The time has come for trump pt. 2

Like I said a couple of months ago, trump doesn't know what's about to slap the taste out of his mouth. The fall campaign hasn't started yet. trump has yet to face the Obamas. The time has come for trump and time does not stop.

Trump was not voted in for his personality. Obama was voted in because of his color. He is not that good and a globalist who will meet his maker soon enough.

No, Obama was not voted in for his color. Only racists believe that shit. Obama saved this country and you can drop that silly globalists shit. And we all know why trump ended up president by winning white rust belt states after running a racist campaign.
Biden might could have won in 2016, but it was "her turn".

Joe Bidet still lacks the mental focus to run a campaign. I'm looking forward to the debates.
No you really aren't. trump is going to get destroyed.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

Don't bullshit me, comrade. Blaming those deaths on Trump instead of China just proves that you're the CHICOM's butt boy.

GFY, ya commie bitch.

The deaths that have occurred because of trumps inaction are not the responsibility of china.

Bullshit, CHICOM water boy.

Truth, trumps bitch.

You're going to find out what the truth is when you wake up the morning after the election, with a sore gaping asshole, asshole.
I won't be hurt if trump wins. I will talk even more shit as I watch you cry as America gets destroyed because of your choice of trump. But don't grab your gun to start an armed insurrection like trump tells you to when he loses.

Ok buttboy. Here's your chance to show that you're not 100% retarded:

Lay out for me if you can Joe Biden's big "plan" to normalize the American economy, after this global pandemic. How is he going to stimulate economic growth, save all those businesses that went tits up, bring manufacturing back, bump up the stock market, and create jobs?

And don't tell me "By spending lots of gummint money", because that ship has already sailed.

Regardless of what you don't want to hear, its going to take some government spending to rebuild. But thanks to trump we have less revenue. Biden was with Obama and helped save us from a depression in 2009. I think he knows something about turning around a dead economy. trump only knows how to run his mouth. Give trump 4 more years and this nation is done. He will re build the economy like he handled this pandemic. He'll probably hand that chore to jerad

Biden might could have won in 2016, but it was "her turn".

That's a valid point. I think if he had run, he may have gotten killed during a mugging where they didn't take any money from him.
Obama was voted in because he lied real good!
"Most transparent administration ever" Pah!
After around a year, the jig was up on that.
The 2nd time there was massive voter fraud, I think he still beat Romney anyway..
Romney sucks so bad, we probably did better with Obama, even though he hates America.
At least he was kinda lazy. :banana:
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.
Boy do you have that all kinds of wrong. Except the 70K part, that's feasible.
Clinton profited from the economic framework Reagan laid, also the web was just taking off.
Clinton and Daddy Bush set up NAFTA and Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. They set the country up for the fall. W. just did nothing to try and put the brakes on the crazy train.
We've had decades of bad presidents. Reagan's Congresses were particularly criminal.
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What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.

Please explain how Clinton and Obama cleaned up the mess.
You can't so you won't.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.

Please explain how Clinton and Obama cleaned up the mess.
You can't so you won't.
Nothing Obama did was good for the country. If I could think of something good, I would.
He simply did nothing good for the country, period. AFAIK
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.

Please explain how Clinton and Obama cleaned up the mess.
You can't so you won't.

Go do the research. You guys say shit and never back it up so stop asking other people to do what you don't.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.

Please explain how Clinton and Obama cleaned up the mess.
You can't so you won't.

Go do the research. You guys say shit and never back it up so stop asking other people to do what you don't.
He wins, you lose! That's how that works.
I challenge you to post something Obama did that was good for the country.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Trump will still be responsible for at least 70,000 deaths of American citizens.

We're already over 69 thousand deaths.

View attachment 332270

We will be over 70 thousand before the end of the week.

The total will be more like hundreds of thousands by the time trump is finished.

He's out doing all his predecessors. reagan had the worst economy since the last republican great depression, bush the first had the worst economy since last republican great depression. The bush boy had the worst economy since last republican great depression. Now trump is doing the same thing. Only this time he could exceed the conditions of the last republican great depression.

Clinton cleaned up the mess left by reagan and bush the first. Obama cleaned up the mess left by the bush boy. Biden will clean up the mess left by trump. At least Biden has experience cleaning up a mess left by a republican president. He helped Obama clean up the bush boy's mess.

We warned America. Stupid people didn't listen.

Please explain how Clinton and Obama cleaned up the mess.
You can't so you won't.

Go do the research. You guys say shit and never back it up so stop asking other people to do what you don't.
He wins, you lose! That's how that works.
I challenge you to post something Obama did that was good for the country.

He didn't monkey with the recovery that he started. He allowed it to progress in a natural Capitalistic way. He could have monkeyed with what came out of the Bailout but didn't. He was smart enough to know when to do nothing.

Rump ain't that bright.
  • Thanks
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Fuck Marion. We've been over what Obama did before. So he can go look for it himself.
Fuck Marion. We've been over what Obama did before. So he can go look for it himself.
Attn dumbass. If you make an assertion yet fail to support said assertion, you lose. That's how it works.
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What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
After we reach 100,000 dead, you will understand this is not 2016.
You are always on your knees.

If you're not giving Byrd's followers a Lewinsky, its praying to Satan that more Americans die.

You must go through a pair of knee pads every 5 weeks.

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