The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.
Not really.

Merely a difference of opinion, as to the present state of the country, and whether it is, at present, eligible to be considered 'great' or not.
The evil that is LIBERALISM can't be put in to words. Someday Hellary Clinton and every leftist who supports child murder/slaughter will be held to account and will answer for it.
Judgment day is going to have to wait until at least 2020, apparently.
no judement day is soon
Go back to your school in Minsk and ask for a refund for your English Language class tuition, Vanya...

Wow! Did you learn how to insult like that in 6th grade? What an ass clown, typical baby murdering liberal.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.
Not really.

Merely a difference of opinion, as to the present state of the country, and whether it is, at present, eligible to be considered 'great' or not.
Typical liberal baby killing double speak.
The evil that is LIBERALISM can't be put in to words. Someday Hellary Clinton and every leftist who supports child murder/slaughter will be held to account and will answer for it.
Judgment day is going to have to wait until at least 2020, apparently.
no judement day is soon
Go back to your school in Minsk and ask for a refund for your English Language class tuition, Vanya...

Wow! Did you learn how to insult like that in 6th grade? What an ass clown, typical baby murdering liberal.
real talk
The evil that is LIBERALISM can't be put in to words. Someday Hellary Clinton and every leftist who supports child murder/slaughter will be held to account and will answer for it.
Judgment day is going to have to wait until at least 2020, apparently.
no judement day is soon
Go back to your school in Minsk and ask for a refund for your English Language class tuition, Vanya...

Wow! Did you learn how to insult like that in 6th grade? What an ass clown, typical baby murdering liberal.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, my little ass-hat... I'm a Centrist... pro-Life by nature... pro-Choice by law... knowing the law needs changing.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.
Not really.

Merely a difference of opinion, as to the present state of the country, and whether it is, at present, eligible to be considered 'great' or not.
Typical liberal baby killing double speak.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you, Little One... stop bothering the Grown-Ups...
was the baby pic really necessart!

It is best that you absorb reality rather than crawling into a cubby hole.


Curious... Why would a late term abortion such as depicted by this gruesome photo happen? What percentage and total numbers of these type of abortions occur?

Obviously this is not the typical fetus removed in a typical abortion.

Who would believe that the above photo represents abortion as a whole?

You want more photos of abortions?? I can post them all day long.. Look at the CHILD SLAUGHTERERS make excuses for their incessant need for a blood sacrifice.

Maybe you could back off on the sick photos and just answer my questions. What percentage of pregnancies end up with late term abortions as depicted in the photo? How many total in a year? I can't imagine a reason why an abortion of that nature happens. Surely there must be a serious problem with the baby or the mother to cause a doctor/surgeon to remove the dead baby in such a manner.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
It is best that you absorb reality rather than crawling into a cubby hole.


Curious... Why would a late term abortion such as depicted by this gruesome photo happen? What percentage and total numbers of these type of abortions occur?

Obviously this is not the typical fetus removed in a typical abortion.

Who would believe that the above photo represents abortion as a whole?

You want more photos of abortions?? I can post them all day long.. Look at the CHILD SLAUGHTERERS make excuses for their incessant need for a blood sacrifice.

Maybe you could back off on the sick photos and just answer my questions. What percentage of pregnancies end up with late term abortions as depicted in the photo? How many total in a year? I can't imagine a reason why an abortion of that nature happens. Surely there must be a serious problem with the baby or the mother to cause a doctor/surgeon to remove the dead baby in such a manner.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.
contraception works 80% of the time

50% of women who seek abortions, used contraception in the month they got pregnant. 20% failure rate is high enough that expecting women to find it a reliable way to control the size of their families, is foolhardy if not ridiculous. Especially if those women can ill afford the time off, and/or the costs of carrying and giving birth to another child, or lack the money to care for and nurture the child, once it is born.

80% of abortions who given to women whose family income is either below the poverty line, or within 100% above the poverty line. The myth that single women use abortion for birth control, is just that - a myth.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.

Define "restoring this country to greatness", because there are lots of us who think it' a great country now. And which groups would you like to see disenfranchised to restore that greatness?
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.

Define "restoring this country to greatness", because there are lots of us who think it' a great country now. And which groups would you like to see disenfranchised to restore that greatness?
Typical libtarded bullshit.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.

Define "restoring this country to greatness", because there are lots of us who think it' a great country now. And which groups would you like to see disenfranchised to restore that greatness?
Typical libtarded bullshit.

Typical alt-right response, but it is a reasonable question. The alt-right seems to want to go back to a time when women and blacks knew their place, and gays didn't dare show their faces. None of those groups is going to give up their hard-won rights.

Now what do you mean by "restoring this country to greatness". For real.
Curious... Why would a late term abortion such as depicted by this gruesome photo happen? What percentage and total numbers of these type of abortions occur?

Obviously this is not the typical fetus removed in a typical abortion.

Who would believe that the above photo represents abortion as a whole?

You want more photos of abortions?? I can post them all day long.. Look at the CHILD SLAUGHTERERS make excuses for their incessant need for a blood sacrifice.

Maybe you could back off on the sick photos and just answer my questions. What percentage of pregnancies end up with late term abortions as depicted in the photo? How many total in a year? I can't imagine a reason why an abortion of that nature happens. Surely there must be a serious problem with the baby or the mother to cause a doctor/surgeon to remove the dead baby in such a manner.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
You want more photos of abortions?? I can post them all day long.. Look at the CHILD SLAUGHTERERS make excuses for their incessant need for a blood sacrifice.

Maybe you could back off on the sick photos and just answer my questions. What percentage of pregnancies end up with late term abortions as depicted in the photo? How many total in a year? I can't imagine a reason why an abortion of that nature happens. Surely there must be a serious problem with the baby or the mother to cause a doctor/surgeon to remove the dead baby in such a manner.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said
  • His business acumen can be used to actually create jobs instead of offering empty lip service
  • His business savvy will ensure that we do not continue to pile up debt
  • He’s anti progressive liberal, which means reining in abortion as birth control, huge entitlement spending, and wasted investments
  • As a leader, Trump is decisive and not wishy-washy and subject to change like the current POTUS
  • Trump is more of a traditional, religious type, which is in desperate need in America right now
  • The Donald takes what he wants and doesn’t kowtow to foreign weaklings

Trump's business record is, at best, poor. 6 bankruptcies - which Trump used to leverage his business and personal taxes. Borrowed monies which were lost were included in those business losses, so Trump claimed the loss on those funds which were borrowed from the bank and lost, without ever having to repay the loans. Trump himself has bragged that he made $40 million dollars going bankrupt.

No one knows how successful Trump really is or how much money he's made because his income taxes have never been made public. Attaching any dollar amount to Trump's holdings is impossible because stocks in his companies are privately held, and no public disclosure is required.

There are many indications that he isn't worth nearly as much as claimed. Many "Trump" branded properties aren't actually owned by Trump or his companies. He owned or had some role in building the properties, but often was forced to sell, or reduce his stake in the project to the point of having others take over the project, but he negotiated his name remaining on the building.

American Banks refused to lend to Trump, which is why the Saudi princes are telling the truth when they say they've bailed Trump out. As have the Russian Oligarchs, and the Chinese banks.

Donald Trump is the King of Debt. His business savvy caused dozens of his business to fail, go bankrupt, lose money, be sued for fraud and misrepresentation, be issued levies and fines, have Sheriff's warrants issued against him, and is notoriously difficult to collect payment from, which in general means he gets rich by stiffiing people, including governments at every level.

That Donald Trump is a successful businessman is a myth created and maintained by Donald Trump. I personally think it's all smoke and mirrors, watching how one of his great properties was developed over a period of 15 years. Trump Hotels aren't really owned by Donald Trump. They're owned by whoever bailed out his stalled construction project.

Everything you posted is a big fat lie. I won't bother refuting all of it. Instead I'll point out one egregious lie. You can't claim a loss you haven't actually suffered. If you borrow money and then don't pay it back, you can't claim it as a loss on your income taxes. That's just plain illegal. You make these idiotic claims because you read propaganda and you don't know the first thing about American tax law.

The rest of your claims are equally fatuous.
That you fools think restoring this country to greatness is madness, says all anyone needs to know about the brain washing by the media and schools in this country.

Define "restoring this country to greatness", because there are lots of us who think it' a great country now. And which groups would you like to see disenfranchised to restore that greatness?

I think it was greater when the per capita income was over $5000 higher than it is today.
Maybe you could back off on the sick photos and just answer my questions. What percentage of pregnancies end up with late term abortions as depicted in the photo? How many total in a year? I can't imagine a reason why an abortion of that nature happens. Surely there must be a serious problem with the baby or the mother to cause a doctor/surgeon to remove the dead baby in such a manner.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?

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