The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Here's where I agree. Biden is going to do a lot for the little guy. I disagree with doing that. Fuck the poor. And Trump helps the rich. Fuck them. I like a president like Bill Clinton who helped the middle class. That also helps the rich. We all win. Even the poor win because our way it's easy to go from poor to middle class.

Clinton was a moderate liberal. You should have worshiped him. Gore would have been a great president. We will never know. Instead you voted 3rd party in Florida in 2000.
what has Xiden done for the "little guy"?
Let's not do that. Obama handed Trump a great economy. Trump supersized it. Then Covid hit. I'll give Trump a little credit for the economy. Very little. Still not worth it. Run someone else. I'm sure you'll love the next guy just as much. But maybe he won't be a scumbag. Is Trump all you got?
demofk governors did everything they could to destroy america using wuhan as the reason. wuhan is stupid, even Saturday night live this past weekend showed just that. BTW, I couldn't believe my own ears that came from NBC.
A foreign friend of mine said it best. America will eventually do the right thing....after it has tried everything else first.

So don't blame the rich by the way for what's going on in America. Blame the dumb citizens who are middle class but vote Republican because of guns, gays, racism and god.

You believe the Demleftists want to help the middle class!
It's a ridiculous statement. Money ISN'T transitioning from the poor to the rich. Ever since the beginning of the country, the poor continue to get richer and richer.

Of course it's happening. Always has and always will.

We willingly send our money to the top. In fact we insist on it. The poor send their money to the top, the middle-class send their money to the top, and the upper-middle-class send their money to the top. We all do it.

To whoever is upset by that, all they need to do is stop sending their money to the top. Charity starts at home. I want to see SillyBobo cancel his internet, sell his car so he doesn't have to buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, get rid of his cell phone(s), cancel his cable television and put some antennas on his house, buy a windmill to make his own electricity, make all his food at home instead of stopping by Burger King or McDonald's a few times a week.

The only people that don't send their money to the top (or very little of it) are the Amish and Quakers. As for everybody else, it's an option that we happily choose to exercise.
Did middle-class voters do better under Trump or are they doing better today? That's why we vote Republican. Because I'll tell you what: If Trump were in charge we never would have had an employee/ supply chain problem because he refused to sign the Democrat pork bill that paid people more to stay home than work. He never would have left Afghanistan leaving behind Americans, 83 billion in US military gear, and the locals that helped us during the war. We wouldn't be paying near the prices we are for fuel today because Trump always had pro-energy policies, not anti-energy policies like Dementia. Because more people would have been working, we wouldn't be nowhere near the 8.5% inflation rate (and predicted to go higher) that we have today.

If Trump had retained power, you'd have food riots in the streets because Trump refused to give any money to working people. You had 10,000 people a day lining up for food baskets in Texas the week before Biden was Inaurgurated.

Nobody is sitting on their ass at home, Ray. Unemployment is right back where it was before the pandemic, and yet you have 11 million, mostly low income jobs, that cannot be filled. That's because you lost so many people to the pandemic, and you allowed no immigration at all for 2 years. The USA cannot survive economically without illegal immigrant labour. Your economy has always been built on a large source of cheap, underpaid labour. Banning immigration just proved how important that immigration truly is to your economy.

Despite all of the Republican whining about illegals, they refuse to reform immigration law. Why???? Because the existing mess WORKS for Republicans. It keeps wages down, and gives you the cheapest food in the world. And it gives them a good election tool.

You've just proven your economic ignorance Ray. You only know what the Republicans tell you, and its all lies. And you swallow those lies whole because you like the racism, and you like white nationalism. That's why YOU vote Republican. Because you hate minorities.
Look it up. You lazy asses want everyone to do things for you. We are not your servants and you're in no position to tell others what to do.

Having 20% of your citizens hold 80% of the wealth of the nation is destroying the country. Conservatives talk about "elites". Conservatives seem to think the country is better off giving the elites all of their money and never taxing them.
You might have a point if there was a finite amount of money in the US but of course you don't because there isn't.
This is *exactly* the kind of thing Andrew Carnegie used to use in the Gilded Age. In the 1890s or so, when steel and trains and industrial machinery and so on were making industrialists such as him unfathomably wealthy, the vast majority of the poor working class were risking life and limb every day, living in illness and squalor doing unregulated, life-shortening physical labor for 16 hours a day in order to support that obscene wealth, while earning only pennies. Carnegie argued that if the more money the filthy rich made, the more they could build museums and libraries and concert halls to improve everyone's lives.

There's a quote, from Carnegie's book in 1889: “The Socialist or Anarchist who seeks to overturn present conditions is to be regarded as attacking the foundation upon which civilization itself rests.” Sound familiar?

Turns out Carnegie's words came back to bite him, because that money doesn't actually flow to the lower classes very much at all; it just exacerbates the wealth gap. His was the kind of thinking that inspired the Populist movement, then the wild reforms of the Progressive Era.
Without patronage from wealthy Americans like Carnegie the arts would have died in the US.

Our great museums, galleries, and concert halls were all funded in such a way and many of the artists would have starved without direct support by those wanting to promote the arts.

I guess though to some it's a terrible thing when rich people give back to the communities, states, and nation that allowed them to become wealthy.
If Trump had retained power, you'd have food riots in the streets because Trump refused to give any money to working people. You had 10,000 people a day lining up for food baskets in Texas the week before Biden was Inaurgurated.

Nobody is sitting on their ass at home, Ray. Unemployment is right back where it was before the pandemic, and yet you have 11 million, mostly low income jobs, that cannot be filled. That's because you lost so many people to the pandemic, and you allowed no immigration at all for 2 years. The USA cannot survive economically without illegal immigrant labour. Your economy has always been built on a large source of cheap, underpaid labour. Banning immigration just proved how important that immigration truly is to your economy.

Despite all of the Republican whining about illegals, they refuse to reform immigration law. Why???? Because the existing mess WORKS for Republicans. It keeps wages down, and gives you the cheapest food in the world. And it gives them a good election tool.

You've just proven your economic ignorance Ray. You only know what the Republicans tell you, and its all lies. And you swallow those lies whole because you like the racism, and you like white nationalism. That's why YOU vote Republican. Because you hate minorities.

That old lie again? Dementia has said the most racist comments in our lifetime as a candidate for President. Trump said none.

Trump clamped down on illegal immigration and it led to higher wages (naturally, not manufactured) a thriving economy, and less wage depression for American workers. However we still kept our legal immigration in place, and that is allow a million outsiders to become Americans every year. This on top of our generous green cards and Visa's we pass out annually.

Working people don't need handouts by government. All handouts do is encourage people to work less hours. There are plenty of good paying jobs for people to work if they take the initiative to get them. Walmart is offering high five digit pay to six digit pay for truck drivers. We are very short postal workers, a job at one time many people would have loved to have. In our city the bricklayers union is paying any retiree $500.00 if they can find a younger person to join the trade. It pays in the $50.00 an hour range when you include all benefits. Plenty of work, plenty of overtime, and you get unemployment during the winter months when bricks can't be laid.

The problem in our country are drugs. Better paying jobs often require drug tests that people can't pass. Now that we have this buffoon in office with a virtual open border, we are getting more dope smuggled in by the month hooking more people on the stuff.
If Trump had retained power, you'd have food riots in the streets because Trump refused to give any money to working people. You had 10,000 people a day lining up for food baskets in Texas the week before Biden was Inaurgurated.

Nobody is sitting on their ass at home, Ray. Unemployment is right back where it was before the pandemic, and yet you have 11 million, mostly low income jobs, that cannot be filled. That's because you lost so many people to the pandemic, and you allowed no immigration at all for 2 years. The USA cannot survive economically without illegal immigrant labour. Your economy has always been built on a large source of cheap, underpaid labour. Banning immigration just proved how important that immigration truly is to your economy.

Despite all of the Republican whining about illegals, they refuse to reform immigration law. Why???? Because the existing mess WORKS for Republicans. It keeps wages down, and gives you the cheapest food in the world. And it gives them a good election tool.

You've just proven your economic ignorance Ray. You only know what the Republicans tell you, and its all lies. And you swallow those lies whole because you like the racism, and you like white nationalism. That's why YOU vote Republican. Because you hate minorities.
nothing to see here, canadian out of bounds, red flagged.
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If Trump had retained power, you'd have food riots in the streets because Trump refused to give any money to working people. You had 10,000 people a day lining up for food baskets in Texas the week before Biden was Inaurgurated.

Nobody is sitting on their ass at home, Ray. Unemployment is right back where it was before the pandemic, and yet you have 11 million, mostly low income jobs, that cannot be filled. That's because you lost so many people to the pandemic, and you allowed no immigration at all for 2 years. The USA cannot survive economically without illegal immigrant labour. Your economy has always been built on a large source of cheap, underpaid labour. Banning immigration just proved how important that immigration truly is to your economy.

Despite all of the Republican whining about illegals, they refuse to reform immigration law. Why???? Because the existing mess WORKS for Republicans. It keeps wages down, and gives you the cheapest food in the world. And it gives them a good election tool.

You've just proven your economic ignorance Ray. You only know what the Republicans tell you, and its all lies. And you swallow those lies whole because you like the racism, and you like white nationalism. That's why YOU vote Republican. Because you hate minorities.
10,000 a day lining up for food baskets in Texas, can you send a link please? We do know that Trump authorized that charities and other organizations were given food to distribute by the USDA but I heard nothing of what you are claiming.

And, we do not have the same participation rate in employment that we had in the first quarter of 2020, nice try there.

If you don't post the link, I completely understand you lied to us, again.
10,000 a day lining up for food baskets in Texas, can you send a link please? We do know that Trump authorized that charities and other organizations were given food to distribute by the USDA but I heard nothing of what you are claiming.

And, we do not have the same participation rate in employment that we had in the first quarter of 2020, nice try there.

If you don't post the link, I completely understand you lied to us, again.

you are wasting facts on a Canadian that does not understand the US, at all
Doesn't understand our economy, or simple math
Believes everything that the Left wing loons at The CBC tell her.
If Trump had retained power, you'd have food riots in the streets because Trump refused to give any money to working people. You had 10,000 people a day lining up for food baskets in Texas the week before Biden was Inaurgurated.

Nobody is sitting on their ass at home, Ray. Unemployment is right back where it was before the pandemic, and yet you have 11 million, mostly low income jobs, that cannot be filled. That's because you lost so many people to the pandemic, and you allowed no immigration at all for 2 years. The USA cannot survive economically without illegal immigrant labour. Your economy has always been built on a large source of cheap, underpaid labour. Banning immigration just proved how important that immigration truly is to your economy.

Despite all of the Republican whining about illegals, they refuse to reform immigration law. Why???? Because the existing mess WORKS for Republicans. It keeps wages down, and gives you the cheapest food in the world. And it gives them a good election tool.

You've just proven your economic ignorance Ray. You only know what the Republicans tell you, and its all lies. And you swallow those lies whole because you like the racism, and you like white nationalism. That's why YOU vote Republican. Because you hate minorities.
nobody banned immigration....there were never 10K people lined up for food baskets.
Democrats only help their party. Biden is doing nothing and has done nothing except blame others for all of our problems. In fact Biden just like Obama has helped transfer wealth to the rich. He is worse than Trump but you are fooled because of the letter D.
Actually no. Remember you guys loved to point and say "see GE doesn't pay any taxes now under Obama". That was because I accused Republicans of passing legislation to give mega multi national corporations tax breaks so you said Obama did it too.

But then Trump DOUBLED the number of corporations who now pay no taxes. That's the classic definition of transitioning MORE of the money from poor to rich. So you republicans. Don't complain that Democrats are responsible for more of the money going from the poor to the rich. When you cut more taxes for the rich and for corporations, then you have to make cuts somewhere. And those cuts have widened the gap between the rich and poor too.

Fuck the poor. I'm worrying about the gap between the middle class and rich. Fix the middle class you fix the poor.

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