The time has come for trump pt. 2

What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.
Oh bullshit. If anyone's responsible it's shitstain obama. He bought the virus in then first place.
Prove it.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president.

What kind of moron is that far right wing extremist?

Seriously here. Obama saved us from the republican Great Recession, Sars and Ebola. He set up a national and international system to prevent just what is happening now. Too bad that trump dismantled most of it and ignored the rest. If trump had left that system in place and properly funded it, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If trump had not spent the first nearly 3 months lying, denying, attacking and playing golf, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president. How could he have brought it to America?

This is trump's mess. Along with all of his supporters and governors who follow whatever he says.
These people blindly follow trump and call it patriotism.
Only a moron would blame Trump for a pandemic that started in China. Blame China ya whiny little shit.

You should blame the Dems who screamed bloody murder when Trump wanted to stop flights in. Another group of morons.

Guess the Op, being the moron that he is, forgets how great things were before this pandemic. You can bet voters won't forget. Unlike the Op they have working brain cells.

What a clueless, Trump hating, Moron.
^out of one side of her mouth she bleats that trump cannot be blamed because the pandemic started in china.
out of the other side of her mouth she blames democrats.

then she claims to have working brain cells.
LOL I do have working brain cells. You obviously don't.

Carry on brainless.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.
Oh bullshit. If anyone's responsible it's shitstain obama. He bought the virus in then first place.
Prove it.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president.

What kind of moron is that far right wing extremist?

Seriously here. Obama saved us from the republican Great Recession, Sars and Ebola. He set up a national and international system to prevent just what is happening now. Too bad that trump dismantled most of it and ignored the rest. If trump had left that system in place and properly funded it, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If trump had not spent the first nearly 3 months lying, denying, attacking and playing golf, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president. How could he have brought it to America?

This is trump's mess. Along with all of his supporters and governors who follow whatever he says.

No it isn't Trump's mess. It a Chinese mess that Trump and all other world leaders are having to deal with.

Get off your high horse and use what little brains you have.
Only a moron would blame Trump for a pandemic that started in China. Blame China ya whiny little shit.

You should blame the Dems who screamed bloody murder when Trump wanted to stop flights in. Another group of morons.

Guess the Op, being the moron that he is, forgets how great things were before this pandemic. You can bet voters won't forget. Unlike the Op they have working brain cells.

What a clueless, Trump hating, Moron.
^out of one side of her mouth she bleats that trump cannot be blamed because the pandemic started in china.
out of the other side of her mouth she blames democrats.

then she claims to have working brain cells.
LOL I do have working brain cells. You obviously don't.

Carry on brainless.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.
Oh bullshit. If anyone's responsible it's shitstain obama. He bought the virus in then first place.
Prove it.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president.

What kind of moron is that far right wing extremist?

Seriously here. Obama saved us from the republican Great Recession, Sars and Ebola. He set up a national and international system to prevent just what is happening now. Too bad that trump dismantled most of it and ignored the rest. If trump had left that system in place and properly funded it, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If trump had not spent the first nearly 3 months lying, denying, attacking and playing golf, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

Coronavirus didn't exist when Obama was president. How could he have brought it to America?

This is trump's mess. Along with all of his supporters and governors who follow whatever he says.

No it isn't Trump's mess. It a Chinese mess that Trump and all other world leaders are having to deal with.

Get off your high horse and use what little brains you have.
Lets say you’re right and China did this to us.
Whats to stop them from doing it to us again?
Maybe next time its worse.
Maybe next time it won’t need people to spread it.
Maybe next time it’s airborne.
You gonna kill everyone except White/heterosexual Americans?
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
What happens if gumdrops fall from the sky?

These people can't see what's in front of their faces.

This idea that it will dissipate during the summer has absolutely no evidence to support it.

The southern states have the temperatures in the winter that northern states have in the summer.

The virus is running rampant in southern states.

Here's just a handful of southern state virus totals. I can list more but I'm sure people will get the idea. At least sane and intelligent people will.

There isn't any evidence at all that the virus will go anywhere but rampant across our nation this summer especially if states open up too soon and without the proper testing and tracing of the virus.

We have to wait until October to know what this virus will do in the summer. The only way to know for sure is to experience it. So far the evidence points to that it's not going anywhere.

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You should blame the Dems who screamed bloody murder when Trump wanted to stop flights in. Another group of morons.

Guess the Op, being the moron that he is, forgets how great things were before this pandemic. You can bet voters won't forget. Unlike the Op they have working brain cells.

What a clueless, Trump hating, Moron.

Only a complete moron would claim that Trump's butchered response to the pandemic is not the reason why tens of thousands of Americans are now dying and the virus is still ravaging the nation, unabated. The Chinese have nothing to do with the mistakes made by the Trump Administration.

Trump is now complaining that the Chinese withheld information on the virus so they could hoard PPE's and medical supplies. Yet Donald Trump loosened trade restrictions with China and encouraged American companies to sell as many PPE"s and medical supplies as they could ship, without buying any for the American people. TRUMP PUSHED AMERICAN COMPANIES TO PROFIT ON SALES TO THE CHINESE, WHILE FAILING TO RESTOCK AMERICAN HOSPITALS OR THE NATIONAL STOCKPILE.

Trump claims that the WHO covered up for the Chinese and failed to notify the world that the virus was highly contagious, and out of control. The Trump Administration has virologists and public health experts imbedded +

Trump complains he received a "broken testing system" with no tests for the virus. How could there by any tests when the first only appeared in November, 2019. There were no tests because there was no virus. YOU CAN'T CREATE A TEST FOR A VIRUS UNTIL YOU HAVE THE DNA FROM THE VIRUS. COVID19 WAS FIRST DISCOVERED IN 2019.

Trump declined to use the WHO test for the virus. Every nation which used the WHO test has seen a lower death count than the USA. TRUMP WANTED EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS ON THE TEST SO AMERICANS COULD PROFIT MORE. Because of this, the USA still has no proper testing system.

There is much to criticize the Chinese government about in their handling of this pandemic, much of which can be traced to secrecy, lies, and the inability to trust any information coming out of Beijing. Chinese officials feared taking bad news to President Xi. The whistleblower Chinese doctor who sounded the alarm to the world, was persecuted by the Chinese government for doing so.

Trump is another leader who refuses to hear bad news, and who has shrouded his response to the pandemic in secrecy and lies. The Inspector General who raised the alarm on deaths in VA homes, has been fired. Trump ignores his own intelligence agencies and his doctors and scientists and promotes a phony cure which actually causes a lot of deaths, because the maker of the drug appeared on FOX News.

Trump spent millions of taxpayer dollars cornering the world market on the drug, leaving people who SHOULD be taking the drug for life-threatening conditions, unable to get it anywhere. ONCE AGAIN TRUMP WENT WITH HIS GUT AND IT WAS WRONG.

With his lies, his secrecy, and his casting about for others to blame, Trump is repeating many of the same mistakes of the Chinese government, and adding a whole new level of his usual incompetetance, chaos and conspiracy theories to the Chinese response.

The whole notion that the Chinese let this happen to punish America for the trade war falls apart when you consider that the Chinese fairly brutal suppressed this virus, and the Italians were caught flat footed, but Trump had plenty of warning and plenty of time to prepare the nation for the pandemic, and to plan his response, and he frittered that time away, ignoring the warnings, looking for ways to profit.

No one could have accurately have predicted just what an utter failure Trump's handling of this crisis would be. Today, the USA will hit 70,000 deaths. There are 950,000 people sick enough to have had the test. Every day, more people get sick and die, than are recovering so those numbers are both continuing to rise. More than 200,000 people who are now sick, will die within the next 6 weeks. That's if nobody else gets sick.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illness and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
1. You still post nonsense "opinions" with no proof.
2. What was the US testing capacity the day Obama left office? Ans. 300/day
3. What is the US testing capacity today? Ans. 300,000/day
4. What will the US testing capacity be by June 1st? Ans. 1,000,000+/day
5. If people are scared to leave their homes, why are the beaches crowded? QED
6. Please remember, the choice in November will be either Trump or Biden. Ans. Trump.


1. I have posted link after link to the world corona virus statistics. One a day for the last two weeks. Try bookmarking it this time, because all of the numbers I calculated are based on these numbers. You've posted the same bullshit from the Trump Administration and even Trump has admitted that the numbers were wrong, and doubled his death estimates. He's still blowing sunshine up your ass with his 100,000 number.


3. 300,000 tests a day is a drop in the bucket to what is required. Not to mention, there are no reagents, swabs, and other testing supplies. Many of the tests are inaccurate, or take days to process, by which time they're useless. You can walk out of the testing facility and encounter someone who is infected, rendering a test useless, so the idea that you tested negative last week is laughable.

One test, one system, one cost, all approved by the CDC for accuracy. You don't have that. Until you do, you're fumbling in the dark.

4. No it won't. This administration promised 10 million test were shipping at their first press conference back in mid-March. What happened to them? Total tests in the USA today - 7 weeks later? 7.5 million. At every press conference, millions of tests are being shipping. They have yet to be reflected in the test numbers. Pardon me if I don't believe anything coming from Trump or Pence and I have doubts about a lot of shit coming from Faucci and Blix, who are treading carefully through the minefield of the President's temper.

5. Because a lot of people are idiots.

6. Trump is a dead man walking. Only an idiot would vote Republican in November.
A. Your links do NOT support your goofy claims in the first post:
1. That COVID will NOT dissipate during the hot summer months
2. That the US economy will not "bounce back"
3. That people won't leave their homes during the summer months because they are "really scared"

B. The current projection for US deaths by 8/1/20 is 134,000 "officially". Please remember that they started out at 2,200,000, then they went to 120,000 to 240,000, then they went to 60,000 which was too low. These are professionals trying to model behaviors, of a new disease and people using mitigation measures as the economy is re-opening. Lots of variability. So your 300,000 dead is just a partisan WAG and not a "science based" SWAG.

C. You claim that there is "STILL NO TESTING".
1. But your own link shows the same 7.5m tests to date as the link that I gave you.
2. The number of tests per day will be steadily increasing as the US manufactures the needed materials, such as swabs and reageants.
3. Your LIE that there is no testing in Texas is hereby disproven:
4. Your LIE that there is no testing in Florida is hereby disproven:
5. The US is much bigger than Germany and SK so its easier for them to test more of a smaller population. It will take time to manufacture test kits that cover 331,000,000 citizens. Its in progress, no one is saying "stop testing" as you imply.

D. Responding to your 2nd post:
1. Your link doesn't prove any of the claims in your first post. See A thru C above.
2. The Obama CDC was NOT capable of addressing millions of COVID tests any faster than Trump is doing now. As you say, its a new virus with all new testing requirements that all need to be approved by the FDA.
3. 300,000 tests a day are one hell of a leap up from where the CDC started. The US is paying dearly for moving so much manufacturing capacity to China. You can't mass produce items without factories. More than 12,000 US factories and 3m manufacturing jobs were moved to China in the last 30-years. Whose fault is that? Hint: NOT TRUMP's
Agreed that a test result is one snapshot for one time. That is the same all over the world, so what's the bitch?
4. As I said in C.5 above, it takes time to manufacture millions of test items, and in D.3 the US moved much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Trump is a populist that was proven right, and the globalists (like Biden) who moved the factories to China are wrong. So the US is paying in blood for the globalist's (like the Bidens) greed.
5. US beaches disproved your point that people "won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared"
6. You can't beat Trump with a senile globalist pussy grabber who has to try to defend the democrat party policies. It will be like Trump clubbing a baby seal, eh?
Like I said a couple of months ago, trump doesn't know what's about to slap the taste out of his mouth. The fall campaign hasn't started yet. trump has yet to face the Obamas. The time has come for trump and time does not stop.

Trump was not voted in for his personality. Obama was voted in because of his color. He is not that good and a globalist who will meet his maker soon enough.
Over the past year and a half since I joined this site, this is at least the fifth time I've seen IM2 post "Trump's time has come" in reaction to some media generated hype. The last three were the impeachment trial, the whistle-blower complaint, and the Mueller investigation. Does this guy ever tire of being wrong?
Only a moron would blame Trump for a pandemic that started in China. Blame China ya whiny little shit.

You should blame the Dems who screamed bloody murder when Trump wanted to stop flights in. Another group of morons.

Guess the Op, being the moron that he is, forgets how great things were before this pandemic. You can bet voters won't forget. Unlike the Op they have working brain cells.

What a clueless, Trump hating, Moron.
trump is being blamed for his inaction, not for the pandemic.

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