The Trouble With The Two State Solution

The trouble with the two state solution is that it leaves another enemy state on Israel's border, a state which refuses to admit that Israel has a right to exist. A state which will have an army and arm itself for future attacks on Israel. What country on the planet would agree to have a state formed right on their border which would be hell bent on wanting to eliminate you from existence?
The problem with the two state solution is NOT that the Pales will have an army. That's NEVER been on the table.

The problem is two fold. 1) the Pales have NEVER ACCEPTED PEACE FOR A STATE. 2) The Pales have been unable to create even a police force that can stop Palestinian terrorists from attacking Israel.
Asher, They prospered in the Arab world from Libya and Morocco to Iraq and Iran. This is the legacy of European Zionism. Arab nationalism came out of Palestine.
Until 1948. Then if not outright expelled, conditions were made so that leaving was the only viable solution. The difference between them and the Arabs that were told to leave the new State of Israel, is that Jews were welcomed in Israel while the Arabs were held in camps by the other Arab nations to be used as pawns.
Well, then why move to Arab Palestine?
They weren't staying in europe, or those who were still alive, even marginally. I wish they'd have been told to settle in the US, but they were going to Palestine, and given the fact that the US ignored the holocaust in the years leading up to WWII and even during WWII ...

At least the IDF was more concerned with not literally being driven into the sea at the same time the US was prosecuting an asian war to cover two presidents' relections ....
Until 1948. Then if not outright expelled, conditions were made so that leaving was the only viable solution. The difference between them and the Arabs that were told to leave the new State of Israel, is that Jews were welcomed in Israel while the Arabs were held in camps by the other Arab nations to be used as pawns.

The Arab League told the Palestinians to leave Israel right before the 1948 war. They expected to wipe out the Israelis and then the Palestinians could return. Things didn't go as planned, and the Israelis didn't let the Palestinians back.

The Arab League is responsible for the current war. They should all agree to accept all Gaza Women and children.

Then let Israel have at the Gazan men.
Palestinians have made it clear that when they get a country it will be free of Jews. but Israel, with all her diversity is the apartheid State??
The PLO has already FORMALLY declared Jews will NOT be permitted at the Western Wall. What’s to stop them from doing what Jordan did?
The Arab League told the Palestinians to leave Israel right before the 1948 war. They expected to wipe out the Israelis and then the Palestinians could return. Things didn't go as planned, and the Israelis didn't let the Palestinians back.

The Arab League is responsible for the current war. They should all agree to accept all Gaza Women and children.

Then let Israel have at the Gazan men.
The Arab states, including the Saudis, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Syria don't want the Palestinians! Would we want immigrants who are actively seeking a war? Look at Jaypal and Omar!

The Arab states did keep the Pales festering in camps when they had all the money in the world, and land, to build them a homeland.
No, only Arabs are building states that are pure Arab.

Every ethnicity and religion live peacefully in Israel.

Go read a book, Google searches only confirm people are stupid.

Arab Palestinians were already a majority in Palestine long before the Europeans sought sanctuary. You should have taken that into account in the 1920s and 1930s.
The Arab states, including the Saudis, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Syria don't want the Palestinians! Would we want immigrants who are actively seeking a war? Look at Jaypal and Omar!

The Arab states did keep the Pales festering in camps when they had all the money in the world, and land, to build them a homeland.

Where? You arbitrarily decided they should give up their ancestral homes for the immigrants?
Where? You arbitrarily decided they should give up their ancestral homes for the immigrants?

They chose to leave their ancestral homes in 1948. It was a really, really bad decision on their part. They expected the Arab League to kill all the Jews in Israel. It didn't work out that way.

It's almost like the Arab League states were in cahoots with the Israelis.
Where? You arbitrarily decided they should give up their ancestral homes for the immigrants?
No I didn't decide. Actually I wasn't born yet, but after seeing Sharon in action, I did come around to thinking the gop was right, and we should not have recognized Israel.

But the Pales were kept in refugee camps because the Arab States wanted them there, as a political tool, and Jordan certainly didn't want any more. You cannot logically blame the zionists for the Arab states' decisions. They could have built a homeland better than Israel with all they spent fermenting the misery.

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