The tits and tats of witnesses, this includes Hunter

"What was the President wanting investigated? Something involving Hunter Biden? What was happening that needed investigating?"

Hunter Biden needs to testify as his scandal is at the center of Schiff's manufactured coup....

...and Hunter's testimony / scandal leads to Joe Biden & his videotaped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM...

....and Ukraine leads to Schiff...and his Ukraine & Burisma payments...and the Whistle Blower...and his new employee, the IC IG...



The Biden's didn't try to extort the Ukrainians, Donald Trump did. The Bidens have no knowledge or evidence of this extortion attempt.

Even if the Biden's were guilty of all of the corruption Trump claims, Trump's "military aid for investigations" deal was illegal and improper. THE US PRESIDENT HAS NO LEGAL AUTHORITY TO WITHHOLD FOREIGN AID ONCE IT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY CONGRESS.


Last but not least, now that your GRU has hacked Burisma, have they planted false evidence to be "found" in such an investigation?

Is that why you're now promoting Biden's testimony? You Russians have shot yourselves in the foot with that hacking, Evgeny.

More lies just repeated often does not make any of your post true, dumbass!

I'm not lying:

You just changed the subject, dumbass!

You also didn't read your source because it states there are no criminal penalties.
That’s not what the ruling says.

What does United States vs Nixon say about Executive Privilege, Colfax! You've made the claim it says something different from what I've let's see you back that up!

Where does it say that there's only one exception to executive privilege?

In the decision. Where does it say there are additional ones?

Show me the quote from the decision that declares there is one and only one exemption.

If they only cite one exception, Colfax...that's the only exemption there is. These are lawyers...they use words because they mean something. The Supreme Court ruled that there is Executive Privilege under the Second Amendment of the Constitution except when the Courts rule that evidence in an ongoing criminal trial is being concealed by that privilege and in that circumstance the Court can rule that Executive Privilege does not apply.

That would be Article 2, not 2nd Amendment.
They are telling you it's 2+2. It was a simple question. What factual testimony shows this was dirt gathering vs concern over a potential crime?

ANY excuse is an excuse. Not valid. You again are giving the Biden's full benefit of doubt and zerofor Trump.

That isn't 2+2.
You are right I’m giving Biden much more credit than Trump. I’ve seen for three years how Trump operates, how he hyperbolizes, how he lies, and bully’s and attacks and discredits. His tactics are well known. I don’t believe that his interest in Biden corruption is an anomaly. There is a process to follow if there was significant evidence of corruption to warrant a joint investigation between the US and Ukraine. He didn’t follow that, he went back door with Rudy and he leveraged congressional approved funds to try and get what he wanted. I’m not saying 2+2=4 because I’m being told that by the Dems. I’m saying that because I know how to add.
Then you are using 2 sets of rules. How is that being fair? You project onto Trump but won't allow that done to Biden. All I'm asking for is the same set of rules to apply to both. Don't care which set, but just 1. Facts or supposition. Both must follow the same process.

And I've asked 4 times now for what the facts are on Trump to link this to political dirt digging. It hasn't happened.
I just laid that out in my last response. You obviously do not agree, which is fine. But that’s my reasoning along with the narrative that is unfolding from staffer testimony.
You told me people said stuff who knew.

What did they say that was the smoking gun Trump was dirt digging? You didn't say anything specific just others provided info.

Want to know what was the exact quote, order or info that proves dirt digging.
Happy to lay it out for you later... that’s going to require some digging through A dozen testimonies and pulling quotes. There may be an article out there that sums it up, but that was my feeling after watching the hearings and examining all that has unfolded. I played golf in 3O mph winds and sideways rain today so I’m beat and not in the mood to do that work right now.

Im also not claiming there is a smoking gun. Trumps motives are obvious to me, but I dont think there is a recording of him saying “I did it because...” which is why I don’t support this impeachment and think it’s gonna backfire.
OK. I'll wait. My main point is you tend to find people guilty you don't like based off assumptions. But you don't allow people you like to be found guilty with assumptions, you want proof.

I want proof both times. My liking someone or not doesn't change the need for facts.
Not at all. I'm simply experienced enough with how the world works that when I look at someone pulling down $50,000 a month for a no show job that they wouldn't understand a thing about if they DID sets off the old "corruption alarm"! This isn't some new's been going on for as long as people have had government. You got someone with power? You need a favor from that person? You can risk giving them an outright bribe but that's jail time if you get caught. Giving their campaign a boat load of money is another option but they have rules now about how much you can give. Giving their kids a no show job that pays big bucks is the perfect solution. It's not against the law and most powerful people have a few kids kicking around that are useless pieces of shit that NEED that kind of a position!

I know that kind of corruption is going to happen, Slade. It's how the world works. What concerns me is to what extent the politician who has been in effect "bought off" returns the favor for what's been done for their off-spring! It's a question I'd be asking a lot if I were in a position like the Presidency. If I'm in charge of an organization I want to know that people aren't selling us out for a payoff. If they are...I'm going to expose what they're doing and make sure they're not in a position to do that anymore.
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
Again, how do you know what he was hired for? Maybe he wasn’t hired for experience with Ukraine or oil and gas. Maybe he was hired for public relations, or to give foot massages to secretaries.... point being it doesn’t sound like you know anything about anything besides right wing conspiracy narratives.

Well gee whiz...if he's sitting on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company...a reasonable person would assume that he has some knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry. Are you really going to sit here and claim that hiring someone for a job at $50,000 a month that he doesn't really do anything for (as shown by the fact that in five years he didn't go to the Ukraine ONCE on Burisma business!) seems on the up and up to you? That isn't a conspiracy's simply pointing out how sleazy this whole thing looked!
youre not even coming close to answering the question... how do you know hunter did nothing? You don’t know that

I had a tech company years ago and there was a lawyer on our board of directors who didn’t know jack shit about tech, but they knew law and understood our biz model free. I work with a golf program now that has a half dozen people on the board that don’t even play golf but they can fund raise... point being you don’t know why he was hired or what he did, and without evidence that he was doing something illegal you don’t really have a right to know. This has got to be one of your weakest arguments
Then again, what was hunters role? He's making assumptions, correct. But you are arguing that's no proof.

I agree. Now apply that to all. Not just those you like or "your side".
Then again, what was hunters role? He's making assumptions, correct. But you are arguing that's no proof.

Of course, making assumptions is greatly facilitated while maintaining a state of willful, belligerent ignorance. It isn't as if Hunter's role was a carefully kept state secret. But the handlers in Rightardia won't report it, and, as is commonly known, Google is permanently broken in that bleak and dreary continent.
Not at all. I'm simply experienced enough with how the world works that when I look at someone pulling down $50,000 a month for a no show job that they wouldn't understand a thing about if they DID sets off the old "corruption alarm"! This isn't some new's been going on for as long as people have had government. You got someone with power? You need a favor from that person? You can risk giving them an outright bribe but that's jail time if you get caught. Giving their campaign a boat load of money is another option but they have rules now about how much you can give. Giving their kids a no show job that pays big bucks is the perfect solution. It's not against the law and most powerful people have a few kids kicking around that are useless pieces of shit that NEED that kind of a position!

I know that kind of corruption is going to happen, Slade. It's how the world works. What concerns me is to what extent the politician who has been in effect "bought off" returns the favor for what's been done for their off-spring! It's a question I'd be asking a lot if I were in a position like the Presidency. If I'm in charge of an organization I want to know that people aren't selling us out for a payoff. If they are...I'm going to expose what they're doing and make sure they're not in a position to do that anymore.
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
Again, how do you know what he was hired for? Maybe he wasn’t hired for experience with Ukraine or oil and gas. Maybe he was hired for public relations, or to give foot massages to secretaries.... point being it doesn’t sound like you know anything about anything besides right wing conspiracy narratives.

Well gee whiz...if he's sitting on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company...a reasonable person would assume that he has some knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry. Are you really going to sit here and claim that hiring someone for a job at $50,000 a month that he doesn't really do anything for (as shown by the fact that in five years he didn't go to the Ukraine ONCE on Burisma business!) seems on the up and up to you? That isn't a conspiracy's simply pointing out how sleazy this whole thing looked!
youre not even coming close to answering the question... how do you know hunter did nothing? You don’t know that

I had a tech company years ago and there was a lawyer on our board of directors who didn’t know jack shit about tech, but they knew law and understood our biz model free. I work with a golf program now that has a half dozen people on the board that don’t even play golf but they can fund raise... point being you don’t know why he was hired or what he did, and without evidence that he was doing something illegal you don’t really have a right to know. This has got to be one of your weakest arguments

Three different Burisma executives testified they'd never seen Hunter Biden attend a board meeting or conduct any business for Burisma inside of the Ukraine. What is it you think Hunter DID, Slade? This was a classic "no show" job! It's why Hunter Biden quit that job as soon as people started looking into it! He knew damn well it wasn't going to stand up to scrutiny and that it would be obvious what had taken place! Once again...this wasn't a "crime" but it was sleazy as all get out!
Biden's position with the company was described by one Burisma executive as a "ceremonial" appointment! What does that mean to you, Slade? Did you have any "ceremonial" figures for your golf program? You know as well as I do what that's someone who's name goes on the program but doesn't do jack shit when it comes to the actual work of running the program!

Stop embarrassing yourself pretending this was anything other than what it was...
Remember that this was the period of time when Hunter Biden was getting kicked out of his house by his ex-wife because of his alcoholism and drug addiction...when he was sleeping with his dead brother's widow while cheating on her with a stripper that he impregnated! Claiming THAT guy was a valuable "asset" to any company is laughable! Hunter Biden was a hot mess...which is why Joe Biden probably let him take the Burisma job. Quite frankly, Hunter needed the cash!
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
Again, how do you know what he was hired for? Maybe he wasn’t hired for experience with Ukraine or oil and gas. Maybe he was hired for public relations, or to give foot massages to secretaries.... point being it doesn’t sound like you know anything about anything besides right wing conspiracy narratives.

Well gee whiz...if he's sitting on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company...a reasonable person would assume that he has some knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry. Are you really going to sit here and claim that hiring someone for a job at $50,000 a month that he doesn't really do anything for (as shown by the fact that in five years he didn't go to the Ukraine ONCE on Burisma business!) seems on the up and up to you? That isn't a conspiracy's simply pointing out how sleazy this whole thing looked!
youre not even coming close to answering the question... how do you know hunter did nothing? You don’t know that

I had a tech company years ago and there was a lawyer on our board of directors who didn’t know jack shit about tech, but they knew law and understood our biz model free. I work with a golf program now that has a half dozen people on the board that don’t even play golf but they can fund raise... point being you don’t know why he was hired or what he did, and without evidence that he was doing something illegal you don’t really have a right to know. This has got to be one of your weakest arguments

Three different Burisma executives testified they'd never seen Hunter Biden attend a board meeting or conduct any business for Burisma inside of the Ukraine. What is it you think Hunter DID, Slade? This was a classic "no show" job! It's why Hunter Biden quit that job as soon as people started looking into it! He knew damn well it wasn't going to stand up to scrutiny and that it would be obvious what had taken place! Once again...this wasn't a "crime" but it was sleazy as all get out!
These are more great examples of giving benefit of doubt and demand specific proof for your allegations.

But "well I believe this is what xyz meant and that's enough" works on those he doesn't like.

I'm fine to go by either standard. I'm not fine mixing and matching to suit personal preferences.
So, the smear artists are out there in force throwing around their self-generated manure, hoping, quite obviously, to distract from Trump's brazen corruption, abuse of office, obstruction of Congress, obstruction of justice, violation of the Impoundment Control Act, not to mention paying his affairs to shut up, or the frauds that were his "university" or his "charity" (scare quotes very much advised), and neither his entanglement with Russian oligarchs and their ill-gotten money.

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

By James Risen

Dec. 8, 2015

It is not known how Mr. Biden came to the attention of the company. Announcing his appointment to the board, Alan Apter, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker who is chairman of Burisma, said, “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”

Joining the board at the same time was one of Mr. Biden’s American business partners, Devon Archer. Both are involved with Rosemont Seneca Partners, an American investment firm with offices in Washington.​

Yeah, Hunter to this day doesn't know how properly to drill for national gas. Still, to this very day, the smear artists aren't capable to name a single law Hunter violated, much less present a single piece of evidence justifying the start of an investigation. But hey, they have been told to hyperventilate about "Hunter earned more money than I could, in a job I couldn't possibly understand", and hyperventilate they do. Good doggies!
So, the smear artists are out there in force throwing around their self-generated manure, hoping, quite obviously, to distract from Trump's brazen corruption, abuse of office, obstruction of Congress, obstruction of justice, violation of the Impoundment Control Act, not to mention paying his affairs to shut up, or the frauds that were his "university" or his "charity" (scare quotes very much advised), and neither his entanglement with Russian oligarchs and their ill-gotten money.

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

By James Risen

Dec. 8, 2015

It is not known how Mr. Biden came to the attention of the company. Announcing his appointment to the board, Alan Apter, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker who is chairman of Burisma, said, “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”

Joining the board at the same time was one of Mr. Biden’s American business partners, Devon Archer. Both are involved with Rosemont Seneca Partners, an American investment firm with offices in Washington.​

Yeah, Hunter to this day doesn't know how properly to drill for national gas. Still, to this very day, the smear artists aren't capable to name a single law Hunter violated, much less present a single piece of evidence justifying the start of an investigation. But hey, they have been told to hyperventilate about "Hunter earned more money than I could, in a job I couldn't possibly understand", and hyperventilate they do. Good doggies!
So you don't like being smeared, just the smearing.

Bad dog.
Dems do realize that witnesses mean BOTH parties are calling witnesses right? Something like, Bolton for Biden, Mik for Whistleblower, etc.

I hear pundits saying that Biden won’t get called because he isn’t relevant to the charges but that argument makes no sense to me as he is at the heart of the accusations. Showing Hunter as corrupt disproves the accusations that Trumps “favor” was politically motivated... it’s Trumps only significant argument!

can somebody make the case for me why they don’t think Hunter would get called?
Neither Joe nor Hunter Biden have anything to do with this situation. If either were called as a witness, what would he be questioned on? There is no "there" there. Either trump asked a foreign nation for dirt on his political rival in exchange for taxpayer aid to this nation to assist this nation in fighting off the Russians or not. Neither Biden has anything to do with it.
of course Biden has something to do with it... he is the political rival Trump is asking for dirt about. And Trumps case is that he wasn’t asking for dirt he was rooting out corruption. The Reps will turn the focus on Biden being corrupt. You really don’t see that?
So, the smear artists are out there in force throwing around their self-generated manure, hoping, quite obviously, to distract from Trump's brazen corruption, abuse of office, obstruction of Congress, obstruction of justice, violation of the Impoundment Control Act, not to mention paying his affairs to shut up, or the frauds that were his "university" or his "charity" (scare quotes very much advised), and neither his entanglement with Russian oligarchs and their ill-gotten money.

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

By James Risen

Dec. 8, 2015

It is not known how Mr. Biden came to the attention of the company. Announcing his appointment to the board, Alan Apter, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker who is chairman of Burisma, said, “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”

Joining the board at the same time was one of Mr. Biden’s American business partners, Devon Archer. Both are involved with Rosemont Seneca Partners, an American investment firm with offices in Washington.​

Yeah, Hunter to this day doesn't know how properly to drill for national gas. Still, to this very day, the smear artists aren't capable to name a single law Hunter violated, much less present a single piece of evidence justifying the start of an investigation. But hey, they have been told to hyperventilate about "Hunter earned more money than I could, in a job I couldn't possibly understand", and hyperventilate they do. Good doggies!

So all of that hyperbole basically comes down to Hunter Biden didn't do anything wrong because he didn't violate the law? You're fine with him pulling down all that money for a job he obviously didn't do?
Simple question for ya, Olde...why did Hunter quit that job? Could it have something to do with the State Department's ethics department having told Joe Biden years earlier that the whole thing stank of corruption and he should put a stop to it? You're bent over backwards so far trying to excuse what the Biden's might as well plant a wet one on your own arse!
Because Mitch wants as little attention to the impeachment trial as possible....

He can call Hunter -- but when it comes to under oath testimony, the testimony Bolton and Mulvaney gives will be far more damning than Republicans asking Hunter shit that they themselves don't have any evidence of...because if they did have evidence of his corruption, there would have been an FBI and DOJ investigation already ongoing...

If Hunter Biden testifies then Joe Biden is toast as far as Presidential aspirations go. There's little question that although the Burisma board position isn't's as sleazy as it gets and I think the Biden's knew that only too well! It's why Hunter gave up that cushy job. He knows damn well that it was influence peddling at it's worst. He knows damn well that if a spotlight is shown on how he was cashing in on his father's position in both the Ukraine and in China that the American public would be disgusted by what they'd done.
You’d have to admit that anything lucrative Hunter did during the time his father served could be politicize and characterized like you just laid out. Right?

Not at all. I'm simply experienced enough with how the world works that when I look at someone pulling down $50,000 a month for a no show job that they wouldn't understand a thing about if they DID sets off the old "corruption alarm"! This isn't some new's been going on for as long as people have had government. You got someone with power? You need a favor from that person? You can risk giving them an outright bribe but that's jail time if you get caught. Giving their campaign a boat load of money is another option but they have rules now about how much you can give. Giving their kids a no show job that pays big bucks is the perfect solution. It's not against the law and most powerful people have a few kids kicking around that are useless pieces of shit that NEED that kind of a position!

I know that kind of corruption is going to happen, Slade. It's how the world works. What concerns me is to what extent the politician who has been in effect "bought off" returns the favor for what's been done for their off-spring! It's a question I'd be asking a lot if I were in a position like the Presidency. If I'm in charge of an organization I want to know that people aren't selling us out for a payoff. If they are...I'm going to expose what they're doing and make sure they're not in a position to do that anymore.
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
its funny and interesting to me that you can be so confident in something you know very very little about. You don’t know what Biden was hired to do, you don’t know what he did, you don’t know how he did it, yet you presume to know it all based on what I can only assume are conspiracy media reports.
Dems do realize that witnesses mean BOTH parties are calling witnesses right? Something like, Bolton for Biden, Mik for Whistleblower, etc.

I hear pundits saying that Biden won’t get called because he isn’t relevant to the charges but that argument makes no sense to me as he is at the heart of the accusations. Showing Hunter as corrupt disproves the accusations that Trumps “favor” was politically motivated... it’s Trumps only significant argument!

can somebody make the case for me why they don’t think Hunter would get called?
Neither Joe nor Hunter Biden have anything to do with this situation. If either were called as a witness, what would he be questioned on? There is no "there" there. Either trump asked a foreign nation for dirt on his political rival in exchange for taxpayer aid to this nation to assist this nation in fighting off the Russians or not. Neither Biden has anything to do with it.
of course Biden has something to do with it... he is the political rival Trump is asking for dirt about. And Trumps case is that he wasn’t asking for dirt he was rooting out corruption. The Reps will turn the focus on Biden being corrupt. You really don’t see that?
Again you assume it's a dirt case but I'm still waiting for proof, not assumptions. The same phrase also fits the looking for crimes narrative just as well. You give that zero leeway and the Biden's every leeway. It's my long running issue with your stances. Your assumption of guilt on others, but you defend you side from similar assumptions as... Assumptions.
So, the smear artists are out there in force throwing around their self-generated manure, hoping, quite obviously, to distract from Trump's brazen corruption, abuse of office, obstruction of Congress, obstruction of justice, violation of the Impoundment Control Act, not to mention paying his affairs to shut up, or the frauds that were his "university" or his "charity" (scare quotes very much advised), and neither his entanglement with Russian oligarchs and their ill-gotten money.

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

By James Risen

Dec. 8, 2015

It is not known how Mr. Biden came to the attention of the company. Announcing his appointment to the board, Alan Apter, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker who is chairman of Burisma, said, “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”

Joining the board at the same time was one of Mr. Biden’s American business partners, Devon Archer. Both are involved with Rosemont Seneca Partners, an American investment firm with offices in Washington.​

Yeah, Hunter to this day doesn't know how properly to drill for national gas. Still, to this very day, the smear artists aren't capable to name a single law Hunter violated, much less present a single piece of evidence justifying the start of an investigation. But hey, they have been told to hyperventilate about "Hunter earned more money than I could, in a job I couldn't possibly understand", and hyperventilate they do. Good doggies!

What's laughable is Apter calling Hunter Biden "professional" and the harbinger of "best corporate practices" when he was in fact a full blown alcoholic and drug addict that had been kicked out of his home by his wife because he was so bad and was running around knocking up strippers out in Cali! Yeah, right, Alan! That Hunter Biden is just what the doctor ordered if you were looking for a real "professional"! (eye roll)

Oh that me "smearing" Hunter Biden? LOL
You’d have to admit that anything lucrative Hunter did during the time his father served could be politicize and characterized like you just laid out. Right?

Not at all. I'm simply experienced enough with how the world works that when I look at someone pulling down $50,000 a month for a no show job that they wouldn't understand a thing about if they DID sets off the old "corruption alarm"! This isn't some new's been going on for as long as people have had government. You got someone with power? You need a favor from that person? You can risk giving them an outright bribe but that's jail time if you get caught. Giving their campaign a boat load of money is another option but they have rules now about how much you can give. Giving their kids a no show job that pays big bucks is the perfect solution. It's not against the law and most powerful people have a few kids kicking around that are useless pieces of shit that NEED that kind of a position!

I know that kind of corruption is going to happen, Slade. It's how the world works. What concerns me is to what extent the politician who has been in effect "bought off" returns the favor for what's been done for their off-spring! It's a question I'd be asking a lot if I were in a position like the Presidency. If I'm in charge of an organization I want to know that people aren't selling us out for a payoff. If they are...I'm going to expose what they're doing and make sure they're not in a position to do that anymore.
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
Again, how do you know what he was hired for? Maybe he wasn’t hired for experience with Ukraine or oil and gas. Maybe he was hired for public relations, or to give foot massages to secretaries.... point being it doesn’t sound like you know anything about anything besides right wing conspiracy narratives.

Well gee whiz...if he's sitting on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company...a reasonable person would assume that he has some knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry. Are you really going to sit here and claim that hiring someone for a job at $50,000 a month that he doesn't really do anything for (as shown by the fact that in five years he didn't go to the Ukraine ONCE on Burisma business!) seems on the up and up to you? That isn't a conspiracy's simply pointing out how sleazy this whole thing looked!
you keep repeating the same lines but you aren’t addressing my counter arguments. He doesn’t need to be a Ukrainian gas expert to be on the board... boards are made up by members of all kinds of backgrounds... you don’t know what he was hired for and what he did, yet you ignorantly claim that he did noting. You have no proof, you’re just saying it.
Simple question for ya, Olde...why did Hunter quit that job?

The information on that is out there, widely reported. Of course, informing yourself would interfere with your duty of being Trump's mendacious lick-spittle, and therefore you remain willfully, belligerently ignorant.

There was a time when abject subservience of that kind was associated with shame. Actually, it still is, but... How did you manage to overcome that?
Dems do realize that witnesses mean BOTH parties are calling witnesses right? Something like, Bolton for Biden, Mik for Whistleblower, etc.

I hear pundits saying that Biden won’t get called because he isn’t relevant to the charges but that argument makes no sense to me as he is at the heart of the accusations. Showing Hunter as corrupt disproves the accusations that Trumps “favor” was politically motivated... it’s Trumps only significant argument!

can somebody make the case for me why they don’t think Hunter would get called?
Neither Joe nor Hunter Biden have anything to do with this situation. If either were called as a witness, what would he be questioned on? There is no "there" there. Either trump asked a foreign nation for dirt on his political rival in exchange for taxpayer aid to this nation to assist this nation in fighting off the Russians or not. Neither Biden has anything to do with it.
of course Biden has something to do with it... he is the political rival Trump is asking for dirt about. And Trumps case is that he wasn’t asking for dirt he was rooting out corruption. The Reps will turn the focus on Biden being corrupt. You really don’t see that?
Again you assume it's a dirt case but I'm still waiting for proof, not assumptions. The same phrase also fits the looking for crimes narrative just as well. You give that zero leeway and the Biden's every leeway. It's my long running issue with your stances. Your assumption of guilt on others, but you defend you side from similar assumptions as... Assumptions.
Do you at least admit that if the Biden's personal lawyer was convicted of a felony in which that lawyer named Biden an unindicted co-conspirator -- that would give much needed credibility to any Biden corruption allegations, correct??
I’m gonna stop at your first sentence and ask how it is you know it was a no show job and how do you know what he did and whether he was qualified or not? Where are you getting that from? Did Hannity tell you that?

Where am I getting what from? That Hunter Biden knows nothing about the Ukraine and nothing about the natural gas industry? He has ZERO experience with either and yet HE was American lawyer who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse...over what one can only assume are thousands of more qualified people with knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry? Does it really take someone else "telling" you that it's a no show job? Here's a the five years that Biden was on that board he never visited the Ukraine once for a Burisma board meeting. Not once! It's the very definition of a no show job!
Again, how do you know what he was hired for? Maybe he wasn’t hired for experience with Ukraine or oil and gas. Maybe he was hired for public relations, or to give foot massages to secretaries.... point being it doesn’t sound like you know anything about anything besides right wing conspiracy narratives.

Well gee whiz...if he's sitting on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company...a reasonable person would assume that he has some knowledge of the Ukraine and of the natural gas industry. Are you really going to sit here and claim that hiring someone for a job at $50,000 a month that he doesn't really do anything for (as shown by the fact that in five years he didn't go to the Ukraine ONCE on Burisma business!) seems on the up and up to you? That isn't a conspiracy's simply pointing out how sleazy this whole thing looked!
youre not even coming close to answering the question... how do you know hunter did nothing? You don’t know that

I had a tech company years ago and there was a lawyer on our board of directors who didn’t know jack shit about tech, but they knew law and understood our biz model free. I work with a golf program now that has a half dozen people on the board that don’t even play golf but they can fund raise... point being you don’t know why he was hired or what he did, and without evidence that he was doing something illegal you don’t really have a right to know. This has got to be one of your weakest arguments

Three different Burisma executives testified they'd never seen Hunter Biden attend a board meeting or conduct any business for Burisma inside of the Ukraine. What is it you think Hunter DID, Slade? This was a classic "no show" job! It's why Hunter Biden quit that job as soon as people started looking into it! He knew damn well it wasn't going to stand up to scrutiny and that it would be obvious what had taken place! Once again...this wasn't a "crime" but it was sleazy as all get out!
So now you’re saying it wasn’t a crime but it was sleazy?! Well then what the hell are we talking about here?!

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