The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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It was proven that if you gave all the people in the United States equal amounts to do with it what you want, after 5 years, there would be a few smart rich people, and a lot of stupid poor people as we see how it is in America today.
Just look at the long term success rates of lottery winners for a perfect example.

Within five years those taking the one time pay out usually aren't really much if any better off than the were before they won.
Just look at the long term success rates of lottery winners for a perfect example.

Within five years those taking the one time pay out usually aren't really much if any better off than the were before they won.
Yes 1 in every 7 lottery winners end up not going bankrupt because many dont know how to invest, seek help with friends and relatives who end up siphoning off much of that wealth.
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The Democrat filth that stole the 2020 election caused a great decease in family income in this country. Also, poverty is increasing. Exactly the same thing that happen when Obama was President but not as bad as it is now.

I don't give a shit if somebody else makes more money than me. That doesn't affect me. However, the government can fuck up my life big time with oppression, increased taxes and polices that screw up the economy like we are seeing now.
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I grew up till the age of 11 in a wealthy family.
After my Dad left my mother,for good reason, I was given to my mother by the state.
It left me poor from 11 till I was around 22.
I learned real quick I didnt want to live like that. After spending a winter in a house with no power and taking Ice cold showers along with cooking over a fireplace I wised up and started applying myself.
Once I did that things became much better and I managed to retire at 46.
Nobody gave me shit including the government. I have zero compassion for the poor...I was one of them.
If they dont want to be poor it's up to them to fix their lives and no one else's.
If you had a trillion dollars to give away you couldn't even give every person in the US a thousand dollars before running ou

If you had a trillion dollars to give away you couldn't even give every person in the US a thousand dollars before running out of money.
i would like to give every person in the country enough money to retire. at least $500 million dollars.
The Democrat filth that stole the 2020 election caused a great decease in family income in this country. Also, poverty is increasing Exactly the same thing that happen when Obama was President but not as bad as it is now.

I don't give a shit if somebody else makes more money than me. That doesn't affect me. However, the government can fuck up my life big time with oppression, increased taxes and polices that screw up the economy like we are seeing now.
No shit.....Everyone I know (solid middle class, mostly retired) is being a lot more careful with their spending now, not buying a little here and a little there really adds-up when millions are doing it because they are waiting for the next shoe to drop from Tater's .gov..

There's very little confidence that things are going to get any better in the short term either......I don't think the consumer confidence index has slipped that much yet but the first people that impose austerity measures on themselves on everyday buying is the lower-middle to middle class.
No shit.....Everyone I know (solid middle class, mostly retired) is being a lot more careful with their spending now, not buying a little here and a little there really adds-up when millions are doing it because they are waiting for the next shoe to drop from Tater's .gov..

There's very little confidence that things are going to get any better in the short term either......I don't think the consumer confidence index has slipped that much yet but the first people that impose austerity measures on themselves on everyday buying is the lower-middle to middle class.
The only thing really propping up consumer confidence is the fact that most Americans think we'll just continue with bail out after bail out if the economy gets into too much trouble.

Of course that will only cause even more inflation.

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