The "Thinking" Lamp Is Lit!

When a Union demands a pay raise or an extra week of vacation, they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer.

Who represents US in the negotiations?

Answer, nobody.

Here's how it works.....

dimocrap scumbag goes to Union representative, "Guido, I need some campaign cash for ads and a couple dozen of your people to make sure people vote the 'right' way..... If you get my drift."

Guido, "Sure thing. But I want a pay raise for my constituents, Daffy Duck's birthday off and 24/7 access to your Office. I also want the Cops to lay off a buddy of mine named Carmine. We can make it worth your while. Your opponent won't have a chance"

dimocrap scumbag, "Sure thing, Guido. You got it"

dimocrap scumbag wins election and 4 years later, goes back to Guido, "Hey Guido! Thanks for your help last time around but here's a new deal I got for you....."

Public Sector Unions are criminal.


They need to be outlawed.
So unions are criminal but big biz lobbying is just fine ?
Our pal Timmy seems to have declined the challenge, and scampered off....

But I'll give him an example to ponder...

5. As it is appropriate for an example to follow the it is.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.

We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education.

^^dimocraps could learn a lot by paying attention here^^

This is their sort of government education:

"Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech
A Michigan teacher ... refusing to allow his students to watch President-elect Donald Trump deliver his inauguration address to the nation during class.
Brett Meteyer teaches fourth graders at Explorer Elementary School in Williamston, Mich., in a small school district near the capital of Lansing.
Meteyer told parents in an email Monday that he will show Friday’s inauguration ceremony during school, but not President Trump’s speech.
....he fears what Trump might say and wants to protect his students:
I am concerned about my students and your children being exposed to language and behavior that is not in concert with the most conservative social and family values, I have decided to show the inauguration of Donald Trump this Friday, but we will not view Mr. Trump's inauguration speech. Because every peaceful transition of power is a historic moment, I put in a request to the Trump team to preview the speech, but I have not heard back from them.
I showed the speeches of Presidents Obama and Bush in 2009 and 2005, respectively, but I am anxious about showing Mr. Trump's inaugural address, given his past inflammatory and degrading comments about minorities, women, and the disabled. I am also uneasy about Mr. Trump's casual use of profanity, so I sought an assurance that as their teacher, I would not be exposing children to language that would not appear in G- or PG-rated movies.
I do not know if Mr. Trump's speech is something that would be provided to the press or concerned citizens beforehand, but these plans may change if I hear back from them.
Brett Meteyer

....called the teacher at home and asked him what specific behavior was so harmful to fourth graders. Gruber related their conversation in a blog post:
“When pressed on what [Trump] comments he was referring to, [Meteyer] declared, ‘I don’t need to justify what I did to you.’
I am a taxpayer in the district, graduated from the High School there and have kids in the system. I think that entitles me to an explanation of why a teacher thinks he can decide whether or not the students are allowed to watch an historic inauguration speech.
“The letter has an obvious anti-Trump bias to it. That I have issue with. Our job as teachers is to teach diversity of thought vs. what we believe in. I don’t believe that I am in the business of teaching students my political bias,”

it infuriates me when those in charge of our kids are trying to train them instead of teaching them,”
Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech - Liberty Headlines

Would Timmy support this sort of 'education'????

And who protects them? The Union.

I was in Michigan this past Summer to get away from the Florida heat and people there were talking about a Teacher that had been transferred because of some sort of sexual liaison with a Student.

Evidently, according to them, they couldn't fire him. Union.

Down here, in Florida? He wouldn't have made it out of town. And we have one of the best run School Systems in the Country. Maybe not the smartest students in the Country, but certainly one of the best School Systems

Public Sector Unions are a crime against the Country

That's a lie ! Anyone can get fired if there's a just reason for it .
When a Union demands a pay raise or an extra week of vacation, they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer.

Who represents US in the negotiations?

Answer, nobody.

Here's how it works.....

dimocrap scumbag goes to Union representative, "Guido, I need some campaign cash for ads and a couple dozen of your people to make sure people vote the 'right' way..... If you get my drift."

Guido, "Sure thing. But I want a pay raise for my constituents, Daffy Duck's birthday off and 24/7 access to your Office. I also want the Cops to lay off a buddy of mine named Carmine. We can make it worth your while. Your opponent won't have a chance"

dimocrap scumbag, "Sure thing, Guido. You got it"

dimocrap scumbag wins election and 4 years later, goes back to Guido, "Hey Guido! Thanks for your help last time around but here's a new deal I got for you....."

Public Sector Unions are criminal.


They need to be outlawed.
So unions are criminal but big biz lobbying is just fine ?

I said PUBLIC SECTOR Unions are criminal, moron

Try it --

When a Union demands a pay raise or an extra week of vacation, they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer.

Who represents US in the negotiations?

Answer, nobody.

Here's how it works.....

dimocrap scumbag goes to Union representative, "Guido, I need some campaign cash for ads and a couple dozen of your people to make sure people vote the 'right' way..... If you get my drift."

Guido, "Sure thing. But I want a pay raise for my constituents, Daffy Duck's birthday off and 24/7 access to your Office. I also want the Cops to lay off a buddy of mine named Carmine. We can make it worth your while. Your opponent won't have a chance"

dimocrap scumbag, "Sure thing, Guido. You got it"

dimocrap scumbag wins election and 4 years later, goes back to Guido, "Hey Guido! Thanks for your help last time around but here's a new deal I got for you....."

Public Sector Unions are criminal.


They need to be outlawed.
So unions are criminal but big biz lobbying is just fine ?

I said PUBLIC SECTOR Unions are criminal, moron

Try it --


What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??
Our pal Timmy seems to have declined the challenge, and scampered off....

But I'll give him an example to ponder...

5. As it is appropriate for an example to follow the it is.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.

We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education.

^^dimocraps could learn a lot by paying attention here^^

This is their sort of government education:

"Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech
A Michigan teacher ... refusing to allow his students to watch President-elect Donald Trump deliver his inauguration address to the nation during class.
Brett Meteyer teaches fourth graders at Explorer Elementary School in Williamston, Mich., in a small school district near the capital of Lansing.
Meteyer told parents in an email Monday that he will show Friday’s inauguration ceremony during school, but not President Trump’s speech.
....he fears what Trump might say and wants to protect his students:
I am concerned about my students and your children being exposed to language and behavior that is not in concert with the most conservative social and family values, I have decided to show the inauguration of Donald Trump this Friday, but we will not view Mr. Trump's inauguration speech. Because every peaceful transition of power is a historic moment, I put in a request to the Trump team to preview the speech, but I have not heard back from them.
I showed the speeches of Presidents Obama and Bush in 2009 and 2005, respectively, but I am anxious about showing Mr. Trump's inaugural address, given his past inflammatory and degrading comments about minorities, women, and the disabled. I am also uneasy about Mr. Trump's casual use of profanity, so I sought an assurance that as their teacher, I would not be exposing children to language that would not appear in G- or PG-rated movies.
I do not know if Mr. Trump's speech is something that would be provided to the press or concerned citizens beforehand, but these plans may change if I hear back from them.
Brett Meteyer

....called the teacher at home and asked him what specific behavior was so harmful to fourth graders. Gruber related their conversation in a blog post:
“When pressed on what [Trump] comments he was referring to, [Meteyer] declared, ‘I don’t need to justify what I did to you.’
I am a taxpayer in the district, graduated from the High School there and have kids in the system. I think that entitles me to an explanation of why a teacher thinks he can decide whether or not the students are allowed to watch an historic inauguration speech.
“The letter has an obvious anti-Trump bias to it. That I have issue with. Our job as teachers is to teach diversity of thought vs. what we believe in. I don’t believe that I am in the business of teaching students my political bias,”

it infuriates me when those in charge of our kids are trying to train them instead of teaching them,”
Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech - Liberty Headlines

Would Timmy support this sort of 'education'????

And who protects them? The Union.

I was in Michigan this past Summer to get away from the Florida heat and people there were talking about a Teacher that had been transferred because of some sort of sexual liaison with a Student.

Evidently, according to them, they couldn't fire him. Union.

Down here, in Florida? He wouldn't have made it out of town. And we have one of the best run School Systems in the Country. Maybe not the smartest students in the Country, but certainly one of the best School Systems

Public Sector Unions are a crime against the Country

That's a lie ! Anyone can get fired if there's a just reason for it .

'When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of children.' ” Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?
Your thinking bulb was broke at birth....
When a Union demands a pay raise or an extra week of vacation, they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer.

Who represents US in the negotiations?

Answer, nobody.

Here's how it works.....

dimocrap scumbag goes to Union representative, "Guido, I need some campaign cash for ads and a couple dozen of your people to make sure people vote the 'right' way..... If you get my drift."

Guido, "Sure thing. But I want a pay raise for my constituents, Daffy Duck's birthday off and 24/7 access to your Office. I also want the Cops to lay off a buddy of mine named Carmine. We can make it worth your while. Your opponent won't have a chance"

dimocrap scumbag, "Sure thing, Guido. You got it"

dimocrap scumbag wins election and 4 years later, goes back to Guido, "Hey Guido! Thanks for your help last time around but here's a new deal I got for you....."

Public Sector Unions are criminal.


They need to be outlawed.

Have to disagree, Edge....

1. The Constitution authorizes unions....'freedom of assembly'

2. "they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer."
That is exactly what the responsibility of the union is.

3. "Who represents US in the negotiations?"
The corrupt pol who signs onto the agreement, taking this bribe: union endorsement for giving away the taxpayer's funds.

4. Here's an example of the opposite: Calvin Coolidge refused to agree to the Boston Police demands....and was rewarded with the presidency.

Ronald Reagan did the same with the air traffic controllers isn't the's the corrupt politicians who should be held responsible.
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!

Our pal Timmy seems to have declined the challenge, and scampered off....

But I'll give him an example to ponder...

5. As it is appropriate for an example to follow the it is.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.

We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education.

^^dimocraps could learn a lot by paying attention here^^

This is their sort of government education:

"Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech
A Michigan teacher ... refusing to allow his students to watch President-elect Donald Trump deliver his inauguration address to the nation during class.
Brett Meteyer teaches fourth graders at Explorer Elementary School in Williamston, Mich., in a small school district near the capital of Lansing.
Meteyer told parents in an email Monday that he will show Friday’s inauguration ceremony during school, but not President Trump’s speech.
....he fears what Trump might say and wants to protect his students:
I am concerned about my students and your children being exposed to language and behavior that is not in concert with the most conservative social and family values, I have decided to show the inauguration of Donald Trump this Friday, but we will not view Mr. Trump's inauguration speech. Because every peaceful transition of power is a historic moment, I put in a request to the Trump team to preview the speech, but I have not heard back from them.
I showed the speeches of Presidents Obama and Bush in 2009 and 2005, respectively, but I am anxious about showing Mr. Trump's inaugural address, given his past inflammatory and degrading comments about minorities, women, and the disabled. I am also uneasy about Mr. Trump's casual use of profanity, so I sought an assurance that as their teacher, I would not be exposing children to language that would not appear in G- or PG-rated movies.
I do not know if Mr. Trump's speech is something that would be provided to the press or concerned citizens beforehand, but these plans may change if I hear back from them.
Brett Meteyer

....called the teacher at home and asked him what specific behavior was so harmful to fourth graders. Gruber related their conversation in a blog post:
“When pressed on what [Trump] comments he was referring to, [Meteyer] declared, ‘I don’t need to justify what I did to you.’
I am a taxpayer in the district, graduated from the High School there and have kids in the system. I think that entitles me to an explanation of why a teacher thinks he can decide whether or not the students are allowed to watch an historic inauguration speech.
“The letter has an obvious anti-Trump bias to it. That I have issue with. Our job as teachers is to teach diversity of thought vs. what we believe in. I don’t believe that I am in the business of teaching students my political bias,”

it infuriates me when those in charge of our kids are trying to train them instead of teaching them,”
Michigan 4th-Graders Not Allowed to Watch Trump Inauguration Speech - Liberty Headlines

Would Timmy support this sort of 'education'????

And who protects them? The Union.

I was in Michigan this past Summer to get away from the Florida heat and people there were talking about a Teacher that had been transferred because of some sort of sexual liaison with a Student.

Evidently, according to them, they couldn't fire him. Union.

Down here, in Florida? He wouldn't have made it out of town. And we have one of the best run School Systems in the Country. Maybe not the smartest students in the Country, but certainly one of the best School Systems

Public Sector Unions are a crime against the Country

That's a lie ! Anyone can get fired if there's a just reason for it .

'When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of children.' ” Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers

Isn't that exactly what I said?

Their fiduciary responsibility is to their members.

It is our elected officials who should be working to better education.

Instead....the snake Obama..."The Obama administration has steadfastly opposed vouchers,..."
Obama smacks Bill O’Reilly on school vouchers
When a Union demands a pay raise or an extra week of vacation, they are demanding money from US..... The taxpayer.

Who represents US in the negotiations?

Answer, nobody.

Here's how it works.....

dimocrap scumbag goes to Union representative, "Guido, I need some campaign cash for ads and a couple dozen of your people to make sure people vote the 'right' way..... If you get my drift."

Guido, "Sure thing. But I want a pay raise for my constituents, Daffy Duck's birthday off and 24/7 access to your Office. I also want the Cops to lay off a buddy of mine named Carmine. We can make it worth your while. Your opponent won't have a chance"

dimocrap scumbag, "Sure thing, Guido. You got it"

dimocrap scumbag wins election and 4 years later, goes back to Guido, "Hey Guido! Thanks for your help last time around but here's a new deal I got for you....."

Public Sector Unions are criminal.


They need to be outlawed.
So unions are criminal but big biz lobbying is just fine ?

I said PUBLIC SECTOR Unions are criminal, moron

Try it --


What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

".... it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??"

No, it isn't.

The problem is that your side owns the media, the folks who should reveal to the public that a pol has sold out to either the unions or the lobbyist.

That was the promise of the media when they were given a franchise in the first amendment.

Now...they are liar and in the pocket of you Leftist.

Complaints about President Trump not placing is businesses in a blind trust.

"Trump’s not-so-blind trust fails ethical standards"
Trump’s not-so-blind trust fails ethical standards - The Boston Globe


Obama said he didn’t invest in a qualified blind trust because it wouldn’t enable him to limit which companies he invested in, such as those in the tobacco industry and other areas that he did not want to support. - Obama faces questions on his investments

Bet you didn't know that, huh?
Last edited:
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!


The premise is that progressives don't think .

So throw out one or two "right about obama " warnings you are talking about .
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

The majority who voted for reform.

Michael Moore predicted it...

"’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich."
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

Timmy...back to support your charges?

Or....admit they were hot air.

You: It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

Me: everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!


The premise is that progressives don't think .

So throw out one or two "right about obama " warnings you are talking about .

Excellent attempt, Timmy!!!!

I couldn't have programmed a better question from you I can belt it out of the park!!!

6. Now....ready?
Make it a quiz, to test your 'thinking.'
Pencils erasing or crossing out! See if you can pick out how the Left uses this sort of 'either-or' misdirection, the 'false dichotomy', or 'false dilemma,' to lie to you:

"Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
WASHINGTON — President Obama aggressively defended the Iran nuclear agreement against its critics Wednesday, saying it would prevent Tehran from making nuclear weapons and claiming that the alternative is military force.

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
"Those are the options."

This is what the back-stabbing snake told you to advance his plan to give Iran nuclear weapons.....

Here is a perfect example of the sort of imbecile who was persuaded...
"You rubes wish that tens of thousands of our soldiers were fighting and dying in desert wastelands on the other side of the planet to this day. "
'The OldSchool'
Obama shows true colors on the way out the door

And....remember, it's not 'racist' to recognize Obama as a lying sack of offal.

Now, Timmy....your challenge is to list several real options that were available other than either war, or making the 7th century savages a nuclear power.

January 20th was not just momentous for those of us on the Right, and for America....but it removes barriers for those of you on the Left, as well!

1. OK, Liberals, Democrat voters.....he's are now free to critically examine the Left's propaganda without suffering the slings and arrows of verbal....and even physical...attacks.
You're not gonna have to defend and deflect against the tired old "racist" charges. And, it's no longer gonna validate what a 'good person' you are by voting for brown skin.'s about knowledge, and about policies.

Finally....after 8 long years, you may avail yourselves of logic, experience, and plain old common sense....all anathema to media decoctions and university indoctrination.

You may now actually 'think'!!!

2. We'll begin our remediation with this, from H.L. Mencken's "Minority Report."

"If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.
If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.
If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.
If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.
If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.
It is an old, old argument."

See how they've been leading you by the nose?
Good! See that? 'Thinking' is like the old 'you never forget how to ride a bicycle' thing.
Most of you can get right back to it!
Re-instituting thinking is another benefit of the Trump election, you American sovereignty.

3. That bogus propaganda of the last 8 years "....despite its evident fallaciousness, still widely wielded and fallen for.
If you are against trade restrictions, you are against workers and high wages. If you are against minimum wages, you are against the poor. If you are against paid family leave, then you are against families. If you are against Obamacare, then you are against affordable health care. If you are against government-set safety standards, then you are for letting people be poisoned and slaughtered indiscriminately. If you are against easy money, then you are for recessions. If you are against government-provided schooling, then you are against the education of the masses. If you are against American militarism, then you are against world peace and for evil dictators. If you are against the ‘war on drugs,’ then you are for widespread dissoluteness and dissipation. If you are against licensing requirements for hair-braiders, then you are for people having to suffer bad hairdos. The list can be extended indefinitely." The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book | Donald J. Boudreaux

4. Now...the Leftist will say that the Right does the same thing...
"If you are for same-sex marriage, then you are against traditional families. .... If you are for cutting taxes, then you are against equality. " Ibid.

The difference is that it is the Left that owns and controls the schools, the media and the entertainment industry....none of which will be wrest from Liberal control by the Trump victory. really doesn't matter if the Right tries to do the same thing.... are certainly free to think about, dispute, and disagree with any claims the Right makes without being called a racist, homophobe, misanthrope, or whatever charge du jour is available.

Go ahead.....think!
The ability will come back to you!'s time to do your own thinking. And we on the Right encourage exactly that.

Posts like the above should come with free aspirin as a humanitarian gesture.
What's the difference?

Your claim is that unions are buying off politicians . But at the same time it's ok for biz to buy off pols ??

Big business is a dimocrap scum partner in crime. FACT.

More Billionaires are dimocrap scum than Republican. FACT

Wall Street is in the hip pocket of dimocrap scum. FACT

Your marxist talking points are tiresome, stupid and dishonest. FACT

They have been disproven in here a hundred times. FACT

That you keep bringing up tired, old disproven lies shows what a total scumbag you are. FACT

Oh really ? And who does the GOP represent?

The majority who voted for reform.

Michael Moore predicted it...

"’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich."
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win

For YEARS the above poster not only supported free trade, but claimed it was a core value of the Founders.

A very entertaining flip flop.
For YEARS the above poster not only supported free trade, but claimed it was a core value of the Founders.

A very entertaining flip flop.

They think whatever their leaders tell them to think.

Clearly this thread's remediation was meant for those with a modicum of innate intelligence.

Hence....not for you.

But....crawl on back when the topic gets around to monster trucks and favorite Crayola color.

For YEARS the above poster not only supported free trade, but claimed it was a core value of the Founders.

A very entertaining flip flop.

They think whatever their leaders tell them to think.

And one of the OP's other favorite rants, over the years, has been against Clinton's behavior towards women -

now she's fanatically devoted to Donald Trump.

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