have to defend them...

For all you Bolsheviks, and this includes that fucktard McCain, how long do you think Tim Cook would be CEO of Apple if he looked for ways to pay taxes Apple doesn't owe?

This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Greedy and whining bitches want to steal from Apple and think they are entitled. Tim Cook should have kicked Carl Levine in the balls and asked if the old crook volunteered not to take legal deductions he was entitled to?

This is why I have no respect for leftards, they are completely incapable of defending people they oppose.

I agree with you about Apple, I'd never buy their products because of their business practices, and the fact they give so much money to fascist political hacks and insipid bed wetter causes. Yet conservatives defend what's right, even at the expense of liberating people we're not fond of because we have integrity.

Bed wetters have no virtues at all, least of all integrity.
Kids don't build drones and aren't criminally insane...or did you forget that's what we were talking about?

Do we pay taxes to "kids?"

Do we pay taxes to criminally insane sociopaths who build drones?

You want to give more of other people's money to criminally insane sociopaths who use drones to kill US citizens without due process bed wetter. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

The people you hate (like me) want to limit the power of government to kill anyone with drones.

See how that works?

Nah... you don't. Your programming won't allow it.

if Apple paid their fair share in taxes, we could have used that money to send 1 million kids to Head Start. Sending 1 million kids to Head Start could have a social benefit of more than $81 billion.

Out of curiosity, what changes would you propose? How would you ensure Apple pays it's fair share?

CC - I'm curious about this because I share your frustration. What would you suggest?

if Apple paid their fair share in taxes, we could have used that money to send 1 million kids to Head Start. Sending 1 million kids to Head Start could have a social benefit of more than $81 billion.

Out of curiosity, what changes would you propose? How would you ensure Apple pays it's fair share?

CC - I'm curious about this because I share your frustration. What would you suggest?

I don't do that. I've found that when conservatives ask "what would you do" its only a set up to make the entire rest of the thread about that person personally.

I'm not in congress, but I know there is a problem
I don't do that. I've found that when conservatives ask "what would you do" its only a set up to make the entire rest of the thread about that person personally.

Well, that's both insulting and cowardly. I'm not setting you up. I asked the question sincerely because I think this is an issue where libertarians and liberals could come to real agreement. I think all the shenanigans with the tax code represent a genuine abuse of government power. I know many liberals who agree and it might afford us an opportunity to really do something about it.
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Well that cant happen because of Citizens United. As long as they can throw money in they will continue to get special favors.

btw...I said that not about you but some of the other creeps here who are more skilled at name calling than making points

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