The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Slick Willy was a pice of shit and we all know that. However, as corrupt and sleazy he was he had the political astuteness to go along with Republican Contract with America for the most part and that kept his administration out of the gutter.
The middle class votes against it's own self interests over & over again by electing the same people like shit for brains Trump & his lackeys who passed a tax break costing the Treasury trilions.

Guess where shit for brains Trump infrastructure money went. To their cronies.
naw, the demofks steal election cycle after cycle. They hate the middle class and love them the rich folks. They love money if you haven't noticed. Maybe some more trillions for them all huh?
Slick Willy was a pice of shit and we all know that. However, as corrupt and sleazy he was he had the political astuteness to go along with Republican Contract with America for the most part and that kept his administration out of the gutter.
He was without a doubt one of the best politicians I have seen. He was smart enough to see the writing on the wall after his first term mid-terms saw the GOP have an historic sweep.
He was without a doubt one of the best politicians I have seen. He was smart enough to see the writing on the wall after his first term mid-terms saw the GOP have an historic sweep.
yep, true bipartisan effort. Too bad neither party has the guts to repeat it.
Did middle-class voters do better under Trump or are they doing better today? That's why we vote Republican. Because I'll tell you what: If Trump were in charge we never would have had an employee/ supply chain problem because he refused to sign the Democrat pork bill that paid people more to stay home than work. He never would have left Afghanistan leaving behind Americans, 83 billion in US military gear, and the locals that helped us during the war. We wouldn't be paying near the prices we are for fuel today because Trump always had pro-energy policies, not anti-energy policies like Dementia. Because more people would have been working, we wouldn't be nowhere near the 8.5% inflation rate (and predicted to go higher) that we have today.
Let's not do that. Obama handed Trump a great economy. Trump supersized it. Then Covid hit. I'll give Trump a little credit for the economy. Very little. Still not worth it. Run someone else. I'm sure you'll love the next guy just as much. But maybe he won't be a scumbag. Is Trump all you got?
I am against all welfare, subsidies, bailouts, entitlements and grants, no matter who it goes to.

The filthy ass Left loves all of that shit, providing they are the ones that get it.

So what you're saying is you don't know shit about how the economy works, and aren't smart enough to find out so you're just going to oppose all government spending??? I'll bet you think tax cuts for the wealthy are a good idea though. Even though tax cuts for the wealthy are no different that welfare for the poor. It's just that the poor people don't ask for as much as the wealthy.
Well I think we'd all agree you lean right. And none of those undecided independent libertarian tea baggers like you are very smart either. You're just confused. Pick a side.
I always said I lean right fiscally and moderate socially.

You claim I am confused? lol! Hell, you dumb shits want change and keep electing the same damn stupid people and expect a different results. That is stupid on your part, at least I vote for real change and not some servant of big business like Joe Biden.

I am sure Biden is right to your liking, inept, just like the last three Presidents.
So what you're saying is you don't know shit about how the economy works, and aren't smart enough to find out so you're just going to oppose all government spending??? I'll bet you think tax cuts for the wealthy are a good idea though. Even though tax cuts for the wealthy are no different that welfare for the poor. It's just that the poor people don't ask for as much as the wealthy.

Define "wealthy".
I always said I lean right fiscally and moderate socially.

You claim I am confused? lol! Hell, you dumb shits want change and keep electing the same damn stupid people and expect a different results. That is stupid on your part, at least I vote for real change and not some servant of big business like Joe Biden.

I am sure Biden is right to your liking, inept, just like the last three Presidents.
Here's where I agree. Biden is going to do a lot for the little guy. I disagree with doing that. Fuck the poor. And Trump helps the rich. Fuck them. I like a president like Bill Clinton who helped the middle class. That also helps the rich. We all win. Even the poor win because our way it's easy to go from poor to middle class.

Clinton was a moderate liberal. You should have worshiped him. Gore would have been a great president. We will never know. Instead you voted 3rd party in Florida in 2000.
So what you're saying is you don't know shit about how the economy works, and aren't smart enough to find out so you're just going to oppose all government spending??? I'll bet you think tax cuts for the wealthy are a good idea though. Even though tax cuts for the wealthy are no different that welfare for the poor. It's just that the poor people don't ask for as much as the wealthy.
Here's where I agree. Biden is going to do a lot for the little guy. I disagree with doing that. Fuck the poor. And Trump helps the rich. Fuck them. I like a president like Bill Clinton who helped the middle class. That also helps the rich. We all win. Even the poor win because our way it's easy to go from poor to middle class.

Clinton was a moderate liberal. You should have worshiped him. Gore would have been a great president. We will never know. Instead you voted 3rd party in Florida in 2000.
Democrats only help their party. Biden is doing nothing and has done nothing except blame others for all of our problems. In fact Biden just like Obama has helped transfer wealth to the rich. He is worse than Trump but you are fooled because of the letter D.
So what you're saying is you don't know shit about how the economy works, and aren't smart enough to find out so you're just going to oppose all government spending??? I'll bet you think tax cuts for the wealthy are a good idea though. Even though tax cuts for the wealthy are no different that welfare for the poor. It's just that the poor people don't ask for as much as the wealthy.

Tax cuts for the wealthy are entirely different than welfare for the poor. In welfare, people work to create tax money that government gives the poor. With tax cuts, government only takes less of their money that they created than they did before.
Let's not do that. Obama handed Trump a great economy. Trump supersized it. Then Covid hit. I'll give Trump a little credit for the economy. Very little. Still not worth it. Run someone else. I'm sure you'll love the next guy just as much. But maybe he won't be a scumbag. Is Trump all you got?

Trump has been the best President since Reagan. I would say he's better since Clinton, but he committed a felony while in office.

The difference between DumBama and Trump is I can point to policies that stimulated the economy. You can't do that with the Kenyan lawn jockey. Government doesn't create jobs, private industry does. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do that. DumBama made it harder and Trump made it easier.

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