The "Thinking" Lamp Is Lit!

Clearly this thread's remediation was meant for those with a modicum of innate intelligence.

Hence....not for you.

But....crawl on back when the topic gets around to monster trucks and favorite Crayola color.


Clearly this thread is just more bullshit from the forums' undisputed Queen of Bullshit.
For YEARS the above poster not only supported free trade, but claimed it was a core value of the Founders.

A very entertaining flip flop.

They think whatever their leaders tell them to think.

Clearly this thread's remediation was meant for those with a modicum of innate intelligence.

Hence....not for you.

But....crawl on back when the topic gets around to monster trucks and favorite Crayola color.


Take me off ignore and I'll beat your peanut sized brain into a small portion of sandwich spread (figuratively speaking of course)

you coward.

Clearly this thread's remediation was meant for those with a modicum of innate intelligence.

Hence....not for you.

But....crawl on back when the topic gets around to monster trucks and favorite Crayola color.


Clearly this thread is just more bullshit from the forums' undisputed Queen of Bullshit.

As I said earlier, this thread's remediation was meant for those with a modicum of innate intelligence.

Hence....not for you.

You need not have proven my post with your efforts at juvenile vulgarity.

Now....get back to the sandbox.
And....have that diaper changed.
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!


The premise is that progressives don't think .

So throw out one or two "right about obama " warnings you are talking about .

Excellent attempt, Timmy!!!!

I couldn't have programmed a better question from you I can belt it out of the park!!!

6. Now....ready?
Make it a quiz, to test your 'thinking.'
Pencils erasing or crossing out! See if you can pick out how the Left uses this sort of 'either-or' misdirection, the 'false dichotomy', or 'false dilemma,' to lie to you:

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options." Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war

This is what the back-stabbing snake told you to advance his plan to give Iran nuclear weapons.....

Here is a perfect example of the sort of imbecile who was persuaded...
"You rubes wish that tens of thousands of our soldiers were fighting and dying in desert wastelands on the other side of the planet to this day. "
'The OldSchool'
Obama shows true colors on the way out the door

And....remember, it's not 'racist' to recognize Obama as a lying sack of offal.

Now, Timmy....your challenge is to list several real options that were available other than either war, or making the 7th century savages a nuclear power.


Iran's new program was going on unchecked. Eventually they were going to get their new weapon and that was going to cause a lot of problems meaning war.

You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies.

If you want lies then look to the GOP told people the Iran deal gave Iran nuclear weapons.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.
Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!


The premise is that progressives don't think .

So throw out one or two "right about obama " warnings you are talking about .

Excellent attempt, Timmy!!!!

I couldn't have programmed a better question from you I can belt it out of the park!!!

6. Now....ready?
Make it a quiz, to test your 'thinking.'
Pencils erasing or crossing out! See if you can pick out how the Left uses this sort of 'either-or' misdirection, the 'false dichotomy', or 'false dilemma,' to lie to you:

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options." Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war

This is what the back-stabbing snake told you to advance his plan to give Iran nuclear weapons.....

Here is a perfect example of the sort of imbecile who was persuaded...
"You rubes wish that tens of thousands of our soldiers were fighting and dying in desert wastelands on the other side of the planet to this day. "
'The OldSchool'
Obama shows true colors on the way out the door

And....remember, it's not 'racist' to recognize Obama as a lying sack of offal.

Now, Timmy....your challenge is to list several real options that were available other than either war, or making the 7th century savages a nuclear power.


Iran's new program was going on unchecked. Eventually they were going to get their new weapon and that was going to cause a lot of problems meaning war.

You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies.

I should have you on retainer!!!

You make this so easy for me....I should thank you.

So....just to be clear about your explanations for falling for the 'no alternatives' fallacy...

1. You accept the premise of the cryto-Islamist, back-stabbing snake who just vacated the White House.

2. As Obama stated: there were but two opions:
Nuclear weapons for the atavistic rulers of Iran

3. say this: "You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies."
In what way is this related to whether or not there were only the two options???

4. As you were challenged to suggest any other the best of your ability....there are none?
See what I've been saying about Obama supporters trained not to think? I correct that the above represents your position?

Answer...and then I'll utterly atomize it. (reference to 'atom bombs' was intentional.)
Last edited:
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.

Well....I never give up trying.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.

Well....I never give up trying.

Neither will I.

I just don't get my hopes over it up anymore.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.

Well....I never give up trying.

Neither will I.

I just don't get my hopes over it up anymore.

Well....consider this....Trump won by ever metric....electoral college and popular vote.

There is hope.
Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!


The premise is that progressives don't think .

So throw out one or two "right about obama " warnings you are talking about .

Excellent attempt, Timmy!!!!

I couldn't have programmed a better question from you I can belt it out of the park!!!

6. Now....ready?
Make it a quiz, to test your 'thinking.'
Pencils erasing or crossing out! See if you can pick out how the Left uses this sort of 'either-or' misdirection, the 'false dichotomy', or 'false dilemma,' to lie to you:

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options." Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war

This is what the back-stabbing snake told you to advance his plan to give Iran nuclear weapons.....

Here is a perfect example of the sort of imbecile who was persuaded...
"You rubes wish that tens of thousands of our soldiers were fighting and dying in desert wastelands on the other side of the planet to this day. "
'The OldSchool'
Obama shows true colors on the way out the door

And....remember, it's not 'racist' to recognize Obama as a lying sack of offal.

Now, Timmy....your challenge is to list several real options that were available other than either war, or making the 7th century savages a nuclear power.


Iran's new program was going on unchecked. Eventually they were going to get their new weapon and that was going to cause a lot of problems meaning war.

You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies.

I should have you on retainer!!!

You make this so easy for me....I should thank you.

So....just to be clear about your explanations for falling for the 'no alternatives' fallacy...

1. You accept the premise of the cryto-Islamist, back-stabbing snake who just vacated the White House.

2. As Obama stated: there were but two opions:
Nuclear weapons for the atavistic rulers of Iran

3. say this: "You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies."
In what way is this related to whether or not there were only the two options???

4. As you were challenged to suggest any other the best of your ability....there are none?
See what I've been saying about Obama supporters trained not to think? I correct that the above represents your position?

Answer...and then I'll utterly atomize it. (reference to 'atom bombs' was intentional.)

Our pal,Timmy, seems a bit hesitant to verify that these are his positions....but they are.

So.....I can get right to proving that they were simply one more lie from the snake.
And...that accepting same proves the thesis of this thread:
Liberals, Progressives, Democrats......have been forbidden to think anything but what their masters tell them to.....individuality and independence has been beaten out of them.

The cowards.

Are you ready Timmy????
Timmy supports this view:
"Iran's new program was going on unchecked. Eventually they were going to get their new weapon and that was going to cause a lot of problems meaning war."

Obama stated: there were but two options:
Nuclear weapons for the atavistic rulers of Iran

Your position must be that there could be no other options.

But this is the truth:

There are a number of correct responses...including all sorts of vituperation aimed at the back-stabbing crypto-Islamist who has just vacated the White House.
Here is the context for the correct responses:
The sanctions were strangling Iran...and pushing them to either stop their nuclear program or face a domestic insurrection.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...
"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation.

Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow) | Brookings Institution you must feel like quite a dunce, huh Timmy?

Not only was there a way to discipline Iran....but it was working!!!!

You simply wouldn't allow yourself to see any other choices but giving the savages nuclear weapons, or war.

You were afraid to think....exactly what the OP said.
And now, Trump has freed you.
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.

Well....I never give up trying.

Neither will I.

I just don't get my hopes over it up anymore.

Well....consider this....Trump won by every metric....electoral college and popular vote.

There is hope.

While I am seriously enjoying the moment of this (Trumps) win, I am skeptical at best for the when it comes to having any hope for the future.

My own bouts of depression and other problems at home aside, I don't see where very many of our newly elected 'leaders' will actually have the courage of their convictions to take the necessary actions to make the differences (long term) that will give me any "HOPE."

The closest it gets (for me) will be when Trump announces his nominees to the Supreme Court.

Even then, Justices like Roberts and even Thomas have disappointed me since they were seated. . . so I am even skeptical beyond that.

We are a nation that is severely divided between those who feel they are entitled to a free ride on everything and those who are forced by the government to provide for them. We are divided on race, deeply held beliefs, immigration, the drug culture, and even the climate.

There seems to be nothing less than sheer disdain for the facts and the truth on ANYTHING anymore. Especially if those facts challenge a preferred point of view.

The challenge of turning any of this around in any significant way is what leaves me feeling as hopeless as I am.

With all of that said, I will enjoy the small victories (like the defeat of Hitlary) in any way and anywhere that I can.
You need not have proven my post with your efforts at juvenile vulgarity.

Your unnecessarily numbered, pedantic posts don't prove shit other than you can cut and paste and use your big fucking words.

Hey, look at that, yet more vulgarity to wrap your superior brain around.

Have at it, Toots!
It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?


It's not possible to reset a liberal to a more logical or reasonable condition. Just as there is no cure or reversal for a traumatic brain injury. The only hope is to utilize what little plasticity their tiny brains might have remaining to educate them towards are more logical point of view.

Well....I never give up trying.

Neither will I.

I just don't get my hopes over it up anymore.

Well....consider this....Trump won by every metric....electoral college and popular vote.

There is hope.

While I am seriously enjoying the moment of this (Trumps) win, I am skeptical at best for the when it comes to having any hope for the future.

My own bouts of depression and other problems at home aside, I don't see where very many of our newly elected 'leaders' will actually have the courage of their convictions to take the necessary actions to make the differences (long term) that will give me any "HOPE."

The closest it gets (for me) will be when Trump announces his nominees to the Supreme Court.

Even then, Justices like Roberts and even Thomas have disappointed me since they were seated. . . so I am even skeptical beyond that.

We are a nation that is severely divided between those who feel they are entitled to a free ride on everything and those who are forced by the government to provide for them. We are divided on race, deeply held beliefs, immigration, the drug culture, and even the climate.

There seems to be nothing less than sheer disdain for the facts and the truth on ANYTHING anymore. Especially if those facts challenge a preferred point of view.

The challenge of turning any of this around in any significant way is what leaves me feeling as hopeless as I am.

With all of that said, I will enjoy the small victories (like the defeat of Hitlary) in any way and anywhere that I can.

1. Your experience with the betrayals by Republicans and conservatives is, sadly, correct.
Roberts....selling out the law....jaw-dropping.

2. And....we should be prepared for these same in the future....Trump seems to have the right ideas....but he has a Sisyphean task ahead....and the odds are not great.

3. Thursday I posted this thread... Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!
....showing that his cabinet is the most conservative in modern history.
Might give some hope.

4. And this....take a look at this analysis from Politico,no less...
Democrats in the Wilderness

And...take heart in that the Left has no answers beyond lies.
Folks may be catching on.

We'll know we've actually won if the media begins calling states by their right names...Red is for communists and Liberals.
You need not have proven my post with your efforts at juvenile vulgarity.

Your unnecessarily numbered, pedantic posts don't prove shit other than you can cut and paste and use your big fucking words.

Hey, look at that, yet more vulgarity to wrap your superior brain around.

Have at it, Toots!

You've proven everything I wrote.
dimocrap scum won't have a clue how to respond to you until they get their directions from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

In fact, there isn't even much point in talking to any of the dimocrap scum in here at all.

You can find all their opinions at Rachel Madcow and Bill Maher.

Think I'm kidding? You post up a new thought, a new idea and listen to the silence from dimocraps.

They run off to their favorite Anti-American websites and/or Message Board to get a response to answer you with and won't be back until they do.

Then once they get their marching orders, their group-think responses, they pile on like vultures on a road kill.

All of them saying essentially the same thing.

dimocraps make for good entertainment when you're in the mood to make fun of somebody. They're also a good lesson to teach your children, "Child, this is the kind of scumbag you can turn into if you don't........."

that is all
The right accuses the left of what the right is guilty of. You are the only ones gullible enough to fall for this.
The silence from our pal Timmy indicates that, as promised, I have atomized his belief in Obama's lie that the only two options were either acquiescence to Iran's demands for nuclear weapons.....

....or war.

The Brookings statements prove that the sanctions were doing exactly what they were intended to do.

Now....why couldn't Liberals like Timmy have realized that Obama was lying, and that there were other alternative options?
Because Liberals are forbidden to think any thoughts that differ from their orthodoxy.

QED....yet one more 100 % OP. to close the circle and prove that Obama lied through his teeth, and Liberal fear of thinking made them accept the borrow a phrase from Edmond Rostand....
"Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"

Our Liberal pal said:
"You act like the US is the only country concerned with Iran. The nuclear deal was done with the number of nations including our allies."

Perhaps our Liberal imagined that other nations would abridge the sanctions even if America still applied them....

Liberal Myth: U.S. Sanctions Cannot Work Without International Support.

“And so we could still maintain some of our unilateral sanctions, but it would be far less effective -- as it was before we were able to put together these multilateral sanctions.” – President Obama The Facts The most effective sanctions against Iran have been those that give companies and countries a choice to• do business with Iran or the United States.
When given such a choice – which would still be possible to if Congress rejects this agreement – they have chosen the United States.

The Obama Administration has never liked sanctions, and fought vigorously to oppose sanctions targeting• Iran’s Central Bank in December 2011. Then – as they are now - the Obama Administration claimed that imposing these sanctions would divide the international coalition, and leave the United States alone in the world.

Businesses, and in particular banks, will be hesitate to put a premium on the Iranian market if that would• mean getting shut-out of the United States.

As much as President Obama doesn’t like it, we are still number one in the world. While maintaining a united sanctions front after Congress rejects the nuclear agreement will be difficult,• it will be easier to do so today than five or so years down the line when Iran is caught cheating and a sanctions regime must be reconstituted. There were no signs of the sanctions regime collapsing when the Obama negotiations began. - IRAN - Myths and Facts.pdf

OK, your due diligence.

Go forth and sin no more.

And....apply your new-found ability to think to this question: why was it so important for the snake to make certain that the Islamofascists of Iran have nuclear weapons?


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