The "Thinking" Lamp Is Lit!

The silence from our pal Timmy indicates that, as promised, I have atomized his belief in Obama's lie that the only two options were either acquiescence to Iran's demands for nuclear weapons.....

....or war.

The Brookings statements prove that the sanctions were doing exactly what they were intended to do.

Now....why couldn't Liberals like Timmy have realized that Obama was lying, and that there were other alternative options?
Because Liberals are forbidden to think any thoughts that differ from their orthodoxy.

QED....yet one more 100 % OP.

If sanctions were doing the trick why did Iran have all those centrifuges?
The silence from our pal Timmy indicates that, as promised, I have atomized his belief in Obama's lie that the only two options were either acquiescence to Iran's demands for nuclear weapons.....

....or war.

The Brookings statements prove that the sanctions were doing exactly what they were intended to do.

Now....why couldn't Liberals like Timmy have realized that Obama was lying, and that there were other alternative options?
Because Liberals are forbidden to think any thoughts that differ from their orthodoxy.

QED....yet one more 100 % OP.

If sanctions were doing the trick why did Iran have all those centrifuges?

Brookings said they were...and they are on the Left.
Is this an admission that you now recognize how wrong you were to accept the "only two options....give the savages nuclear weapons, or go to war' thesis???

If are beginning to're on your way to becoming a conservative.

"Obama has repeatedly tried to sell the idea that the choice was between a deal and war. This was and is a blatantly false argument. Sanctions were working, they made Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon and it’s ability to fund international terrorism more difficult. The sanctions also made it more difficult for Iran to obtain more sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles and intercontinental ballistic missile technology."
Sanctions against Iran were working
"Apologist narratives notwithstanding, Iran would not be negotiating with the West had powerful sanctions not forced it to the table. "
Yes, Sanctions Work

Now the important question.....why did Obama lie and try to get the sanctions removed and the nuclear weapons in the hands of the psychopathic regime????

C'mon.....try a few answers to this one!
The silence from our pal Timmy indicates that, as promised, I have atomized his belief in Obama's lie that the only two options were either acquiescence to Iran's demands for nuclear weapons.....

....or war.

The Brookings statements prove that the sanctions were doing exactly what they were intended to do.

Now....why couldn't Liberals like Timmy have realized that Obama was lying, and that there were other alternative options?
Because Liberals are forbidden to think any thoughts that differ from their orthodoxy.

QED....yet one more 100 % OP.

If sanctions were doing the trick why did Iran have all those centrifuges?

"Iran Staggers as Sanctions Hit Economy
But even that vastly overstates the amount readily available to Iran. Three-quarters of the $80 billion is tied up in escrow accounts in countries that buy Iranian oil — the result of an American sanctions law that took effect in February. Under that law, the money can be spent only to buy products from those countries."
Iran Staggers as Sanctions Hit Economy

Whose side was the back-stabbing snake on?????

You know, don't you.
The silence from our pal Timmy indicates that, as promised, I have atomized his belief in Obama's lie that the only two options were either acquiescence to Iran's demands for nuclear weapons.....

....or war.

The Brookings statements prove that the sanctions were doing exactly what they were intended to do.

Now....why couldn't Liberals like Timmy have realized that Obama was lying, and that there were other alternative options?
Because Liberals are forbidden to think any thoughts that differ from their orthodoxy.

QED....yet one more 100 % OP.

If sanctions were doing the trick why did Iran have all those centrifuges?

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options."

"Those are the options!"

And if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!

"During 2010-2013, sanctions significantly harmed Iran’s economy and contributed to Iran’s
decision to accept the JCPOA. The sanctions and related diplomatic pressure caused or
contributed to the following:

 Iran’s crude oil exports fell from about 2.5 million barrels per day (mbd) in 2011
to about 1.1 mbd by mid-2013, but in 2016 have recovered to nearly presanctions
levels. Sanctions also made inaccessible more than $120 billion in
Iranian reserves held in banks abroad. Iran has access to those funds and can be
paid for new oil sales in hard currency. Iran’s banks are being reintegrated into
the international financial system. In 2016, foreign energy firms began to make
additional investments in Iran’s energy sector.

 Iran’s economy shrank by 9% in the two years that ended in March 2014, before
stabilizing since 2015 as a result of modest sanctions relief under an interim
nuclear agreement. Iran achieved about 4% growth in 2016.

 Nuclear negotiations and sanctions relief helped Iran’s President, Hassan
Rouhani, politically, but the slow recovery in 2016 has emboldened his critics.
Sanctions relief also has given Iran the option of using its additional revenues to
expand its regional influence. "
The Federation of American Scientists

C'mon....don't be afraid to admit the truth: Why did Obama push to get nuclear weapons into the Mullahs' hands???????
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.
You are just too thick to understand what we think about.

You don't think at all.

This thread proves it...of course, in your case, no proof was necessary.
You are an idiot.

Most of your threads prove it.

What a novel strategy of rebuttal.

I regularly point out what a complete imbecile you are.....and here you are proving it.

But I'm here to help.
Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.'
As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.
You are just too thick to understand what we think about.

You don't think at all.

This thread proves it...of course, in your case, no proof was necessary.
You are an idiot.

Most of your threads prove it.

What a novel strategy of rebuttal.

I regularly point out what a complete imbecile you are.....and here you are proving it.

But I'm here to help.
Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.'
As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.
Once again, get a new joke book. The one you kept from primary school does not work in the adult world. But an imbecile such as your self has to be told.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.
You are just too thick to understand what we think about.

You don't think at all.

This thread proves it...of course, in your case, no proof was necessary.
You are an idiot.

Most of your threads prove it.

What a novel strategy of rebuttal.

I regularly point out what a complete imbecile you are.....and here you are proving it.

But I'm here to help.
Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.'
As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.
Once again, get a new joke book. The one you kept from primary school does not work in the adult world. But an imbecile such as your self has to be told.

OK, ok.....stop begging!

You'll look stupid...but you can try one of the adult questions.

Here ya' go:

See if you can pick out how the Left uses this sort of 'either-or' misdirection, the 'false dichotomy', or 'false dilemma,' to lie to you:

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options."

This is what the back-stabbing snake told you to advance his plan to give Iran nuclear weapons.....

Here is a perfect example of the sort of imbecile who was persuaded...
"You rubes wish that tens of thousands of our soldiers were fighting and dying in desert wastelands on the other side of the planet to this day. "
'The OldSchool'
Obama shows true colors on the way out the door

And....remember, it's not 'racist' to recognize Obama as a lying sack of offal.

Now, NoIQ..your challenge is to list several real options that were available other than either war, or making the 7th century savages a nuclear power.

OH....and the answer is not 'potato.'


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