...the tic of using 'Nazi' references ....

I haven't heard any on the right demanding construction of concentration camps for the unvaccinated. But lots of liberals chant themselves to (deeper) sleep with that. They'd like the unjabbed to wear a symbol denying them normal rights. OK. how about they just sew on their own "I'm your superior" symbol?


Well, some...of your "everyone else" come on to this chatroom and attempt to buttress their arguments by resorting to their Nazi-fetish fantasies.
I was mildly sure you should have noted that.

And lastly, "American freedsoms"???
Is that the hilll you want to die on?
Your freedom to trivialize, discount, maybe even deny (?) the evil, the atrocities, the death, injury, and destruction.....caused by Hitler, and his Nazis?
And then, you think such trivializing is an effecivet tactic for advancing your political arguments?

THAT......is your idea of what you think "American freedoms" should be?

Well, I'll be gobsmacked! But you be you.

ps......go read those comments from the Holocaust survivors. See what they think of your "freedom" to discount their reality.
It was American freedoms and those willing to fight for them that helped liberate those camps. Perhaps you shouldn't discount it so blithely.

I don't trivialize, I merely don't care. Germany did that, we ended it. What more is there to interest me about it? Nothing.
"lots of liberals chant themselves to (deeper) sleep with that. They'd like the unjabbed to wear a symbol denying them normal rights. OK. how about they just sew on their own "I'm your superior" symbol?"

'chant themselvs to sleep?
'the unjabbed to wear a symbol'
"I'm your superior"
I have not read that, heard that, or seen that to date, Henry.

Is it specific to where you live?
Or specific just to you?

If either...your community or you.....well, how do you know about the 'chanting'? And this swastika/symbol thingy?
Do you have an authoritative source for the forum to read or listen to?

Look, I ain't trying to put you on the spot, but as you know, it sort of a forum rule: "Trust but verify"

Thanx, C.
And now the Nazis want to put a BLACK WOMAN on the US quarter. They will be forcing me to carry that shit around in my pocket.

Speaking of money, the cashier at the supermarket shortchanged me. She said it was an accident, but I think she did it because I'm white.

I also understand that I am on an FBI D33P STAIT terror watch list because I watch Fox News and pay for my groceries with cash.

I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't breathe!
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What did you think of the reportage in 'The Hill'? ...... after you had read it?
Can you recognize the point Ms. Frielander is attempting to make?

Exactly what I would expect from the crowd that called Trump "literally Hitler" for four years now that their guy is in the White House and others are doing it to him. You people aren't fooling anyone.
Reagan was Hitler. Bush, Sr. was Hitler. Clinton was Hitler. Dubya was Hitler. Obama was Hitler. Trump was Hitler.

The propagandists really need to get more creative.

Biden is Stalin!

Biden is Genghis Kahn!

Biden is Atilla the Hun!

Biden is a secret Jew! Someone actually said that in all seriousness on this forum!

Sorry, folks. If Biden is a Jew, he is disqualified from being Hitler.
Reagan was Hitler. Bush, Sr. was Hitler. Clinton was Hitler. Dubya was Hitler. Obama was Hitler. Trump was Hitler.

The propagandists really need to get more creative.

Biden is Stalin!

Biden is Genghis Kahn!

Biden is Atilla the Hun!

Biden is a secret Jew! Someone actually said that in all seriousness on this forum!

Sorry, folks. If Biden is a Jew, he is disqualified from being Hitler.
Don't kid yourself, Biden is Neville Chamberlain. His puppet masters are sitting on the fence to see if the commies or fascists take control of the DNC. That's why we get unfocused autocratic messages, commie one day, fascist the next.
Well, good poster Al, it is regrettable that you cannot or will not recognize the RWNJ fetishizing of what Nazis did, what the Holocaust means.

We as Americans are ill-advised to hide behind our 1st Amendment flag in order to disrespect the tragedy of Hitlerism, of Naziism. That incalculable horror must not be hooked up to pull your nickel/dime petty political beefs.

By the way, today that MAGA-Hatter that wore the "Camp Auschwitz" tee-shirt as he broke into the Capitol of the United States, well that radical RightWinger plead guilty to the charges leviied against him for his January 6th attack.

So be it.
It's cute how a self-satisfied boy like you uses the term RWNJ to describe those who do not march in lock step with your ultra-conformist orthodoxy even as whine about people using the term Nazi.

While the use of such a term is certainly hyperbolic, especially inasmuch as Nazis represented a specific KIND of fascism, the most salient characteristic of fascism is the demand for absolute conformity.

I would suggest you take a look in the mirror.
Don't kid yourself, Biden is Neville Chamberlain. His puppet masters are sitting on the fence to see if the commies or fascists take control of the DNC. That's why we get unfocused autocratic messages, commie one day, fascist the next.

That thought that any leftie might have heard ever been allowed to hear the name "Neville Chamberlain".
I haven't heard any on the right demanding construction of concentration camps for the unvaccinated. But lots of liberals chant themselves to (deeper) sleep with that. They'd like the unjabbed to wear a symbol denying them normal rights. OK. how about they just sew on their own "I'm your superior" symbol?
Brown shirts never thought they were Nazi's either.....
And insane people don't think they are insane. *cough*

By the way, brown shirts were proud Nazis. You just don't seem to know shit about fuck, my man.
I did not want to sidetrack that thead about the moke in need of a new heart. I had instigated an exchange about the too frequent usage of Nazi references and symbolism as tactic to make a discussion point.

I think it is inappropriate. And said so. And then there were a couple more exchanges.....and that motivated me to NOT mess up that thread with a side-discussion.

So, let's Tee-it-up here.

My positon: Saying a mandate to encourage vaccinations, or masking, or social disancing is "Nazi"-like, or "Hitler"-like, is inappropriate and wrongheaded.

It trivializes the staggering human tragedy that the Nazi's perpetrated 70+ years ago. It takes the immensity of those horrible deaths.....and diminishes them to fit a nickel-dime polemic today over one minor political point or another.

In my view it is disrespectful to the millions and millions of people who died as a result of Naziism....not to mention the millions and million of family members who experience the loss of loved ones.

And then, in reading my newsfeed from today's 'The Hill'....I see I am not alone.
And more importantly, my belief is better carried by some one far more qualified than me to speak of it.

Here, read this, from The Hill:


Holocaust survivor condemns use of yellow star at COVID-19 protests​

BY MAUREEN BRESLIN - 01/27/22 01:01 PM EST 0

Holocaust survivor condemns use of yellow star at COVID-19 protests

© Getty Images

Margot Friedlaender, a survivor of the Holocaust who turned 100-years-old in November, on Thursday condemned the co-opting of the yellow Star of David patch, which Jewish people were forced to wear during the era of Nazi Germany, by anti-vaccine protestors.

Speaking to the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, Friedlaender reminding people of the importance of remembering and honoring the victims of the mass genocide, Reuters reported.

"Incredulous, I had to watch at the age of 100 years, how symbols of our exclusion by the Nazis, such as the so-called 'Judenstern' [the German word for the yellow badges], are shamelessly used on the open street by the new enemies of democracy, to present themselves — whilst living in the middle of a democracy—as victims," she said, speaking on the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

"Today, I see the memory of what happened being abused for political reasons, sometimes even derided and trampled all over," she added, per Reuters.

Friedlaender's mother and brother were both killed in Auschwitz, and Friedlaender herself survived a concentration camp in modern-day Czech Republic.
Reuters reported that the Israeli government published a report Thursday accusing anti-vaccine protesters of stoking global anti-Semitism.

There have been several reports of anti-vaxxers around the world using the yellow badges during protests, in an effort to compare COVID-19 public health regulations to Nazis singling out Jews for persecution."


Read the whole enchilada...here:

Everyone needs to really stop doing it. Each reference is a paper cut that diminishes the evil that the Third Reich did
You whining about Americans exercising free speech embarrasses America more. Endlessly playing the victim marginalizes the sacrifices that ended the Holocaust.
exactly. playing the victim is what these anti-vaxx losers are doing.
Reagan was Hitler. Bush, Sr. was Hitler. Clinton was Hitler. Dubya was Hitler. Obama was Hitler. Trump was Hitler.

The propagandists really need to get more creative.

Biden is Stalin!

Biden is Genghis Kahn!

Biden is Atilla the Hun!

Biden is a secret Jew! Someone actually said that in all seriousness on this forum!

Sorry, folks. If Biden is a Jew, he is disqualified from being Hitler.
biden could be a self-hating jew. that's always a popular accusation.

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