The topless parade. Pride or shame?

i don't think you chics are trying hard enough; maybe you should post topless to see if that "vibe" gets through. :p

Don't you yet understand that none of the women are interested in you?
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p

i don't think you chics are trying hard enough; maybe you should post topless to see if that "vibe" gets through. :p

Don't you yet understand that none of the women are interested in you?
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p

Poor thing; having nothing but fallacy for her Cause and thinking she is sane; typical women.
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p
Why do you talk about porn and nudity? You're a typical horny sexist. Protesters message is for everyone to learn to behave male and female nipples equally and not to be so sex-crazed as you.
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p
Why do you talk about porn and nudity? You're a typical horny sexist. Protesters message is for everyone to learn to behave male and female nipples equally and not to be so sex-crazed as you.

I agree that women should have same rights & respect as men, including nudity.
Nudity is natural like shit, but nudity does not normally smell bad, and is nice to watch, esp if the body is in good shape, female or male.

However, it's also natural for men to be turned on to visually stimulating bodies, more so than for women.
There lies the "inequality".

One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
well I admit that that is not right.... if I were you, going forward, see if you can get your turn FIRST!

In his profile, it say that he is 52 years old!!!??? Can you believe that??? :cuckoo:
i told you i slept through "use them and lose them" class. now you know why i don't mind a good argument. :p

What class? Is that a class they teach at the mental hospital?
no; at the you "live the hand that life deals you", class. :p

Seriously though, what is wrong with you? Can anyone possibly be as socially inept as you seem to be? Or are you just trolling?
Maybe he just has an awesome sense of humor.
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p
Why do you talk about porn and nudity? You're a typical horny sexist. Protesters message is for everyone to learn to behave male and female nipples equally and not to be so sex-crazed as you.
And the way to accomplish a more balanced view of breasts is to see more of them...even on a daily basis.
One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
i agree; topless women should just "accidentally" bump into us whenever we should be used to modern women enough in modern times.
yes; do women understand not everything revolves around their poon in the non-porn sector :p
Why do you talk about porn and nudity? You're a typical horny sexist. Protesters message is for everyone to learn to behave male and female nipples equally and not to be so sex-crazed as you.
well; if you actually had a clue and a Cause; you would know it is about inequality under our form of Capitalism. women are worth their pay in the porn sector. why should any capitalist believe they are not worth their pay in the non-porn sector, ceteris paribus.
One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
i agree; topless women should just "accidentally" bump into us whenever we should be used to modern women enough in modern times.
But porn is just as much an abuse of the human body as prudishness. They're two sides of the same coin. Kids raised naturist are inoculated against the charms of porn. They see women as comely in every shape and stage of life. Prudishness is bad, but porn is not the answer.
One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
i agree; topless women should just "accidentally" bump into us whenever we should be used to modern women enough in modern times.
But porn is just as much an abuse of the human body as prudishness. They're two sides of the same coin. Kids raised naturist are inoculated against the charms of porn. They see women as comely in every shape and stage of life. Prudishness is bad, but porn is not the answer.
i use porn for gender study and ergonomics related concentrations.

i also agree to give topless women on rollerblades a free pass, should they bump into me.
One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
Maybe its because I have at least one form of respect. I am not about to go and do in public what other people may find to be something that is gross. I may have rights, but so does everyone else and that right there is just it. One person alone can not win against everyone else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I ever have kids, I will be using one of them breast pump systems.
One thing I don't understand is why people get upset about women breastfeeding. That's what they are there for, it's totally natural.
It is a natural thing, I agree, but I don't believe that it has to be in everyone else's faces when its her business and no one else's. To me, it should be like going to the bathroom.

God bless you always!!!

They're not flaunting it, but why should they hide it to protect your prudish sensibilities?
Maybe its because I have at least one form of respect. I am not about to go and do in public what other people may find to be something that is gross. I may have rights, but so does everyone else and that right there is just it. One person alone can not win against everyone else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I ever have kids, I will be using one of them breast pump systems.
That's fine if you don't want to do it, but why should mothers hide their breastfeeding because it makes you feel UNCOMFORTABLE? That's a bad basis for making public policy and thankfully laws that restrict activities that pose no demonstrable harm are fast falling out of style.

You don't have the right not to be offended.
However, it's also natural for men to be turned on to visually stimulating bodies, more so than for women.
I don't know how factual that is. I'm not saying you're wrong. I just don't know if it's true that men are more appreciative of attractive female nudity than vice/versa.

What I do know is women are inclined to discreetly conceal their responses to sexually attractive men.
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!

Picture Removed. No Nudity.

Fight for equality by showing tits. Why stop there?

Btw, what happened to women? Since when being modern women require turning into vapid whore?

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