The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Look it up. You lazy asses want everyone to do things for you. We are not your servants and you're in no position to tell others what to do.

Having 20% of your citizens hold 80% of the wealth of the nation is destroying the country. Conservatives talk about "elites". Conservatives seem to think the country is better off giving the elites all of their money and never taxing them.

I find you funny.
The Wife and I made well over 250k a year for over 20 years. When the Wifes bank was sold she made 500k a year for four years in severance payments. And we live in Texas and neither of us are college grads.
My Cousin who's from BC has homes all over the world and they make us look like paupers in comparison.
So I guess my question is where did you go wrong in life?
The poor don't have enough money or influence to cause any problems for the nation. We cannot look at the poor for any of our problems. As far as the rich, read the Bible and their odds of being accepted into heaven.
Idiot conservative repeat this endlessly, but the strong evidence is that Republicans crash the economy every time they're in the White House, and then blame the Democrats for it.

Democrats clean up the Republicans messes, and as soon as they do, the Republicans take back the White House, and Republicans crash the economy one more time.

The sad part in all of this is that you continue to believe Republicans and blame Democrats for your problems.
The middle class votes against it's own self interests over & over again by electing the same people like shit for brains Trump & his lackeys who passed a tax break costing the Treasury trilions.

Guess where shit for brains Trump infrastructure money went. To their cronies.
Think only left wingers collect "free stuff", don'tcha genius?

Now right on cue, go apeshit.
I am against all welfare, subsidies, bailouts, entitlements and grants, no matter who it goes to.

The filthy ass Left loves all of that shit, providing they are the ones that get it.
The middle class votes against it's own self interests over & over again by electing the same people like shit for brains Trump & his lackeys who passed a tax break costing the Treasury trilions.

Guess where shit for brains Trump infrastructure money went. To their cronies.
The middle class is not represented by either party.
So not one Republican agrees with papageorgio? He’s not a Republican.
I'm not a Republican. Republicans are Democrat Light. They are just as much a party of big government as the Democrat filth. Just slightly more moderate.
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Well, I would put it differently.

Seems to me that it's a combination of (a) a simplistic, shallow, naive application of capitalism and (b) the enabling of an political/electoral "system that incentives and rewards the worst impulses of its participants. In other words, an entirely self-inflicted wound.

And yeah, we're on the edge right now, as a result.
I'm not a Republican. Republicans are Democrat Light. They are just as much a party of big government as the Democrat filth. Just slightly more moderate.
As long as a republican supports the whole second amendment and makes no attempt of infringing on that right I will continue to support Republicans.
The poor don't have enough money or influence to cause any problems for the nation. We cannot look at the poor for any of our problems. As far as the rich, read the Bible and their odds of being accepted into heaven.
The US is the land of opportunity. Despite the Left doing everything it can to destroy this country and succeeding far too many times you don't have to be poor if you get off your ass and go to work.

The poor commit the great majority of crimes in this country and we in our stupidity let them be a burden with welfare. These inner city ghetto shitheads are not going to get into Heaven for the most part. They are the scum of this country.

If you visit a city like say, Chicago, your chances of being murdered by a "poor" person is astronomically higher than being murdered by one of the rich people living there.
As long as a republican supports the whole second amendment and makes no attempt of infringing on that right I will continue to support Republicans.
Republicans have compromised with the Left far too many times with the Democrats on gun rights. Yes, they are better than Democrats but that ain't saying much since the bar the Democrats set is so low.

Let me give you an example here in my state. Florida has a super majority of Republicans in the House and a comfortable margin in the Senate. Although Governor DeSantis supports it we are not getting Constitutional carry because there are Republicans that oppose it. Republicans helped to pass that stupid anti right to keep and bear arms bill after Parkland.

It was a Republican sponsored bill that Reagan signed that created the Registry on Class III firearms. Many Republicans voted for the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. There are a lot of other examples.

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