The time has come for trump pt. 2

After we reach 100,000 dead, you will understand this is not 2016.
You are always on your knees.

If you're not giving Byrd's followers a Lewinsky, its praying to Satan that more Americans die.

You must go through a pair of knee pads every 5 weeks.
That's what you do. Because your online name shows you worship satan.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
trump tells you Trudeau is 2 faced and you repeat it. If trump told you to divorce your souse, you'd leave your spouse.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
trump tells you Trudeau is 2 faced and you repeat it. If trump told you to divorce your souse, you'd leave your spouse.
Why are you backing Trudeau? He’s obviously an evil white person.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
trump tells you Trudeau is 2 faced and you repeat it. If trump told you to divorce your souse, you'd leave your spouse.
Why are you backing Trudeau? He’s obviously an evil white person.
Since I don't hate all white people try another question.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
trump tells you Trudeau is 2 faced and you repeat it. If trump told you to divorce your souse, you'd leave your spouse.
Why are you backing Trudeau? He’s obviously an evil white person.
Since I don't hate all white people try another question.
Sure you dew. They’ve ruined your life!
There will no waltzing to victory for trump. His record will be put on display. The ads are going to get more truthful and harsher as time goes on in this campaign. The time has come for trump and time is undefeated.

Mourning in America

oh shoot. I was hoping for seppuku in atonement for his miserable job performance, with Jared as his loyal kaisakunin , who true to form would whifff on the decapitation, leaving Trump to writhing in pain with a six inch deep bloody fat cut after blade was too short to do mortal damage
That's what you do. Because your online name shows you worship satan.
Says someone that slavishly supports politicians that need Americans to suffer and die in order for them to gain power.

Tell me, ByrdM2, what has your support for the Demorat Klansmen done for you, your family, and your friends?
Sane Americans have seen over 70,000 deaths due to trumps inaction. You loons think that's a good job.
Only dishonest America-Haters blame Trump for the Chinese flu.

Its no accident that the same people that have supported every American enemy from Iran's mullahs, to Saddam and his rapist pedophile children, to Putin's takeover of the Ukraine to the USSR's and before that the NAZI's attempted world takeovers are now actively re-vomiting ChiCom propaganda.

You leftists always stick together.
What happens if the virus dissipates during the summer and the economy starts to bounce back?
Will that commercial play?
If all the democrats have is COVID-19, how good is that?
How will COVID-19 commercials compare to the GOP's Biden commercials?

The virus is not going to dissipate during the summer, and the economy will not "bounce back". People won't leave their homes because they're really fucking scared. This is Trumpian "magical thinking".

When this is over, people are still not going to be leaving their homes. The economy has held strong because of consumer confidence, not because the numbers were really there. That consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff, and it's going to be a long, slow climb back up to the top.

As for Biden, it doesn't matter what he does because Donald Trump is a lame duck walking right now. For the past month, I have been saying that the 60,000 deaths from this thing is way too low, based on the world data. Everyone said I was crazy or lying, or both. Yesterday, Trump doubled his death estimates. I'm here to tell you the numbers he's quoting are STILL half of what is really happening.

If you look at the numbers, you will see that 300,000 people are likely to be dead before the election, based just on the number of active cases today. And there's STILL NO TESTING.

You are NEVER going to get a handle on this thing without testing. Texas and Florida - with two of the highest rates of illness and death, have stopped testing. Republican governors trying to curry favour with Trump by keeping their numbers low. Dumb and dumber. They don't know where the illness is until people start showing up at the hospital, or are found dead in their homes.

Every nation which has kept their rate of illnes and death down, has done so by testing, testing, testing. The reason why Germany and South Korea have the lowest rates of death in the world, is because they tested everyone and by testing and treating early, their rate of death was reduced.

Remember the old adage: Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Trump has done the opposite. He's only planned for the best, and he has both ignored and tried to wish away the worst. Every decision he has made along the way, has increased the rate of illness and death.

Pushing the country to re-open early may be the deadliest of all.
Why don’t ewe take a leap off a short dock? Go graveling with two faced dumbassed Trudeau and for god’s sake change his fucking underwear!
trump tells you Trudeau is 2 faced and you repeat it. If trump told you to divorce your souse, you'd leave your spouse.
Why are you backing Trudeau? He’s obviously an evil white person.
Since I don't hate all white people try another question.
Timeline | Joe Biden For President
There will no waltzing to victory for trump. His record will be put on display. The ads are going to get more truthful and harsher as time goes on in this campaign. The time has come for trump and time is undefeated.

Mourning in America

And you're gonna cry. 4 1/2 more years. Suck it up buttercup. We dealt with the worst president ever for 8 years
There will no waltzing to victory for trump. His record will be put on display. The ads are going to get more truthful and harsher as time goes on in this campaign. The time has come for trump and time is undefeated.

Mourning in America

And you're gonna cry. 4 1/2 more years. Suck it up buttercup. We dealt with the worst president ever for 8 years
Yes we did deal with GW Bush who was the worst until trump. I won't be crying. I expect trump to lose. If he does win, I am going to watch people like you cry as he fucks up this country for good.

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