The Tide Turns Toward Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Remember how Donald Trump was totally doomed just a couple weeks ago? Grandpa Badfinger was ridin’ high down in his basement and the GOP was going to be destroyed in November. All the smart people of smartness who make up liberal blue check Twitter tweeted it so it had to be true.

Good times.

And then last week it all changed, turning 180 on a dime as Biden stomped on his Pelosi. It’s looking good for Trump and the Republicans again, and while there will be twists n’ turns, and while we best not get cocky (Hat Tip: Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds) the victory most of us patriots expect is coming clearly into focus as Biden becomes clearly more unfocused.

The polls have improved not just for Trump but for the Republicans running downticket too, not that we should put great store in the polls. Keep in mind that the polls were literally the only indicator showing Biden and the Dems were winning. There’s no other manifestation of a blue wave out there. Do you see any Biden signs? There’s just one in my neighborhood, which is all LA suburban woke wine women, and that’s in a creepy house that the children fear. No, there are no Trump signs either, but then that would invite a hassle. A Biden billboard would presumably invite hosannas for wokeness. And yet, only a single strange-o has one and that’s the guy we all suspect is eating the cats that go missing.

BJ's Pull Quote

In contrast, the number of people I have met who told me, “Yeah, I voted for Trump and love his conservative achievements, but he’s mean to dumb people on Twitter so I have to vote for Charley UnMcCarthyite” is zero. As in zip. Nada. The number of conservative successes achieved by the insufferable Never Trump Fredocons in the two decades before Trump came along and broke and humiliated them. None.
Too many people are scared or unwilling to say they support Trump out loud, for fear of reprisals both large and small. Just like in 2016, people will say one thing but vote for Trump or maybe not vote for either guy at the top. 3rd party, maybe. Go for it, Kanye West!
JayZ as head of dept of egikashin !
Snoop Dogg/director of dea
Mike Tyson. Secretary of da fence.
Evander Holifield .Treasurer
Okra---State dept.
Don King. VP
Trump has to be the luckiest buffoon in the world.

As ugly as Trumpism is, the Democrats are running an absolutely awful candidate and the party is doing everything it possibly can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible.

This is like a fuckin' cartoon. Maybe it's not even real.
This is not about Trump. Progs have won their agendas. They do not understand the failures. Saul Alinsky told them how to win. He did not tell them they would have complete successes in their agendas. So it has to be someone else's fault. They do not understand that we are limited by our resources. Even a nation as rich as we are.
Remember how Donald Trump was totally doomed just a couple weeks ago? Grandpa Badfinger was ridin’ high down in his basement and the GOP was going to be destroyed in November. All the smart people of smartness who make up liberal blue check Twitter tweeted it so it had to be true.

Good times.

And then last week it all changed, turning 180 on a dime as Biden stomped on his Pelosi. It’s looking good for Trump and the Republicans again, and while there will be twists n’ turns, and while we best not get cocky (Hat Tip: Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds) the victory most of us patriots expect is coming clearly into focus as Biden becomes clearly more unfocused.

The polls have improved not just for Trump but for the Republicans running downticket too, not that we should put great store in the polls. Keep in mind that the polls were literally the only indicator showing Biden and the Dems were winning. There’s no other manifestation of a blue wave out there. Do you see any Biden signs? There’s just one in my neighborhood, which is all LA suburban woke wine women, and that’s in a creepy house that the children fear. No, there are no Trump signs either, but then that would invite a hassle. A Biden billboard would presumably invite hosannas for wokeness. And yet, only a single strange-o has one and that’s the guy we all suspect is eating the cats that go missing.

BJ's Pull Quote

In contrast, the number of people I have met who told me, “Yeah, I voted for Trump and love his conservative achievements, but he’s mean to dumb people on Twitter so I have to vote for Charley UnMcCarthyite” is zero. As in zip. Nada. The number of conservative successes achieved by the insufferable Never Trump Fredocons in the two decades before Trump came along and broke and humiliated them. None.
I read your link

It provides no credible data to support the tide turning for Trump

If anything, the Axios interview released last week hurt him tremendously

Too many people are scared or unwilling to say they support Trump out loud, for fear of reprisals both large and small

Not what I see at all.

It is Trump supporters that I see wearing MAGA hats, flying Trump flags on their homes and boats and sporting TRUMP 2020 bumper stickers.

They don’t seem that timid to me
Too many people are scared or unwilling to say they support Trump out loud, for fear of reprisals both large and small.

You have zero evidence that is the case.

A new Cato national survey finds that self‐censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds—62%—of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58% of Americans agreed with this statement.

These fears cross partisan lines. Majorities of Democrats (52%), independents (59%) and Republicans (77%) all agree they have political opinions they are afraid to share.
Nearly a third (32%) of employed Americans say they personally are worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions became known. These results are particularly notable given that most personal campaign contributions to political candidates are public knowledge and can easily be found online.

And it’s not just one side of the political spectrum: 31% of liberals, 30% of moderates and 34% of conservatives are worried their political views could get them fired or harm their career trajectory. This suggests that it’s not necessarily just one particular set of views that has moved outside of acceptable public discourse. Instead these results are more consistent with a “walking on eggshells” thesis that people increasingly fear a wide range of political views could offend others or could negatively impact themselves.

One can quibble with the numbers, arguing one way or another about their veracity, but there's no doubt in my mind as to the overall truth. There are some places where you risk injury or damage to your property if you put up a political sign in your yard that isn't locally popular. People have been fired or forced to resign for saying or writing something that counters the current political whim, who can deny that? I think this is one reason why the polls in 2016 were so wrong, people said one thing on a survey but voted for Trump once the curtain was closed and no one knew who/what they actually supported.
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Biden needs Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin to win. He currently leads by wide margins.

Throw in Florida, North Carolina, Arizona and Ohio and Trump has a lot of ground to make up
Trump has to be the luckiest buffoon in the world.

As ugly as Trumpism is, the Democrats are running an absolutely awful candidate and the party is doing everything it possibly can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible.

This is like a fuckin' cartoon. Maybe it's not even real.
I don't think it's as a matter of luck as much as being able to see where the country was going and having the smarts to step in and do something with it and about it. I think that whitehouse correspondents dinner with that asshole Obama mocking him was the last fucking straw and that galvanized him into action.
Too many people are scared or unwilling to say they support Trump out loud, for fear of reprisals both large and small. Just like in 2016, people will say one thing but vote for Trump or maybe not vote for either guy at the top. 3rd party, maybe. Go for it, Kanye West!
JayZ as head of dept of egikashin !
Snoop Dogg/director of dea
Mike Tyson. Secretary of da fence.
Evander Holifield .Treasurer
Okra---State dept.
Don King. VP

I fear that Tyson and holifield may not work and play well together.

Biden needs Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin to win. He currently leads by wide margins.

Throw in Florida, North Carolina, Arizona and Ohio and Trump has a lot of ground to make up
You keep spitting into the wind.

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