The Treachery Continues! Maricopa County Moves Election Certification to ONE HOUR Before They Were Subpoenaed to Cough Up Election Records

Putin attacking Ukraine caused almost all this inflation despite your BS. After 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else we have the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness crime mental illness and hopelessness ever anywhere basically. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again end of story. We are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations a real mental health system and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich more like their fair share again for God's sake, also we have the worst most divisive and hateful propaganda machine since adolf. great job..,Go electric lol.... No that is bad lol....
The inflation started long before the invasion. It started with all the trillions of Covid relief started under Trump than vastly expanded under Biden. Inflation is the predictable result of throwing trillions of unbanked dollars intoban economy that already has shortages of goods for the dollars to buy. Trump at least tried to minimize the pork in the “Covid relief” bills but the democrats used their majorities and friendly press to emasculate him.
The inflation started long before the invasion. It started with all the trillions of Covid relief started under Trump than vastly expanded under Biden. Inflation is the predictable result of throwing trillions of unbanked dollars intoban economy that already has shortages of goods for the dollars to buy. Trump at least tried to minimize the pork in the “Covid relief” bills but the democrats used their majorities and friendly press to emasculate him.
The whole freakin election was live streamed and monitored by republican and democratic representatives.

So was the Kennedy assassination. Right out there in public. Thousands of eyes on it.

For you to continue to claim fraud is absurd.

Yeah really? You still think Oswald did it?

You are a talking point puppet. Try thinking for yourself.
You just don't get it. And probably never will.
As I said, no that is bad. I think they want you to buy an electric car, isn't a communist dictatorship... And global warming is actually an emergency.
I live on Social Security. Why don't you buy one for me.
So was the Kennedy assassination. Right out there in public. Thousands of eyes on it.

Yeah really? You still think Oswald did it?

You just don't get it. And probably never will.
Haha, if by “get it” youre talking about your crazy mindset and theories then yes I agree. Ill Probably never get it. Just as you probably won’t ever get reality
She lost by less than seventeen thousand votes out of two and a half million votes. That’s hardly getting “her ass handed back to her”. That’s a very close loss.
She's a loser. Period.
She lost by less than seventeen thousand votes out of two and a half million votes. That’s hardly getting “her ass handed back to her”. That’s a very close loss.

And amazingly enough just, just, just out the window that requires a recount.

Isn't it amazing how the democrats always seem to "win" by the EXACT amount they need to not trigger recounts.

Beggars belief.


There are going to be extensive legal battles. Why isn't the MSM covering this story? Why didn't they cover the fraud in 2020? Everyone knows why. There are to many things pointing to fraud for that to happen.
They aren't covering much because you cucks don't have a prayer in hell of over turning the will of Arizona voters. Suck it. 😄
The only fact you need to concern yourself with is that you're a loser pussy and crying about it won't change that.
This is not about me you stupid POS. It is about election integrity something, as a lying traitor, you do not give a shit about.
This is not about me you stupid POS. It is about election integrity something, as a lying traitor, you do not give a shit about.
Of course it's about your bitch ass feelings. I'll believe the election was compromised when you provide proof in a court of law that it was. Until then you can't do dick but cry about it. 😄
Of course it's about your bitch ass feelings. I'll believe the election was compromised when you provide proof in a court of law that it was. Until then you can't do dick but cry about it. 😄
They are working on that but the courts are corrupt. This should prove they are. People are not going to let this go. Just like 2020 it will be proven eventually.

Also you have said what you needed to say here. Any more gloating responses from you are nothing but trolling. I suggest the mods thread ban your useless ass right now.
They are working on that but the courts are corrupt. This should prove they are. People are not going to let this go. Just like 2020 it will be proven eventually.
Everyone is corrupt is the new everyone is Hitler.
Also you have said what you needed to say here. Any more gloating responses from you are nothing but trolling. I suggest the mods thread ban your useless ass right now.
Just remember when Kari Lake isn't sworn in and you lay down and take it like always that I am pointing and laughing in your direction. 😄

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