The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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These fucking deranged hate filled Libtards will say that your rise from poverty was the result of your White Privilege or some silly shit like that. Nothing to do with your hard work. (Assuming you are White).

They also think that the welfare Negroes, Illegals and worthless Moon Bats are entitled to all kinds of free stuff that you must work to provide to them.

I'm a blue eyed Dutch so yeah I'm white alright.
The Democrat filth that stole the 2020 election caused a great decease in family income in this country. Also, poverty is increasing. Exactly the same thing that happen when Obama was President but not as bad as it is now.

I don't give a shit if somebody else makes more money than me. That doesn't affect me. However, the government can fuck up my life big time with oppression, increased taxes and polices that screw up the economy like we are seeing now.
So not one Republican agrees with papageorgio? He’s not a Republican.
First you need to explain how this transfer happened.
Y’all claim it didn’t, and nothing wrong if it did. Now I have to explain? No. If you agree it happened, tell us how.
Y’all claim it didn’t, and nothing wrong if it did. Now I have to explain? No. If you agree it happened, tell us how.
Um, your thread. You claim there has been a migration of wealth from the poor to the rich.

Lets see your data.
Um, your thread. You claim there has been a migration of wealth from the poor to the rich.

Lets see your data.
Papageorgio made the claim on another thread and said he is a Republican. I agree with him there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich. He wants to blame democrats I blame republicans. But I told him not one Republican would even admit what he said is true true and if he believes there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich he’s not really a Republican and youve all proven me right.

But if you were going to admit wealth distribution has occured, you would only admit it if you can blame democrats, as papageorgio is trying to pull off. Classic Republican tactic.

You guys do it on everything. One day you’ll do it with global arming. You’ll go from denying it’s real to blam8ng liberals for it.
Papageorgio made the claim on another thread and said he is a Republican. I agree with him there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich. He wants to blame democrats I blame republicans. But I told him not one Republican would even admit what he said is true true and if he believes there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich he’s not really a Republican and youve all proven me right.

But if you were going to admit wealth distribution has occured, you would only admit it if you can blame democrats, as papageorgio is trying to pull off. Classic Republican tactic.

You guys do it on everything. One day you’ll do it with global arming. You’ll go from denying it’s real to blam8ng liberals for it.
So you have nothing.
So you have nothing.
Well I believe it was Republican policies. Papageorgoi thinks it was democrats. You want my list? Ok.

How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid.

2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year.

3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions.

4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China.

5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage.

7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too?
Well I believe it was Republican policies. Papageorgoi thinks it was democrats. You want my list? Ok.

How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid.
Price gouging is a crime in the US. We were getting gouged by the Chinese.

I've seen no evidence of price gouging by US companies during the bad old days early in the pandemic. If there is, state AG's and Garland should be prosecuting them.
2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year.

As long as the illegals have the necessary documents there's nothing employers can do. If they refuse to hire or choose to fire on the basis they believe someone is illegal they are subject to prosecution and lawsuits for discrimination.
3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions.

You can thanks state and local regulations for the destruction of our manufacturing sector, not "Greedy Republicans".
4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China.

Everyone buys cheap shit from China because they are the largest manufacturing country in the world for consumer goods. It's not a matter of choice, we have little to no choice.
5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor.

That's just stupid and there's absolutely no evidence to show it to be true. The middle class got the largest tax break of all. Even the IRS data confirms that.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage.

The Market sets CEO pay. A job is worth what two people agree to or in the case of CEO's, the potential hiree and the corporate board. It's not the gov'ts business to meddle in it.
7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too?

Social Security and Medicare going bankrupt is what cost you having to work two extra years. Too many people are living much longer than was the case when the system was originally designed. Nobody is stopping you from retiring early you just can't draw those benefits until you reach eligibility age.

That age is going to have to go up again because the system is in terrible shape financially today and will soon be in the negative. That's the end result of people living longer.
Do you agree with this statement?

No, its a load of shit. The time of the least "income inequality" in America was during the Great Depression. The most "income inequality" was during boom times.

It intuitive as to why. When Americans are coming up with new technologies and advancements, those who are on top of those new technologies become obscenely wealthy.

But those new technologies also help those at the bottom and middle of the food chain as well. Not just the uber rich.

But when new things aren't being developed, people aren't getting particularly rich, but the low lifes as well as suffering.
Bogus poll. Define poor and rich.

Croney capitalism and corrupt politicians are killing the dollar and by doing so screwing the middle class.

To a path of elites and poor being all that is left.

Look it up. You lazy asses want everyone to do things for you. We are not your servants and you're in no position to tell others what to do.

Having 20% of your citizens hold 80% of the wealth of the nation is destroying the country. Conservatives talk about "elites". Conservatives seem to think the country is better off giving the elites all of their money and never taxing them.
democRats destroy America then blame everybody else. Fuck em all.

Idiot conservative repeat this endlessly, but the strong evidence is that Republicans crash the economy every time they're in the White House, and then blame the Democrats for it.

Democrats clean up the Republicans messes, and as soon as they do, the Republicans take back the White House, and Republicans crash the economy one more time.

The sad part in all of this is that you continue to believe Republicans and blame Democrats for your problems.
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No, its a load of shit. The time of the least "income inequality" in America was during the Great Depression. The most "income inequality" was during boom times.

It intuitive as to why. When Americans are coming up with new technologies and advancements, those who are on top of those new technologies become obscenely wealthy.

But those new technologies also help those at the bottom and middle of the food chain as well. Not just the uber rich.

But when new things aren't being developed, people aren't getting particularly rich, but the low lifes as well as suffering.
This is *exactly* the kind of thing Andrew Carnegie used to use in the Gilded Age. In the 1890s or so, when steel and trains and industrial machinery and so on were making industrialists such as him unfathomably wealthy, the vast majority of the poor working class were risking life and limb every day, living in illness and squalor doing unregulated, life-shortening physical labor for 16 hours a day in order to support that obscene wealth, while earning only pennies. Carnegie argued that if the more money the filthy rich made, the more they could build museums and libraries and concert halls to improve everyone's lives.

There's a quote, from Carnegie's book in 1889: “The Socialist or Anarchist who seeks to overturn present conditions is to be regarded as attacking the foundation upon which civilization itself rests.” Sound familiar?

Turns out Carnegie's words came back to bite him, because that money doesn't actually flow to the lower classes very much at all; it just exacerbates the wealth gap. His was the kind of thinking that inspired the Populist movement, then the wild reforms of the Progressive Era.
Papageorgio made the claim on another thread and said he is a Republican. I agree with him there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich. He wants to blame democrats I blame republicans. But I told him not one Republican would even admit what he said is true true and if he believes there has been a migration of wealth from poor to rich he’s not really a Republican and youve all proven me right.

But if you were going to admit wealth distribution has occured, you would only admit it if you can blame democrats, as papageorgio is trying to pull off. Classic Republican tactic.

You guys do it on everything. One day you’ll do it with global arming. You’ll go from denying it’s real to blam8ng liberals for it.

Any old tactic, you're up to to be bamboozled by it. Every time.

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