The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

Liberals own child sacrifice in the name of convenience. 99.1% of all abortions are ELECTIVE. Nothing to do with rape.
Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%.Jan 18, 2016
Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

LIBERALS lie in order to continue the wholesale slaughter of children..
We want abortion to be legal even for women who just don't want to have a baby. No explanation needed. Nunya business
Liberals own child sacrifice in the name of convenience. 99.1% of all abortions are ELECTIVE. Nothing to do with rape.
Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%.Jan 18, 2016
Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

LIBERALS lie in order to continue the wholesale slaughter of children..
We want abortion to be legal even for women who just don't want to have a baby. No explanation needed. Nunya business
You want women to have the right to kill a baby that is one day away from delivery?
Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.
Liberals own child sacrifice in the name of convenience. 99.1% of all abortions are ELECTIVE. Nothing to do with rape.
Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%.Jan 18, 2016
Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

LIBERALS lie in order to continue the wholesale slaughter of children..
We want abortion to be legal even for women who just don't want to have a baby. No explanation needed. Nunya business
You want women to have the right to kill a baby that is one day away from delivery?
If you find out it has severe problems yes.
Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?

What procedure?

Describe to me and those reading this WHY any doctor would believe it necessary to cut a baby almost ready to be born into pieces.

Do you honestly think something so tragic is done on a whim?

You people are ghouls.
Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?

No she didn't. These procedures are done when the fetus has died, but isn't expunged the body. Fewer than 1% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks, and most of those are done upon receipt of results of amnio-centisis which isn't done until the 20th week.

The very few late term abortions performed, are done to save the life of the mother, or where the fetus has died. It's these few cases, which is always heartbreaking, the abortion isn't a matter of convenience, it's a matter of life and death. And viable fetus' are saved in these cases, not murdered as you suggest.

Again, you're being lied to by the anti-abortionists, just like those edited Planned Parenthood tapes.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.

There's no defence for such a procedure. If a woman can't get it done in the first 6 months of pregnancy, she has no excuse. That's just plain murder.
Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?

No she didn't. These procedures are done when the fetus has died, but isn't expunged the body. Fewer than 1% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks, and most of those are done upon receipt of results of amnio-centisis which isn't done until the 20th week.

The very few late term abortions performed, are done to save the life of the mother, or where the fetus has died. It's these few cases, which is always heartbreaking, the abortion isn't a matter of convenience, it's a matter of life and death. And viable fetus' are saved in these cases, not murdered as you suggest.

Again, you're being lied to by the anti-abortionists, just like those edited Planned Parenthood tapes.
I wouldn't even call removing a dead fetus an "abortion."

Amniocentesis is generally performed during the 16th week of pregnancy, with results usually available within threeweeks. It is possible to perform an amnio as early as the 11th week but this is not usually recommended because thereappears to be an increased risk of miscarriage when done at this time. The advantage of early amnio and speedy resultslies in the extra time for decision making if a problem is detected. Potential treatment of the fetus can begin earlier.Important, also, is the fact that elective abortions are safer and less controversial the earlier they are performed.

20 weeks is still only 5 months.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Tell me dingle berry.

WHY isn't Killary determination to disarm us is not considered madness

Why isn't Killary decision to start WWIII against Russia is not considered madness?

Liberals own child sacrifice in the name of convenience. 99.1% of all abortions are ELECTIVE. Nothing to do with rape.
Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%.Jan 18, 2016
Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

LIBERALS lie in order to continue the wholesale slaughter of children..
We want abortion to be legal even for women who just don't want to have a baby. No explanation needed. Nunya business

It is very much society's business.
Trump's ideas are overall much better than Hillary's, that's all there is to it really.

Unless you think that importing bunch of gay executing folks is a good idea that is.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

it was both. but i see where you're coming from.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.
yeah it really did nothing good for him
He lessened his chances of winning
it won't matter if corrupt hillary wins.

Nonsense. No one that I know, both liberals and conservatives, is in favor of the kind of gastly actions depicted by the photo. We do not know if the baby was already dead or there was some complication threatening the mothers life. My questions were and are definitely important. I would like to know if babies are routinely murdered when they are able to breath and live. The baby in the photo looks like it could have been born normally. That is certainly a long way from removing a zygot a couple of weeks from the start of a pregnancy.
she stated so in the debate.

Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.
Right. we are the ones killing babies, yep pure evil aren't we liar?
Who stated so? I watched all three debates and Hillary stated no such thing as what was depicted in the photo. That is a bald faced lie.
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.

There's no defence for such a procedure. If a woman can't get it done in the first 6 months of pregnancy, she has no excuse. That's just plain murder.
Facts disagree. Watch a documentary on late term abortion then tell me that shit.

And if you'd take care of a mongaloid more power to you
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.

There's no defence for such a procedure. If a woman can't get it done in the first 6 months of pregnancy, she has no excuse. That's just plain murder.
Facts disagree. Watch a documentary on late term abortion then tell me that shit.

And if you'd take care of a mongaloid more power to you
real talk documentaries
8 November
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.

There's no defence for such a procedure. If a woman can't get it done in the first 6 months of pregnancy, she has no excuse. That's just plain murder.
Facts disagree. Watch a documentary on late term abortion then tell me that shit.

And if you'd take care of a mongaloid more power to you

What an absolute, unmitigated, low-life piece of shit.
Trump's ideas are overall much better than Hillary's, that's all there is to it really.

Unless you think that importing bunch of gay executing folks is a good idea that is.
agreed i like his ideas and plans much better
It's what she said

I have a lot of problems with Hillary but she didn't describe anything about late term abortions in those debates. You are a liar. Using a photo of the nature of that disassembling of a baby nearly fully formed is a disgusting road you go down. Attempting to blame Clinton for a procedure that grotesque is outrageous.

Some of you "right to life" people are as evil as evil gets. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY wants to tear a baby limb from limb so near it's ability to draw breath and take it's place among us. It is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure it was a tragedy for those involved. You making hay out of it is disgusting.

Clinton defends the procedure. Why shouldn't she be forced to own what she endorses?
I defend it too. And if you and your partner were faced with the decision, chances are you'd do the late term abortion rather than deal with a severely retarded human.

God bless the people who have the little retards but that shouldn't be forced on anyone.

Most people who are pro life have never been in the situation and they lack empathy for others.

There's no defence for such a procedure. If a woman can't get it done in the first 6 months of pregnancy, she has no excuse. That's just plain murder.
Facts disagree. Watch a documentary on late term abortion then tell me that shit.

And if you'd take care of a mongaloid more power to you
Wrong. Facts never disagree. If two claims don't agree, then at least one of them isn't a fact.

You just demonstrated your inability to commit logic, so why should anyone waste their time reading anything you post?

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