The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Well I believe it was Republican policies. Papageorgoi thinks it was democrats. You want my list? Ok.

How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid.

2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year.

3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions.

4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China.

5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage.

7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too?
In my life time not one rich person has ever stolen my money that I know of. In fact the rich have provided jobs, tax revenue and charity.

However, the Liberal assholes have taken my money through filthy ass taxes and handed it out to their special interest groups like it was candy.

I have been hurt by the low life scum that elect Liberals to government that have taxed me for their own greed and have implemented economic policies that have fucked the economy.
But you will give the wealthy a free pass. They don't know what work is.
You are kidding right?

There are some rich that got their wealth through inherited wealth, like those Kennedy assholes. However, most rich people get that way through tremendously hard work.

It is almost as hard to keep the wealth as it is to make it. Every year there is a turnover of 1/3rd of the number in the top 1% of the wealthiest people in the US.
There's an effort to demonize the left? Really? When's the last time you heard of a 2%er who's was hurt - by anything?

Gas prices taking an emotional toll on them when their filling up their mega yachts & private jets, that it?

The overwheming majority of top 2% are not flying around on private jets. You are talking about the top .2%.

The top 2% is somewhere around $500-600k/yr. While comfortable, it is far from even considering jets and mega yachts.

It is all about perspective and the left has little.
Republicans have compromised with the Left far too many times with the Democrats on gun rights. Yes, they are better than Democrats but that ain't saying much since the bar the Democrats set is so low.

Let me give you an example here in my state. Florida has a super majority of Republicans in the House and a comfortable margin in the Senate. Although Governor DeSantis supports it we are not getting Constitutional carry because there are Republicans that oppose it. Republicans helped to pass that stupid anti right to keep and bear arms bill after Parkland.

It was a Republican sponsored bill that Reagan signed that created the Registry on Class III firearms. Many Republicans voted for the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. There are a lot of other examples.
Republicans learned the democrat '94 lesson. So I won't hold it against them too much besides most of the 94 Republicans who voted for the 94 bill are no longer in politics.
Well, I would put it differently.

Seems to me that it's a combination of (a) a simplistic, shallow, naive application of capitalism and (b) the enabling of an political/electoral "system that incentives and rewards the worst impulses of its participants. In other words, an entirely self-inflicted wound.

And yeah, we're on the edge right now, as a result.

Don’t you manage people’s wealth. I bet they wold LOVE to know your politics.
Well we all know there is a surplus of hard working laborers. The so called shortage is fake contrived news spewed by those who have an ominous agenda.
The middle class votes against it's own self interests over & over again by electing the same people like shit for brains Trump & his lackeys who passed a tax break costing the Treasury trilions.

Guess where shit for brains Trump infrastructure money went. To their cronies.
The ones that destroy the economy would be the Left that have disastrous Libtard policies. Policies that feed the Left's greedy special interest groups but makes it difficult for Americans to succeed. That is why under the Obama and Biden's administration family income has decreased.

There are numerous examples like Obamacare that gave subsidized health care to the Illegals and welfare queens but caused premiums, co payments and deductibles to go up for tens of millions of Americans. A great example with this Biden clown kissing the ass of the Environmental Wackos by artificially causing the price of fossil fuel to go up significantly, putting a burden on most working families.

How about that filthy ass CRA that was designed to make credit more accessible to the Democrat's minority special interest but wound up almost tanking the economy? Or any Democrat increase in taxes that takes money out of the productive economy and puts it in the hands of corrupt government bureaucrats? The list goes on and on.
Don’t you manage people’s wealth. I bet they wold LOVE to know your politics.
They do. I often have long conversations with them about it.

And why would you bring that up?

Lay it out for me, with specifics. Go ahead. Tell me what you (think you) know about my politics and my opinion of investing and capitalism.

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No, its a load of shit. The time of the least "income inequality" in America was during the Great Depression. The most "income inequality" was during boom times.

It intuitive as to why. When Americans are coming up with new technologies and advancements, those who are on top of those new technologies become obscenely wealthy.

But those new technologies also help those at the bottom and middle of the food chain as well. Not just the uber rich.

But when new things aren't being developed, people aren't getting particularly rich, but the low lifes as well as suffering.
So I don't know where Papageorgio gets the idea that the transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America. Has he shown up here yet to defend his position?

And he says he's a Republican. Not buying that. Not if he believes the transition from poor to rich has ruined America.

Of course Republicans will admit this if they can add the caveat that it's the Democrats who caused it to happen.

It's called Cognitive Dissonance. Papageorgio is having it on this one.
Look it up. You lazy asses want everyone to do things for you. We are not your servants and you're in no position to tell others what to do.

Having 20% of your citizens hold 80% of the wealth of the nation is destroying the country. Conservatives talk about "elites". Conservatives seem to think the country is better off giving the elites all of their money and never taxing them.
They'll blame rich liberals and hollywood liberals but never the CEO's of corporations with their out of control salaries while keeping their employees wages down.

Did you know during the Bush years, and yes the Obama years, when companies were shipping jobs overseas, the highest paid CEO's were the ones who sent the most jobs overseas? And they had the widest gap between them and the average employee that works in their organization.

Republicans will admit the gap between rich and poor is widening and that it's a bad thing but ONLY if they can blame Democrats for it. But when it comes to CEO pay skyrocketing while workers wages stay stagnant, not a fucking peep out of them. If we say anything about that, it's class warfare. Supposedly we are the ones waging it even though the rich are winning it.
Idiot conservative repeat this endlessly, but the strong evidence is that Republicans crash the economy every time they're in the White House, and then blame the Democrats for it.

Democrats clean up the Republicans messes, and as soon as they do, the Republicans take back the White House, and Republicans crash the economy one more time.

The sad part in all of this is that you continue to believe Republicans and blame Democrats for your problems.
A foreign friend of mine said it best. America will eventually do the right thing....after it has tried everything else first.

So don't blame the rich by the way for what's going on in America. Blame the dumb citizens who are middle class but vote Republican because of guns, gays, racism and god.
So I don't know where Papageorgio gets the idea that the transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America. Has he shown up here yet to defend his position?

And he says he's a Republican. Not buying that. Not if he believes the transition from poor to rich has ruined America.

Of course Republicans will admit this if they can add the caveat that it's the Democrats who caused it to happen.

It's called Cognitive Dissonance. Papageorgio is having it on this one.

I may be wrong here but Papa (to my knowledge) never claimed to be Republican, he claimed to be an Independent, unless he came to the dark side.

The transfer of money is not a political thing, it's a personal thing.
CEO means overpaid and underworked.
I'll give CEO's and VP's this. It's no life. It sucks being a CEO or VP. My brother is a VP. They pay those people a million dollars a year and they hate their jobs. You think you would love it making that kind of money but no matter how much money they pay you, you hate having to have those conference calls on Saturday's and Sunday. A lot of stress.

But then again, I would like my brother to work one month doing what I do and take home my $100K a year pay and see what he thinks then. Then he'd realize there was not that much more pressure at the job that paid $1 million.

But I don't have to be on meetings Saturday and Sunday's. But is that really worth an extra $900K a year?

And all these people think they are so important to the company. But guess what? When they quit, the company continues forward. And they just find someone else to do your job. No one is irreplaceable.
I may be wrong here but Papa (to my knowledge) never claimed to be Republican, he claimed to be an Independent, unless he came to the dark side.

The transfer of money is not a political thing, it's a personal thing.
The other day he said "I'm a Republican". His words.

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