The things we could do, if only...

This is me laughing at republicans who think you cannot take issue with something that is allowed by law. This is me laughing at the next "medical mary jane" rant or another "IRS official pleads the fifth" thread which are both legal and hated

I'm not a republican, I'm an independent, but I do take great issue with this story. But unlike some liberals who are being easily distracted by that shiny object called a senate hearing, I'm pissed at the people who deserve it. I'm not mad at apple, I'm mad at Washington.

Do you even wonder why they called Apple to a senate hearing for something that's perfectly legal? To distract dumb asses from the real problem.
The hearing Capital Hill isn't even about Apple avoiding American taxes. It's about Apple avoiding Ireland taxes. Why exactly should we be outraged that a US company is avoiding foreign taxes?
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Senate investigators: Apple sheltered $44 billion from taxes - Politico - Cached
2 days ago ... Senate investigators accuse Apple of wiring together a complicated system to
shield billions of dollars in international profits from both U.S. and ...
Senate panel says Apple avoids billions in U.S. taxes - USA Today - Cached
2 days ago ... Apple has avoided tens of billions of dollars in U.S.taxes on its income and profits
, according to Senate documents released Monday.
Senate investigators: Apple sheltered $44 billion from taxes - Politico - Cached
2 days ago ... Senate investigators accuse Apple of wiring together a complicated system to
shield billions of dollars in international profits from both U.S. and ...
Senate panel says Apple avoids billions in U.S. taxes - USA Today - Cached
2 days ago ... Apple has avoided tens of billions of dollars in U.S.taxes on its income and profits
, according to Senate documents released Monday.

That's nice, but Apple negotiated with the Irish Government to play a 2% Corporate Tax rate on their profits. Ireland's Corporate Tax rate is not too percent, and apparently the blokes on Capital Hill are all upset about that.
I don't do that. I've found that when conservatives ask "what would you do" its only a set up to make the entire rest of the thread about that person personally.

Well, that's both insulting and cowardly. I'm not setting you up. I asked the question sincerely because I think this is an issue where libertarians and liberals could come to real agreement. I think all the shenanigans with the tax code represent a genuine abuse of government power. I know many liberals who agree and it might afford us an opportunity to really do something about it.

If you really believe liberals want to do anything about taxes, you are an epic buffoon! Liberals are on the exact opposite end of the spectrum from libertarians.

You should be trying to come to "real agreement" with the GOP who - as bad as they are - are much closer to you libertarians than a libtard will ever be

Yeah. Thing is, I was alive and paying attention during the Bush regime. So, no - not so much. Liburls aren't the bad guys. Corporatists and authoritarians are the antithesis of libertarians, and they exist as the majority influence in both parties.

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