The threat ICE puts upon a joke!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
ICE Officials Are Pressuring Separated Parents To Sign Deportation Forms
Lawyers report that immigration agents are telling separated parents that to see their kids, they must agree to voluntary deportation.

Let me get this shit can either leave your kids right here in the US for tax payers to house and feed until they reach 18 and I'm sure we'll be paying for college too....or or you can take your kids and go back to a country that is corrupt and violent and may end you and your childs life....Uhmmmm, lets see....."If I leave my kids here and sneak back in at a later time, I can get with my kids and go into the dark like 99.99% of the us do already...meanwhile my kid is being taking care of or or....I think I'll leave my kid here, US tax payers who are struggling to make ends meet, with a idiot in charge, they can handle one more tax burden, shit, they're doing it for a do nothing congress and Pruitt and Trump, why not our kids!!
If the home country is a shit-hole, it is not the fault or problem of the United States taxpayers.

If you disagree, please explain why, and what provision of the Constitution authorizes Congress to fund this massive obligation.

Do we not have a sufficient number of Americans who need help? Do we need to import more of them?

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